Club Open Show March 2019
Heading 6
Judge: Mrs Jane Paradise
Best Bitch & Best in Show
Swifthocks Paws For Thought
Mr S Rooney & Mr & Mrs J & A Green
Best Dog & Best Opposite Sex
Holmchin Secret Affair With Rakuchin
Ms T Pearce & Ms S Hann
Best Puppy in Show
Hin Satori Runa at Sharlarna (Imp Rus)
Mr A W Davidson
Best Veteran in Show
Choya Takara of Rakuchin
Ms T Pearce & Ms S Hann
Veteran Dog or Bitch: 3.2
1. Peace & Hann's Choya Takara of Rakuchin.
Minor Puppy Dog: 3.0
1. Partington-Palmer's Littletigers Freak On A Leash (Imp It).
2. Farugia's Auralea Made in Wales For Amronchi.
3. Hubble & Summerbell's Dabrives Silver Carrington.
Puppy Dog: 4.0
1. Davidson's Tilashby Samuari Sun at Sharlarna
2.Thomas's Javalcy The Great Mikado
3. Tarabad's Tilashby Nick is in a Twist at Frondil
4. Hampton's Sleepyhollow Rock of Ages TAF
Junior Dog: 3.0
1. Farmer's Sangria De Ja Vous
2. Gamble's Ossidccia Shiro
3. McKenzie & Muldoon's Rackuchin Dangerous Liasion Von Queshian
Novice Dog: 3.0
1. Tarabad's Tillashby Nick is in a Twist at Frondil
2. Rushton's Sangria Standing Ovation at Tiflin
3. Thoma's Corrinwood Funtime Frankie at Javalcy
Postgraduate Dog: 2.0
1. Farmer's Sangria Pamojill Private Eye
2. Farugia's Yama Touch of Class Avec Cholas
Limit Dog: 7.0
1. Mountcastle's Holmchin Gorgeous George
2. Farmer's Sangria War Lord
3. Vincent & Speight's Boniroy Yumi Aka at Yama
4. Godbehere's Tillashby Arubato
5. Davidson's Tillashby Russian Infusion at Sharlarna
Open Dog: 5.0
1. Pearce & Hann's Holmchin Secret Affair with Rakuchin
2. Davidson's Omikudz Don Juan at Sharlarna (Imp Rus)
3. Vincent's Yama Teddy Edward
Special Open Dog or Bitch (Red & White): 2.1.
1. Vincent & Speight's Bonniroy Yumi Aka at Yama
Best Dog: Holmchin Secret Affair with Rakuchin
Res Best Dog: Holmchin Gorgeous George
Best Puppy Dog: Tillashby Samuari Sun at Sharlarna
Minor Puppy Bitch 4.1
1. Emmerson's Auralea Wishful Thinking
2. Farrugia's Cholas Lucy Locket
3. Hubble & Summerbell's Dabrives Silver Dynasty
Puppy Bitch: 7.3
1. Davidson's Hin Satori Runa at Sharlarna (imp Rus)
2. Mountcastle's Miss Conduct
3. Allcock's Sleepyhollow Coral Song
4. Vincent's Auralea Dare to Dream at Yama
Junior Bitch: 4.1
1. Rakuchin Well Hello
2. George's Ossidcia Shina at Amronchi
3. Evans Evansly Erika
Novice Bitch: 5.2
1. Emmerson's Auralea Wishful Thinking
2. Evans Evansly Emiko
3. Farrugia's Lucy Locket
Post Graduate Bitch: 6.2
1. Allitt's Tillashby Hidenka
2. Farmer's Sangria Saraboo
3. Quinn's Sharlarna Japanese Please
4. Farrugia's Yama Dolly Daydream with Cholas
Limit Bitch: 6.2
1. Rooney & Green's Swifthocks Paws for Thought
2. Blow & Allan's Yama Misty Morning
3. Forth's Yama Miss Saigon Omegaville
4. Crane's Cranvarl Le Mistral JW
Open Bitch: 1.1
Best Bitch: Swifthocks Paws for Thought
Res Best Bitch: Tillashby Hidenka
Best Puppy Bitch: Hin Satori Runa at Sharlarna (Rus Imp)
Best In Show & Best Bitch
Mr S Rooney & Mr J & Mrs A Green
Small Heading

Reserve Best In Show & Reserve Best Bitch
Mrs J Allitt
Best Dog
Ms T Pearce & Ms S Hann

