Windsor Results 2018
Due to the extremely high temperatures at Windsor, no new photos were taken.
Ch Rakuchin Kenji Na
Alstella Pure Gold
Ch Stepheter Wanna Shout For Rakuchin
Choya Carolina
Choya Tomomi
VD/B (3) 1 Pearce & Hann's Ch Stepheter Wanna Shout For Rakuchin. So difficult to believe that this bitch is well into Veteran at 9 years old; black and white bitch presented in immaculate condition; so well balanced over all; good sized head with lovely skull, width of muzzle and desired look of astonishment; excellent outline in profile, with neck carriage, level topline and tail carriage all put together well; good chest and ribcage for size with fine bone; in excellent coat of silky texture that completed the picture; moved elegantly and with style; what a classy way to start the breed classes - this bitch set a high standard for the rest of the classes and I couldn't find another bitch that could beat her on the day. Bitch CC. 2 McDonald's Clandonald Kumiko. Good sized head and skull on this red and white bitch with dark eyes and well placed ears; good ribcage; nicely marked coat of silky texture; well presented. 3 Speight's Bonniroy Yasafii.
MPD (2) 1 Banks' Choya Tadashi. Typical expression and lovely head on this dainty well made black and white puppy; straight front, nice neck, level topline and well placed and carried tail; nice textured coat; showed confidently. 2 Speight's Bonniroy Yatsen Aka. Good sized head and skull on this red and white dog puppy with dark eyes and well placed ears; good ribcage; fine bone; hare feet; makings of a good coat; well presented.
PD (5) 1 Farmer's Sangria De Ja Vous. Dainty black and white dog with a lovely head, good reach of neck leading to level topline and well set tail; fine bone; moved stylishly and picture completed with nice furnishings; attributes shown off to advantage. Best Puppy Dog. 2 Rushton's Sangria Standing Ovation At Tiflin. Lovely size black and white puppy, compact body, well set tail; good size masculine, attractive head, typical look of astonishment; wide blaze, light markings on the body; nice coat texture. 3 Cushing's Ennistar's Katsero Akio At Spiritisle.
JD (6, 1) 1 McFarlane's Glendyke Wot A Guy. Good shape on this black and white young dog; good width of chest; nice neck, compact body with good ribcage, level topline, well carried plumed tail; attractive head with wide muzzle, dark eyes with correct expression, well placed ears; moved confidently and showed well. 2 Davidson's Tillashby Russian Infusion At Sharlarna. Lovely head on this dog, black and white in colour; typical expression, good skull; excelled in shape with nice reach of neck; level topline; fine bone; moved well; with nothing to hide, but left his best jacket at home today. 3 Hudson & Steele's Sharlarna Valentino At Threadgold.
YD (6, 1) 1 Reeves-Sargant & Diment's Alstella Pure Gold. Eyecatching red and white young dog who has a lovely outline and super breed attributes; good width of chest; nice neck, compact body with good ribcage, level topline, well carried tail; attractive head with wide muzzle, dark eyes, good expression, well placed ears; fine bone; excellently presented; moved confidently and showed well. Dog RCC. 2 Young's Sharlarna Magician. Lovely head on this black and white dog, correct expression, good skull; nice reach of neck; level topline; fine bone; excellent silky coat; moved well. 3 Benton-Taylor's Sansarc Jacobean.
PGD (16, 5) 1 Farmer's Sangria Pamojill Private Eye. Ideal size and outline on this well marked black and white dog; dark eyes with small amount of white giving lovely typical expression; straight front, level topline, nice width of chest; well set tail; profuse coat of silky texture; moved well. 2 Benton-Taylor's Sansarc Jacobean.Good sized masculine head on this nicely balanced exhibit; dark eyes, wide neat muzzle, good skull; silky textured black and white coat, well presented; lively expression. 3 Hudson & Steele's Sharlarna Elvis At Threadgold JW.
LD (10, 2) 1 Farmer's Sangria Midorchi Motivation. Super size black and white dog, very dainty and compact with good ribcage for size; level topline, well set tail; nice reach of neck carrying head nicely; characteristic look of astonishment, good skull, with neat wide muzzle, open nostrils; coat texture silky. 2 Tong's Sleepyhollow Rheingold. Excellent shape on this red and white young dog who excelled in his compact shape; good width of chest; nice neck, compact body with good ribcage, level topline, well carried tail; attractive head with wide muzzle, dark eyes, well placed ears; moved confidently and showed well. 3 Vincent's Yama Teddy Edward JW.
