Richmond Ch. Show 2019
Judge: Mrs C Reeves-Sargant
BEST OF BREED : DAVIDSON Mr A W Tillashby Russian Infusion At Sharlarna
Dog CC : DAVIDSON Mr A W Tillashby Russian Infusion At Sharlarna
Res Dog CC : PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Ch Rakuchin Kenji Na
Bitch CC : QUINN Mrs T A & Mr A M Sharlarna Japanese Please
Res Bitch CC : BLOW & ALLEN Mr & Mrs D & S Yama Misty Morning
Best Puppy : DAVIDSON Mr A W Sharlarna Booty Call
Best Veteran : PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Choya Takara Of Rakuchin
Best Special Beginner :
PD (7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: BLOW & ALLEN Mr & Mrs D & S Sheardream Costa
2nd: FORTH Ms A Sharlana's Touch Of Magic Omegaville
3rd: LEACH Mrs S & Mr M Omikudzi Kamelot
Res: ROONEY, Mr S J & GREEN Mr & Mrs J A Littletigers Innuendo With Jaschin
VHC: WHITE Mrs S J Palteemoor Prince Mitsuo
JD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: HUBBLE, Mr D & SUMMERBELL Mr B Dabrives Silver Carrington
2nd: DAVIDSON Mr A W Tillashby Samurai Sun At Sharlarna
PGD (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: WESTWICK, Miss S & DAVIDSON Mr A W Sharlarna Tyson
2nd: LEACH Mrs S & Mr M Daniel Solechyni Angel
3rd: MCKENZIE, Mr A & MULDOON Mr K I Rakuchin Dangerous Liaison Von Queshian
Res: CUSHING Mrs J Ennistar's Katsero Akio At Spiritisle (Imp)
Class 182 LD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: DAVIDSON Mr A W Tillashby Russian Infusion At Sharlarna
2nd: WESTWICK, Miss S & DAVIDSON Mr A W Hin Satorie Almazniy Vihr At Sharlarna (Imp Rus)
OD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Ch Rakuchin Kenji Na
2nd: DAY Mrs D A Aleemia Star Struck At Dorcharday
VB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Choya Takara Of Rakuchin
PB (8 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: DAVIDSON Mr A W Sharlarna Booty Call
2nd: QUINN Mrs T A & Mr A M Harlouville Uptown Girl
3rd: LITTLE Ms S S Sangria Eye Candy
Res: BENTON TAYLOR Sansarc Dear Prudence
VHC: MOUNTCASTLE Mrs & Miss A & H Holmchin Jelly Bean
JB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: QUINN Mrs T A & Mr A M Harlouville Funny Girl
2nd: HUBBLE, Mr D & SUMMERBELL Mr B Dabrives Silver Dynasty
3rd: LITTLE Ms S S Total Surprise
PGB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Rakuchin Well Hello
2nd: FORTH Ms A Omegaville Ima Showgirl
3rd: LEACH Mrs S & Mr M Omikudzi Bohemia
Res: CUSHING Mrs J Glendyke Magical Pixie Girl At Spiritisle
LB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: QUINN Mrs T A & Mr A M Sharlarna Japanese Please
2nd: DAVIDSON Mr A W Bechinka Mozo At Sharlarna
3rd: FLYNN Mrs L A Linjato Mimiko
Res: PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Rakuchin Ring Rumour
OB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: BLOW & ALLEN Mr & Mrs D & S Yama Misty Morning
2nd: ROONEY, Mr S J & GREEN Mr & Mrs J A Ch Swifthocks Paws For Thought
Dog Challenge Certificate & Best of Breed
Mr A Davidson

Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate
Ms T Pearce & Ms S Hann

Bitch Challenge Certificate
Mrs T & Mr A Quinn

Bitch Reserve Challenge Certificate
Mr D Blow & Mrs S Allen

Best Puppy
Mr A Davidson

Best Veteran
Ms T Pearce & Ms S Hann

Thankyou to all the exhibitors who entered. It was a really cold day apart from the owners shivering so did a lot of the dogs which on some, affected their showing, Some would have been placed higher if it wasn't for that. First I would like to thank my stewards who did a brilliant job. Secondly I have to say was surprised on the change in the breed. To the newer exhibitors and breeders a Chin is a small dog not a tiny one. The body required is a short compact cobby body not a slimlined body with no substance. Bone should be in proportion with the body to give a complete balanced picture. A dog without the correct body shape or weight-wise affects the movement, so please watch what you breed.On the positive side I was really pleased with my final lineup which all were of similar type.
Vet Dog no entries
Special Beginners no entries
Puppy Dog 7 (1)
1. Blow & Allen. Sheardream Costa. b/w. very mature little boy with a enormous coat. Still needing to learn his trade but you cant miss his lovely broad and masculine head. Large expressive eyes showing enough white in corner. Lovely layback of shoulder leading down to straight legs and correct width between front legs, which then lead to the correct body width. Short compact body with plenty of tuckup and tightly held tail. Viewed from the back everything in enlinement, straight hocks standing and moved well from all 3 angles. Lovely little boy.
2. Forth. Sharlana's Touch of Magic Omegaville b/w. Pretty little boy not quite as mature as 1. Another with the correct head and eyes. Dark and expressive. Lovely size and shape. He has beautiful type, short compact body, level topline with a good tight tail. Fine bone but not thin bone which fits in with his size. Made a lovely picture. Moved very well with both sets of legs moving in uniso
3. Leach. Omikudzi Kamelot .
Junior D 2.
1. Hubble & Summerbell. b/w Lovely broad head with large dark expressive eyes. Nose placement correct plenty of width throughout. Cushioning wide and soft. Good width in front and straight well layback shoulders. Level topline with plenty of substance across the body. Tight tailset and well made hindquarters. Moved straight back and front keeping topline whilst moving.
2. Davidson. Tillashby Samurai Sun at Sharlana. b/w. Exquisite little boy, that shouts type. In beautiful coat. Large broad head correct large dark eyes. Lovely cushioning. Compact short body with sound hindquarters. Stands and moves straight. Good turn of stifle. Presented beautifully.
P Grad D 5.
1. Westwick & Davidson. Sharlana Tyson. b/w. Masculine large head, large dark eye. correct nose placement. Correct length of neck leading onto a level topline and tight tailset. Stands straight in front with tight elbows. Correct bend of stifle which gives movement free and forward reaching. Showed well standing and moving.
2. Leach. Daniel Solechyni Angel. s/w. Beautiful correct coloured sable. He has a wide masculine head with dark pigmentation and eyes. Good length of neck, with sound front and hindquarters. Layback correct. Tailset tight, cobby body and good stifle. Good width throughout the body, moved straight and true
3. Mckenzie & Muldoon. Rakuchin Dangerous Liason Von Queshian.
Limit D. 3
1. Davidson. Tillashby Russian Infusion at Sharlana. b/w. Square compact dog in lovely coat. Made a lovely picture in profile. Has a broad head, all angles rounded. Dark expressive eyes, correct ear, nose, cushioning. Straight front, tight elbows. Level topline and tight tailset. Viewed from the back everything in parallel. Cobby body, plenty of heartroom. Moved straight back and front. Showed well. DCC & BOB.
2. Westwick & Davidson. Hin Satori Almazniy Vihr at Sharlarna (imp Rus).b/w. In lovely coat. Wide masculine head. Dark large eye, kind expression. Good length of neck. Level topline and cobby body not quite as compact as 1. Moved straight and true back and front.
Open D 3 (1)
