Driffield Ch. Show 2019
Judge: Ms S Hann
Dog Challenge Certificate & Best of Breed
Mr A Davidson

Dog Reserve Challenge Certificate
Mrs A & Miss H Mountcastle

Bitch Challenge Certificate
Mr S Rooney & Mr J & Mrs A Greed

Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate
Best Puppy & Puppy Group 4
Mr A Davidson

Best Veteran
Miss L Lindsay

BEST OF BREED : DAVIDSON Mr A W Tillashby Russian Infusion At Sharlarna
Dog CC : DAVIDSON Mr A W Tillashby Russian Infusion At Sharlarna
Res Dog CC : MOUNTCASTLE Mrs & Miss A & H Holmchin Gorgeous George
Bitch CC : ROONEY, Mr S J & GREEN Mr & Mrs J A Ch Swifthocks Paws For Thought
Res Bitch CC : DAVIDSON Mr A W Sharlarna Booty Call
Best Puppy : DAVIDSON Mr A W Sharlarna Booty Call
Best Veteran : LINDSAY Miss L Ch Sleepyhollow Sapphire Diva At Anjuli Sh.CM
Best Special Beginner : TARABAD Mr N Tillashby's Nick Is In A Twist At Frondil JW
VD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: GODBEHERE Ms J & Miss Z Charnell Kenji For Tillashby
MPD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: ROONEY, Mr S J & GREEN Mr & Mrs J A Littletigers Innuendo With Jaschin
2nd: PEARSON Ms I Ereste Shogun Warrior
PD (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: FARMER Mr G W Sangria Moon Walk
2nd: TWEEDIE Miss S Rysalka Geppetto
3rd: FORTH Ms A Sharlana's Touch Of Magic Omegaville
Res: EMMERSON Mrs M Sleepyhollow Randolph At Ismirelle
VHC: TWEEDIE Miss S Rysalka Sinbad
JD (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: HUBBLE, Mr D & SUMMERBELL Mr B Dabrives Silver Carrington
2nd: THOMAS Ms J Javalcy The Great Mikado
3rd: COCKBURN Miss J Pamojill Fin
Res: ROWLEY Mr & Mrs M & R Midwood Monaco Choya (Imp USA)
VHC: PARTINGTON-PALMER Mrs C E Littletigers Freak On A Leash (Imp) It
YD (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: TARABAD Mr N Tillashby's Nick Is In A Twist At Frondil JW
PGD (9 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: FORTH, Ms A & DAVIDSON Mr A Tillasby Samurai Sun At Sharlana
2nd: WESTWICK, Miss S & DAVIDSON Mr A W Sharlarna Tyson
3rd: FARMER Mr G W Sangria De Ja Vous
Res: BURNS, Miss T & BLACK Miss L Yama Take A Chance
VHC: RUSHTON Mr R F & Mrs E A Sangria Standing Ovation At Tiflin
LD (7 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: DAVIDSON Mr A W Tillashby Russian Infusion At Sharlarna
2nd: ROWLEY Mr & Mrs M & R Choya Tadashi
3rd: GODBEHERE Ms J & Miss Z Tillashby Arubato
Res: 5265 WESTWICK, Miss S & DAVIDSON Mr A W Hin Satorie Almazniy Vihr At Sharlarna Imp Rus
OD (7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: MOUNTCASTLE Mrs & Miss A & H Holmchin Gorgeous George
2nd: LINDSAY Miss L Sleepyhollow Baroque At Anjuli Sh.CM
3rd: POTTS Mr R & Mrs J Holmchin Out Of The Blue To Adreeam
Res: THOMAS Ms J Javalcy Rock On Tommy JW
VHC: SCHEMEL Dr A Sharlarna's Mirage
SBD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: TARABAD Mr N Tillashby's Nick Is In A Twist At Frondil JW
2nd: MOSS Miss M J Tillashby Tanoshi of Delphlands
GCD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MOSS Miss M J Tillashby Tanoshi of Delphlands
VB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5230 LINDSAY Miss L Ch Sleepyhollow Sapphire Diva At Anjuli Sh.CM
MPB (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: DAVIDSON Mr A W Sharlarna Booty Call
2nd: LINDSAY Miss L Littletigers I Send With Love To Sleepyhollow (Imp
3rd:MOUNTCASTLE Mrs & Miss A & H Holmchin Jelly Bean
Res: CRANE Mrs L Cranvarl Ruby Tuesday
VHC: 5196 BEADLING Mrs C Sharlana Emmeline For Pollypeck
PB (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: QUINN Mrs T A & Mr A M Harlouville Uptown Girl
2nd: BROWN-PERCIVAL Mrs S Littletigers Grace By Sandiman (Imp) It
3rd: MAINLAND Mr R Spindulys Lille
Res: POTTS Mr R & Mrs J Adreeam Rhapsody Royale
VHC: BEADLING Mrs C Sharlana Emmeline For Pollypeck
JB (7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: HUBBLE, Mr D & SUMMERBELL Mr B Dabrives Silver Dynasty
