Book of Remembrance
Ann Francis
I’d like the memory of me, to be a happy one.
I’d like to leave an after glow, of smiles when life is done.
I’d like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways,
Of happy times and laughing times, and bright and sunny days.
I’d like the tears of those who grieve, to dry before the sun,
of happy memories that I leave, when life is done
Ann bred five champions, and did the double at Crufts in 1980 with Dog Ch. Addislea Yanagi, and Bitch Ch. Addislea Yanina. Her last Ch. Addislea Yakkitty at Turnlaw 8 CC's owned by Ian & Sheila Millar who had the honour of going Best of Breed at Crufts 1989 the day she gained her crown. Ch. Addislea Yanusha, owned by Brian Mitchell, and Ch. Addislea Yoshimi, owned by Mrs Conilin Roe.
In 1994, Anne judged at Crufts, with her main winners being Amantra Kotaro 0f Sangria, and Sweitenna Evette. At what was her last judging appointment, at Darlington in 2007, she awarded the double to Sangria Silver Bullet & Sangria Fabiola. Sadly, through ill health, Ann retired from judging. Rest in Peace Ann. - George Farmer
Ann was a very dear and close friend for so many years to my late Mother.She bred the most beautiful Chins and truly adored the breed .I will always be grateful for allowing us to use her beautiful boys at stud
You have revoked a memory George I can remember her judging once and you won both tickets and we won both RCC with Ch Fochai Shinketta and Fochai Kim Sun
She never really recovered from losing Michael ( her husband ).and lost her last chin round the same time .She was a real personality and although I am sad at her passing I can also smile at some of humorous memories she left behind RIP Ann - you truly were one of a kind
Jennifer Matches
So very sorry to learn of the passing of Ann Francis, who I classed as a friend to myself and Sam.. A lovely lady who I had great respect for. She knew the breed and always did her own thing in the ring. Her dogs were of a beautiful type. Which is so sadly missed. Always a smile for everyone and a kind word. God Bless Ann. The Japanese Chin breed is a sadder place without you.
Chris Reeves-Sargant
So sad. Another of the old timers gone.
Jean Wallhead
A lovely, kind and knowledgeable lady. RIP Ann
Christine Palmer
So sad. Ann exported a couple of chin to New Zealand around 1980s. RIP.
Cathy Webb
Thanks for all the laughs, the long phone calls and especially for our lovely Kitty
Ian Millar, Sheila Millar
That is very sad news. Ann was a true lover of the breed and as you say George she did breed some lovely Chins. When I won my 1st CC in the Breed, Ann & Rita Evans were the first two people to send a note of congratulation. She was a special lady.
Tom Mather
So sad , her dogs were in the ring when I first fell in love with the breed RIP
Steve Cayton
Very sad, Ann exported a beautiful dog to Switzerland in the early 80thies and this little dog really started my love for the breed ! THANKS Ann RIP
Andreas Schemel
Another lady with a wealth of knowledge leaves us. So sad
Sue Hann
So sorry to hear that
Liz Rushton
So sorry
Linda Bayer
So sorry to hear this very sad news.I can remember Ann in the ring with her beautiful dogs.R.I.P.
Marion West
So sad lost another lady who new how to breed her Chin's RIP more knowledge lost sadly
Doris Day
Beautiful dogs of great type
Tamar Quinn
RIP. A very knowledgeable lady and approachable. Addislea has featured in my pedigrees. Condolences to the family x
Linda Benton-Taylor