OD (6, 2) 1 Pearce & Hann's Champion Rakuchin Kenji Na. Super dog of correct size and with a great outline resulting from good neck carriage, level topline, well carried tail; black and white coat of lovely texture, good chest and ribcage for size; attractive head with correct expression for the breed; dainty with fine bone but retaining masculinity; moved and showed beautifully. Dog CC & Best of Breed. 2 George's Yama I'm Kimi Amronchi. Excellent head properties on this black and white dog presented in excellent coat and condition; dark eyes, wide muzzle; good body proportions and width of chest; level topline, well carried tail; showed steadily and well. 3 Farmer's Sangria Riverdancer.
GCD/B (1) 1 McFarlane's Myojo Morgan At Glendyke. Black and white dog, very compact with good ribcage for size; level topline, well set tail; nice reach of neck carrying head nicely; characteristic look of astonishment, good skull, with neat wide muzzle, open nostrils; lovely coat, texture silky.
SBD/B (1) 1 Cushing's Ennistar's Katsero Akio At Spiritisle. Nice size red and white dog puppy, very dainty and compact with good ribcage for size; level topline, well set tail; nice reach of neck carrying head nicely; nice expression, good skull, with neat wide muzzle, open nostrils; coat texture silky.
MPB (4) 1 Banks' Choya Tomomi. Confident black and white puppy with fine bone, well set and carried tail; pretty, feminine head with wide cushioned muzzle, dark eyes and good expression; level topline; clearly defined well broken markings on silky coat; moved and showed well. Best Puppy in Breed. 2 Pearce & Hann's Rakuchin Well Hello. Well made lightly marked black and white puppy; good size head with correct expression and neat finish to wide muzzle; nice neck; lovely outline; moved well; very much a baby, but showing promise. 3 Crane's Cranvarl Truly Scrumptious.
PB (4) 1 Flynn's Linjato Mimiko. Lovely black and white puppy with a most attractive head, good skull and width of muzzle, typical look of astonishment; excellent neck carriage leading to level topline and well set and carried tail; good chest and ribcage; fine bone; beautifully silky texture to coat completing the picture; seemed determined to throw away her chances, but pulled herself together enough to win the class. 2 Flynn's Linjato Myami. Litter sister to the winner and again a very nice exhibit; well marked black and white showing with confidence; lovely expression and wide neat muzzle; level topline, well set tail; compact body with excellent chest and ribcage; moved well. 3 Flynn's Linjato Mishiko.
JB (7, 1) 1 Quinn's Sharlarna Japanese Please. Black and white bitch, very dainty and feminine with fine bone; good neck and well carried and furnished tail; attractive head with good skull and width of muzzle, look of astonishment characteristic of the breed; compact body with level topline and good width of chest and ribcage. 2 Banks' Choya Sakurako, delightfully feminine black and white bitch; scored on beautiful expression and head with good skull and nicely cushioned muzzle; makings of a good coat; nice outline with proud neck carriage, level topline, well set tail; moved well. 3 Hampton & Young's Dalehouse Jezabel Sleepyhollow TAF.
YB (3) 1 Vincent's Yama Here Comes Kitty. Black and white bitch, very dainty and feminine with fine bone; good neck and well carried and furnished tail; attractive head with good skull, lovely look of astonishment; nice ribcage for size; moved with style. 2 Speight's Bonniroy Yumiko Aka. Red and white bitch; makings of a good coat, silky texture; good outline with proud neck carriage, level topline, well plumed tail; dark eyes, nice expression and lovely head with typical skull; moved well. 3 Cushing's Omikudzi Florentina At Spiritisle (Imp).
PGB (13, 3) 1 Rooney & Green's Swifthocks Paws For Thought. Lovely head on this nice sized black and white bitch with well marked silky coat; good skull with nice width of muzzle and correct look of astonishment; ribcage and width of chest as required; retained femininity; showed with aplomb. 2 Pearce & Hann's Rakuchin Ring Rumour.Beautiful expression on this bitch showing correct amount of white of eye giving look of astonishment; black and white coat of correct texture; nice size; long tail feathering; fine bone. 3 Cushing's Omikudzi Florentina At Spiritisle (Imp).