2nd: DAVIDSON Mr A W Hin Satori Runa At Sharlarna (Imp Rus)
3rd: MOUNTCASTLE Mrs & Miss A & H Holmchin Miss Demeanour
Res: BURNS Miss T Yakedo Empress Aiko
VHC: CURTIS Mrs G Aleemai A Million Dreams
YB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MOUNTCASTLE Mrs & Miss A & H Holmchin Miss Conduct
PGB (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: QUINN Mrs T A & Mr A M Sharlarna Japanese Please
2nd: FORTH Ms A Omegaville Ima Showgirl
LB (6 Entries) Abs: 1. 1 WD
1st: 5226 HUBBLE, Mr D & SUMMERBELL Mr B Dabrives Fields Of Silver
2nd: 5209 DAVIDSON Mr A W Bechinka Mozo At Sharlarna
3rd: 5205 CURTIS Mrs G Aleemai Walk This Way
Res: 5199 BURNS Miss T Sleepyhollow Calamity Jane
OB (3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: ROONEY, Mr S J & GREEN Mr & Mrs J A Ch Swifthocks Paws For Thought
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to award my first set of CCs and for making it a delightful experience. Also to the exhibitors for allowing me to assess your lovely dogs and accepting my decisions with good sportsmanship.
Veteran Dog -1
1st Ms J & Miss Z Godbehere - Charnell Kenji for Tillashby. 7yr old B/W. Belies his age and moves out with style. Presented in tip top condition with good coat. He is of correct proportion. Lovely head with good cushioning and nice eye. A credit to his owners.
Minor Puppy Dog -2
1st Mr S. J. Rooney, Mr & Mrs J & A Green. - Littletigers Innuendo with Jaschin. Almost 9mth B/W puppy. Well developed puppy with plenty of silky coat that was very nicely presented. Worked well with his handler. A nice head piece with well set ears, framing round eyes showing a good amount of white, complemented with nice round cushioning and well placed nose. Level top line and nice spring of rib. Moved out well. BPD.
2nd Ms. I. Pearson - Ereste Shogun Warrior. R/W puppy giving away age and maturity to 1. Good head with round eyes and correct proportions. Coat coming in well and of correct texture. Shows promise but not showing to advantage today, I’m sure this will come.
Puppy Dog -6
1st Mr. G.W. Farmer - Sangria Moon Walk. B/W boy of lovely size and proportion. Presented beautifully as one would expect from this kennel. He is dainty and elegant with a good reach of neck, well proportioned head, just enough white of eye. Level top line and good rib. Was a little unsettled today but did enough to gain his place. Pushed in the challenge for best puppy dog.
2nd Miss S. Tweddie - Rysalka Geppetto. B/W of smaller size than 1. All in proportion and moved well out and back. Head of good size and shape with correct eye. Would have prefered more cushioning to cheek. Coat coming along.
Junior Dog-6
1st Mr. D. Hubble & Mr. B. Summerbell - Dabrives Silver Carrington. B/W. A lot to like about this youngster, presented in fine body and condition topped off with a lovely coat of correct silky texture. He moved with confidence maintaining his excellent top line. He has a pleasing headpiece framed with correctly set ears. All in all a cobby boy with a good spring of rib and good angulation.
2nd Ms. J. Thomas - Javalcy The Great Mikado. B/W. There really wasn't much to choose between 1 and 2. Very similar in all aspects and I’m sure will change places on another occasion. Today this boy was just not as settled as the winner, but has more than enough to like about him.
Yearling Dog-2/1abs
1st Mr. N. Tarabad - Tillashby’s Nick is in a Twist at Frondil JW - B/W Whilst he stood alone this boy definitely warranted his first place. He has a classic headpiece, round eyes with the correct amount of white showing, beautifully cushioned muzzle and correct bite all contribute to this. His neat neck leads to a level top line and cobby body, topped off with a profuse coat of good texture.
Post Graduate Dog-9
A very good class, with a lot of worthy dogs, who could all have secured the 1st place.