Reserve Best Dog
Miss H & Mrs A Mountcastle

Best Puppy in Show
Mr A Davidson

Best Puppy Dog
Mr A Davidson

Best R/W Puppy
Mr A Allcock MBE

Best Red & White
Mrs S Vincent

Best Veteran
Ms T Pearce & Ms S Hann

My thanks to the members who voted for me to judge this show.
Unfortunately the venue was akin to a deep freeze as the boiler had broken down and nobody had told the committee and, of course, the sudden decline in temperature didn’t help. But we had a good atmosphere despite the shivering. The hard working committee worked tirelessly to ensure that everyone had a good day and the kitchen was incredibly busy. The hot food from the kitchen was welcomed by everyone – compliments to the chef.
It was a lovely day and the gift of a piece of Sylvia Smith will enable me to remember it in the future.
All dogs were White and Black in colour unless otherwise noted.
I was looking for a well-balanced, square outline of correct size, with the typical small amount of white in the inner corner of the eye that gives the breed its’ unique astonished expression. Soundness of movement is also important to me. There were some where I would like to feel more meat on the bones.
V D/B (3,2a)
1. Peace & Hann's Choya Takara of Rakuchin. 10.5 year old bitch, standing the test of time and belying her age, in full coat and with long slippers. Perfectly symmetrical head markings and lightly marked body. Full of typical Chin breed structural requisites, character, and moving out with plume held well over back. She set the bar for the day for the following exhibits to live up to. BVIS.
MPD (3)
1. Partington-Palmer's Littletigers Freak On A Leash (Imp It). A handsome youngster of pleasing size. Slightly longer than high. Ex layback of shoulder and good turn of stifle. Liked his ribbing. High set tail. He moved around the ring with confidence.
2. Farugia's Auralea Made in Wales For Amronchi. Larger boy. Another with a handsome headpiece with a wide blaze. Ex coat furnishings present already. Not moving in front quite as well as 1st.
3. Hubble & Summerbell's Dabrives Silver Carrington.
PD (4)
1. Davidson's Tilashby Samuari Sun at Sharlarna. Square outline, so dainty yet sturdily built and carrying nicely sprung ribs with ex body covering that was so lacking in some today. His beautiful head stands out and he has the desired white in the inner corner. Smart front bib. Moved well with lift in forelegs. RBPIS.
2. Thomas's Javalcy The Great Mikado. Nicely made boy but not carrying the body of 1st and slightly longer in loin. Very attractive ear feathering. Holding his topline level at all times and moving well.
3. Tarabad's Tilashby Nick is in a Twist at Frondil
JD (3)
1. Farmer's Sangria De Ja Vous. Super size and squareness. Well bodied with enough neck to carry his head proudly and ex layback of shoulder. Ex hare feet with slippers. He has a lovely shape and balance to him. He was a little unsure and not as free flowing on the move as he could have been but his tail was up.
2. Gamble's Ossidccia Shiro. This boy scored well in size and shape and he moved around well with distinct animation. His topline remained level and he had a sweet expression. 1st had the better forefeet.
3. McKenzie & Muldoon's Rakuchin Dangerous Liasion Von Queshian
ND (3)
1. Tarabad's Tillashby Nick is in a Twist at Frondil. Placed 3rd in PD. A change of handler and a change of outlook. Perhaps he just needed more time to settle. In this class he moved with more confidence and deserved the win. A shame he did not do this in PD because he has the conformation to go all the way to the top awards. Exactly the size and balance that I am looking for.
2. Rushton's Sangria Standing Ovation at Tiflin. Ultra dainty dog with so much to appreciate. His elbows are wonderfully close to his ribs without causing forelegs to be misplaced. He has a really good body on him. He just seemed rather dull in spirit today.
3. Thoma's Corrinwood Funtime Frankie at Javalcy
PGD (2)
1. Farmer's Sangria Pamojill Private Eye.. He has a fabulous head and expression, perfect size, square and compact, all of which are so consistent from this kennel. Rounded skull, well laid shoulders and turn of stifle. Short in loin. He moved with purpose and animation.
2. Farrugia's Yama Touch of Class Avec Cholas. A sound boy, with attractive size and silhouette. He performs really well on the move retaining ex tail carriage and proud stance.
LD (7)
1. Mountcastle's Holmchin Gorgeous George. Well developed and mature in finish with ex long straight coat furnishings of silky texture. He pulls out the stops with his straight and true movement and injection of happy spirit. For me he epitomises an oriental toy spaniel, cheerful outlook, toy size, beautiful to behold and all the makings of the perfect companion dog. I could almost imagine him inside the sleeves of a noble lady’s kimono. RBD.
2. Farmer's Sangria War Lord. So nice to find a prosternum and correct straight forelegs with ex stifles at the rear complimented by strong hocks. Another that meets my preferred size and true breed balance. Full of breed type.
3. Vincent & Speight's Boniroy Yumi Aka at Yama
OD (5)
