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Mrs. Terry Britchford, Mrs. Louise Bradley, Mr. David Strange, Mr. Chris Van de Burgt. Miss Scarlett Birlchley (Co-opted), Miss. Breeze Newberry (Co-opted)
Mr Steve Cayton
Hon. Secretary
Mrs Linda Flynn
Vice Chairman
Mr Marcuss Baugh
Hon. Treasurer
Mrs Christine Partington-Palmer
Membership Subscriptions
Membership Renewalsare due by1st January each year.
and can be made with your Ch Show entry. Payment can be made by BACS
Lloyds Bank. Account No: 00490382 Sort Code: 30-12-20
or Cheque made payable to The Japanese Chin Club
and sent to the secretary Linda Flynn, Colonsay House, Davids Lane, Benington, Boston, Lincolnshire PE22 0BZ
UK Membership Single: £16.00, Joint £19.00, Junior £5.00
Overseas Members
Payment can be made by banker's cheque Account Name: The Japanese Chin Club BIC: (Swift Code) LOYDGB21640
IBAN: GB16LOYD 3012 2000 4903 82
Overseas Membership Single: £22.00, Joint £24.00
Overseas members only, please contact Linda Flynn (click email) before making your payment
New Members are always welcome to join the oldest Japanese Chin Club with a worldwide membership. Membership includes Lower
Show Entries, Yearbook, Chin Wag Magazine and Newsletter
Application form
If you share a love of Japanese Chins, then why not become a member of The Japanese Chin Club
The Japanese Chin Club is the oldest club, formed in 1895 and welcomes all new members Worldwide and throughout the United Kingdom. Whether you have a pet Chin, you show or would like to start showing, you will find a friendly club who proudly supports the health & welfare of the breed with like-minded people who have a wealth of knowledge on our beautiful breed. For more information
Are you looking to buy a puppy.... Visit our Puppy Register where reputable breeders belonging to The Japanese Chin Club have puppies for sale
Margaret Journeaux and her Japanese Chin dogs – a short history
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