1. Pearce & Hann. Ch Rakuchin Kenji Na. b/w. Well known dog who has done a lot of winning. In lovely coat. Has a broad head with dark expressive eyes. Good width of front and tight elbows. Good length of neck leading onto level topline. Tight tailset. Short compact body. Moving straight front and back. Lacking his usual sparkle. RDCC.
2. Day. Aleemia Star Struck at Dorcharday. b/w Larger boy with a masculine head. Large dark eye. Good width throughout the body. Level topline with tight tailset. Moved straight back and front.
Vet B 1.
1. Pearce & Hann. Choya Takara of Rakuchin. b/w. Lovely little girl cannot believe her age 10.5yrs. in lovely coat. Pretty head with large dark eyes. Compact body, moved and showed well. BV.
Special Beginners no entries.
Puppy B. 8
1. Davidson. Sharlarna Booty Call. b/w. Beautiful puppy. With a copybook head. Rounded no matter which way you looked at it. Large dark expressive eyes, Correct nose placement with large soft cushioning. Good length of neck with good layback. Level topline on a compact cobby body, carrying the correct bodyweight. Tight tailset . Sound front and back hindquarters. Good turn of stifle which gave her the freedom of very light movement. Moved soundly and for one so young showed very well. BPB. BP. Group 2 Toy Puppy.
2. Quinn. Harlouville Uptown Girl. b/w. Luv this little girl. Such a pretty head, with large express dark eyes. Rounded cushioning. Correct length of neck. Shoulders with good layback. Straight front legs with tight elbows . Square cobby body. Level topline with tight tail. Sound hindquarters, moved and showed well.
3. Little. Sangria Eye Candy.
Junior 4 (1)
1. Quinn. Harlouville Funny Girl. b/w. Another pretty puppy. Lovely head, wide and rounded. Large expressive eyes with correct expression. Length of neck correct, width of front and straight front legs with good layback. Square cobby body with level topline. Good tight tailset. Sound hindquarters which she used very well in moving.
2. Hubble & Summerbell. Dabrives Silver Dynasty. b/w . Lovely little girl, close up to 1 in quality. Large head well rounded. Dark eyes with a lovely soft expression. Compact cobby body. Good turn of stifle which gave her plenty of drive on the move. Moved straight in the front and kept her elbows tight on the move.
3. Little. Total Surprise.
P Grad B. 4
1. Pearce & Hann. Rakuchin Well Hello. b/w. Broad head with dark eyes. Straight front and tight elbows. Correct length of neck leading onto a level topline. In her underclothes unfortunately. Moved soundly and showed well.
2. Forth. Omegaville Ima Showgirl. b/w. Pretty little lady. Upset by the weather and not showing as I know she can. Has a wide well rounded head, with dark expressive eyes. Compact and cobby body. Sound front and hindquarters. Level topline.
3. Leach. Omikudzi Bohemia.
Limit B. 4
1. Quinn. Sharlana Japanese Please. b/w. I have watched this little girl mature into a very lovely young lady. She isn't big, but has everything in the right proportions. Large head for her size with large dark expressive eyes. Good cushioning. Carrying the correct weight proportions throughout. Sound straight front with tight elbows. Good length of neck. Cobby compact body. Well rounded ribcage. Level topline with tight tailset. She stands from the rear straight and true, hocks dead straight, stifle good, making her move with drive. Moved and showed well. So pleased to give her her first CC.
2. Davidson. Bechinka Mozo at Sharlana. b/w. Another little girl with a very pretty head and eye. Square body with level topline. Straight front and tight elbows. Good turn of stifle another who moved very well.
3. Flynn. Linjato Mimiko.
Open B. 3. (1)
1. Blow & Allen. Yama Misty Morning. b/w. Large wide head with dark large eyes. Good cushioning. Length of neck and square cobby compact body. Good width of front with straight front legs. Lovely rounded ribcage. Level topline with tight tailset. Good turn of stifle. In profile she is just right and doesn't loose any of it on the move. Moves beautifully and showed well. RBCC
2. Rooney & Green. Ch Swifthocks Paws For Thought. b/w Well known young lady. In her underclothes unfortunately. Not so cobby as 1. Pretty head with large dark eyes. Good length of neck. Level topline with good tailset. Sound back and front. moved and showed well.