1. Pearce & Hann's Holmchin Secret Affair with Rakuchin. So square, he has such super balance and all parts flow together. So very sound in structure and in movement. Firm loins. Moving in an orderly fashion making it look so easy and natural combined with his joyful charisma. He has the all important distinctive oriental expression. A lovely surprise for me to see that BD and RBD are five year old litter brothers, - no wonder there was a happy cheer. Congratulations to the breeder. BD. BOS.
2. Davidson's Omikudz Don Juan at Sharlarna (Imp Rus). White/Red that looks so exquisite when it enters the ring with its thick straight long flowing coat and emanating a “look at me” attitude as he commands attention. Had to be the most attractive coat finish here today. I loved his style on the stand and he could easily have been my overall winner today on “chocolate box” beauty alone. However, as it is not purely a beauty contest I had to look deeper and it was his front movement being slightly untidy that cost him the class and made me lean towards the overall construction and easy flowing movement of my eventual BD and RBD winners.
3. Vincent's Yama Teddy Edward
Special Open Dog or Bitch (Red & White) (2,1a)
1. Vincent & Speight's Bonniroy Yumi Aka at Yama. I do admire this boy who is not overdone in any way. Ex straight forelegs, good rear angulation, everything in moderation and sound all through. Ex pigment. Sadly he was only putting in the bare minimum of effort today. He needed to be moved at an increased pace to be more free flowing on the move in order to be competetive with all the other class winners in the dog challenge. Best R/W.
MPB (4,1a)
1. Emmerson's Auralea Wishful Thinking. Sweet puppy with lovely head and expression. Sporting and ex thick straight coat with silky texture and a well plumed tail and leg feathering. Moved around the ring very cheerfully and now needs to begin to tighten up.
2. Farrugia's Cholas Lucy Locket. Could have won if not for throwing a hindleg on her first triangle. Pretty head with Buddha’s thumbmark, ex eyes. Ex firm topline, daintily boned yet solid, full of life.
3. Hubble & Summerbell's Dabrives Silver Dynasty
PB (7,3a)
1. Davidson's Hin Satori Runa at Sharlarna (Imp Rus). This girl is in super condition and turned out to perfection as are all from this kennel. So well balanced and a super outline. Handled sympathetically to get the best out of her. Fits the standard for movement with “with good reach and elevation when in motion”. A real darling with a quality head and in super coat. Proper little showgirl. One to watch. BPIS.
2. Mountcastle's Holmchin Miss Conduct. Loved this extrovert girl whose tail was like a helicopter rotor! So happy I thought she would take off. Ex balance, so refined and elegant. Fab inverted 3 head profile.
3. Allcock's Sleepyhollow Coral Song. I have seen her on a good day when she is absolutely stunning and would easily win the top awards. Sadly today was not one of those days and she did not perform to the best of her ability on the move. One I would love to own. Best R/W Puppy.
4. Vincent's Auralea Dare to Dream at Yama
JB (4,1a)
1. Rakuchin Well Hello. 14 months. Such an attractive proposition, I really liked her lightly marked body and squareness. She stood solidly on her hare feet with slippers. Tail high set and held well at all times. A spirited girl who moved with purpose and animation.
2. George's Ossidcia Shina at Amronchi. Taller than 1st but still of square outline. Straight lightly boned forelegs. Coat ex for her 14 months with longer neck ruff and skirting. Just preferred the movement of 1st today.
3. Evans Evansly Erika
NB (5,2a)
1. Emmerson's Auralea Wishful Thinking.
2. Evans Evansly Emiko. Well bodied square girl who was not overly confident on the table or the stand but relaxed once she was moving and felt she had space around her. Moved straight and with parallel hocks. Plenty of time to build on her confidence.
3. Farrugia's Lucy Locket
PGB (6,2a)
1. Allitt's Tillashby Hidenka. My notes said “to die for”. Loved this girl, so feminine and dainty but with substance. So well balanced, an extrovert temperament and moving so soundly and true with spirit level topline always. Pretty as a picture with functional construction. Destined for top honours. RBB.
2. Farmer's Sangria Saraboo. Well bodied with an ex outline, size and shape. Lovely hare feet. Honest bitch just not showing me much interest in the proceedings today.
3. Quinn's Sharlarna Japanese Please
LB (6,2a)
1. Rooney & Green's Swifthocks Paws for Thought. I have loved this girl since seeing her as a 6 month old pup. She never falters for her handler. Oozes breed type in every area. She has the very straightest of front movement and ex rear movement, and is a model of deportment with her head held proudly and looking straight ahead with determination. Cobby and carrying the right amount of body on her. Full of pizaaz. A showgirl through and through. Must surely be made up to Champion very soon. Go girl! BB. BIS.
2. Blow & Allan's Yama Misty Morning. Square and dainty personified she is a lovely feminine bitch with a sweet head, lustrous eyes, and super body to match. Just a tad untidy in front movement today but one to watch closely.
3. Forth's Yama Miss Saigon Omegaville
OB (1,1a)