LB (9, 2) 1 Wallhead's Choya Carolina. Very feminine black and white bitch with a most attractive head, good skull and width of muzzle, lovely look of astonishment, dark eyes; excellent neck carriage leading to level topline and well set and carried tail; good chest and ribcage; fine bone; beautifully silky texture to good coat and furnishings to complete the picture on this nice sized bitch. Bitch RCC. 2 Constable's Arranbrook Imperial Dancer At Mitapip. Well marked black and white exhibit with a lovely outline and a glorious head of good size; large dark eyes with correct expression, wide neat muzzle; nice neck, level topline, well set tail; excellent width of chest and ribcage; moved and showed well. 3 Lindsay's Anjuli Beryl JW.
OB (5, 2) 1 Lindsay's Sleepyhollow Mavis At Anjuli JW. Nice sized black and white bitch in good coat of silky texture; well balanced over all, retaining femininity; good skull, cushioned muzzle, dark eyes and correct look of astonishment; nice neck, ribcage and width of chest as required; giving her handler a difficult time. 2 Reeves-Sargant & Diment's Alstella Going For Gold. Very compact red and white bitch with excellent skull and wide muzzle together with correct expression; really good width of chest and ribcage; fine bone; well carried tail; level topline; good furnishings; moved well. 3 Pearce & Hann's Yama Moonlight Over Rakuchin.
Nigel Marsh
Judge: Mr Nigel Marsh
BEST OF BREED : 1947 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Ch Rakuchin Kenji Na
Dog CC : 1947 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Ch Rakuchin Kenji Na
Res Dog CC : 1956 REEVES-SARGANT, Mrs C & DIMENT Mrs S Alstella Pure Gold
Bitch CC : 1946 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Ch Stepheter Wanna Shout For Rakuchin
Res Bitch CC : 1976 WALLHEAD Mrs J Choya Carolina
Best Puppy : 1902 BANKS Ms R Choya Tomomi
Best Veteran : 1946 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Ch Stepheter Wanna Shout For Rakuchin
Best Special Beginner :
Class 616 VD/B (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1946 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Ch Stepheter Wanna Shout For Rakuchin
2nd: 1944 McDONALD Mrs A J Clandonald Kumiko
3rd: 1961 SPEIGHT Mrs G Bonniroy Yasafii
Class 617 MPD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1901 BANKS Ms R Choya Tadashi
2nd: 1962 SPEIGHT Mrs G Bonniroy Yatsen Aka
Class 618 PD (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1923 FARMER Mr G W Sangria De Ja Vous
2nd: 1960 RUSHTON Mr R F & Mrs E A Sangria Standing Ovation At Tiflin
3rd: 1911 CUSHING Mrs J Ennistar's Katsero Akio At Spiritisle (Imp)
Res: 1970 TWEEDIE Miss S Rysalka The Outlaw
Class 619 JD (6 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1941 MCFARLANE Mrs & Miss J E & L Glendyke Wot A Guy
2nd: 1914 DAVIDSON Mr A W Tillashby Russian Infusion At Sharlarna
3rd: 1936 HUDSON, Mr S & STEELE Mrs S E Sharlarna Valentino At Threadgold
Res: 1911 CUSHING Mrs J Ennistar's Katsero Akio At Spiritisle (Imp)
VHC: 1928 FLYNN Mrs L A Linjato Issey Miyake
Class 620 YD (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1956 REEVES-SARGANT, Mrs C & DIMENT Mrs S Alstella Pure Gold
2nd: 1979 YOUNG Mr C Sharlarna's Magician
3rd: 1904 BENTON-TAYLOR Mrs L Sansarc Jacobean
Res: 1922 DOPSON Mrs L J Godheim Nashville At Jalindri
VHC: 1967 THOMAS Ms J Dzhunko Gin De Imperium Auri At Javalcy
Class 621 PGD (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1924 FARMER Mr G W Sangria Pamojill Private Eye
2nd: 1904 BENTON-TAYLOR Mrs L Sansarc Jacobean
3rd: 1937 HUDSON, Mr S & STEELE Mrs S E Sharlarna Elvis At Threadgold JW
Res: 1954 POTTS Mr R & Mrs J Holmchin Out of the Blue To Adreeam
Class 622 LD (10 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 1925 FARMER Mr G W Sangria Midorchi Motivation
2nd: 1969 TONG Miss J Sleepyhollow Rheingold
3rd: 1972 VINCENT Mrs S C Yama Teddy Edward JW
Res: 1932 GEORGE Mrs N Sharlarna The Tempest At Amronchi
VHC: 1975 WALLHEAD Mrs J Sleepyhollow Lester At Merida
Class 623 OD (6 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 1947 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Ch Rakuchin Kenji Na
2nd: 1933 GEORGE Mrs N Yama I'm Kimi Amronchi
3rd: 1926 FARMER Mr G W Sangria Riverdancer
Res: 1934 GROGAN , Mr L & LINDSAY , Miss L & O'HERLIHY Ms Sleepyhollow Baroque At Anjuli Sh.CM
Class 624 GCD/B (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1942 MCFARLANE Mrs & Miss J E & L Myojo Morgan At Glendyke
Class 625 SBD/B (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1911 CUSHING Mrs J Ennistar's Katsero Akio At Spiritisle (Imp)
Class 626 MPB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1902 BANKS Ms R Choya Tomomi
2nd: 1949 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Rakuchin Well Hello
3rd: 1909 CRANE Mrs L Cranvarl Truly Scrumptious
Res: 1948 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Rakuchin Skyes Aria
Class 627 PB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1929 FLYNN Mrs L A Linjato Mimiko
2nd: 1930 FLYNN Mrs L A Linjato Miyami
3rd: 1931 FLYNN Mrs L A Linjato Mishiko
Res: 1978 WHITE Mr & Mrs J & S J Palteemoor Princess Kasumi
Class 628 JB (7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1955 QUINN Mrs T A & Mr A M Sharlarna Japanese Please
2nd: 1903 BANKS Ms R Choya Sakurako
3rd: 1935 HAMPTON, Miss L & YOUNG, Mr T & LUBI L Dalehouse Jezabel Sleepyhollow TAF
Res: 1907 CONSTABLE Mrs M Arranbrook Hastobe At Mitapip
VHC: 1912 CUSHING Mrs J Glendyke Magical Pixie Girl At Spiritisle
Class 629 YB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1971 VINCENT Mrs S C Yama Here Comes Kitty
2nd: 1963 SPEIGHT Mrs G Bonniriy Yumiko Aka
3rd: 1913 CUSHING Mrs J Omikudzi Florentina At Spiritisle (Imp)
Class 630 PGB (6 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1958 ROONEY, Mr S J & GREEN Mr & Mrs J A Swifthocks Paws For Thought
2nd: 1950 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Rakuchin Ring Rumour
3rd: 1913 CUSHING Mrs J Omikudzi Florentina At Spiritisle (Imp)
Res: 1945 McDONALD Mrs A J Sansarc Sweet Katia at Clandonald
VHC: 1952 PEARSON Ms I Ereste Touch Of Class
Class 631 LB (9 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 1976 WALLHEAD Mrs J Choya Carolina
2nd: 1908 CONSTABLE Mrs M Arranbrook Imperial Dancer At Mitapip
3rd: 1939 LINDSAY Miss L Anjuli Beryl JW
Res: 1938 HUDSON, Mr S & STEELE Mrs S E Sharlarna Make My Day At Threadgold
VHC: 1910 CRANE Mrs L Sleepyhollow Doris of Cranvarl
Class 632 OB (7 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 1940 LINDSAY Miss L Sleepyhollow Mavis At Anjuli JW
2nd: 1957 REEVES-SARGANT, Mrs C & DIMENT Mrs S Alstella Going For Gold
3rd: 1951 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Yama Moonlight Over Rakuchin
Res: 1918 DAVIDSON Mr A W Ch Hin Satori Evita Karmensita At Sharlarna (Imp)
VHC: 1959 ROWLEY, Mr M H & WALLHEAD Mrs J Sleepyhollow Tikle My Fancy At Merida