1st Mrs. A. Forth & Mr. A. Davidson - Tillasby Samurai Sun at Sharlana - B/W Another beautiful breed example from this kennel. Shown in tiptop condition and coat he was a little hesitant to start but moved well out and back when he got going. That said, I could not deny his breed type. Beautiful head with all the right curves. Firm cobby body, level top line and profuse tail correctly placed, all stood atop well angulated legs. He is a picture on the stand. 2nd Miss. S. Westwick & Mr. A. Davidson - Sharlarna Tyson - B/W With many of the attributes of one but in a slightly smaller package another lovely dog. He moved nicely out and back, and showed well for his handler. Just prefered the headpiece of one.
3rd Mr. G.W. Farmer - Sangria De Ja Vous.
Limit Dog-7/3abs.
1st Mr. A. Davidson - Tillashby Russian Infusion at Sharlarna. B/W boy who screamed breed type and showmanship as he entered the ring and did not disappoint on closer inspection. Beginning with his super head to the tip of his correctly set and feathered tail he is a delight. Cobby and square with an excellent spring of rib, under a level top line. Well built front and well angulated and sound rear construction allowed him to move around the ring with elegant drive. Pleased to award him DCC & BOB and see him shortlisted in the group.
2nd Mr & Mrs. M. & R. Rowley - Choya Tadashi. B/W another nice example of the breed. Presented in good condition and coat. Pleasing head with good eye and expression. Level top line which he held on the move. In good body with good rib and bone. A little longer cast than 1and lost out on rear movement today.
Open Dog-7/1abs
1st Mrs A & Miss H. Mountcastle - Holmchin Gorgeous George. B/W Cobby and compact dog with good coat and in lovely condition. He exudes a sense of mischief and fun and makes his handler work hard. Well proportioned head with nice expression. Round eyes with the right amount of white of eye to give the classic look of astonishment. Well sprung ribs, Good top line, well constructed fore and rear allowing him to cover the ground in an effortless, stylish manner. Pleased to award him RDCC.
2nd Miss L. Lindsay - Sleepyhollow Baroque at Anjuli Sh. CM. B/W Larger boy with profuse coat and in excellent firm condition. Square and cobby with a level top line which he held on the move. Nice head with correct eye, cushioning and bite. Not moving at his best today.
Special Beginners Dog-2
1st Mr. N. Tarabad - Tillashby’s Nick is in a Twist at Frondil JW. (see yearling dog)
2nd Miss M.J. Moss - Tillashby Tanoshi of Delphlands. B/W boy who was a little timid. His has a nice head with correct eye and ear placement. Slightly longer cast than one. Correct coat of silky texture. Moved out and back ok.
Good Citizen Dog-1
1st Miss M.J. Moss - Tillashby Tanoshi of Delphlands (see SBD)
Veteran Bitch-1
1st Miss L. Lyndsay - Ch. Sleepyhollow Sapphire Diva Sh. CM. 8yr old who is carrying her years well. She is in fabulous condition with a profuse silky coat. Correctly proportioned throughout, with a lovely headpiece and eye. She moved well with her handler and was pleased to award her Best Veteran in Breed.
Minor Puppy Bitch-5
Super class of youngsters that bodes well for the future of the breed.
1st Mr. A. Davidson - Sharlarna Booty Call. B/W 8mth old who just fills up your eye. She has so much to like and knows it. A consummate show girl already, I feel sure she will go on to big awards. Super compact and square with a beautiful coat presented to perfection. She is a classy and classic Chin. Her head piece is a beautiful series of curves, well feathered with correct ear placement and eyes that give that all important expression. Good front and correctly angulated rear allowed her to move with style and ease. Pushed hard for BCC. Was pleased to award her RBCC and BPiB. Delighted to see her place in a strong Toy Puppy Group.
2nd Miss L. Lindsay - Littletigers I send with Love to Sleepyhollow (Imp. It) B/W 9mth old. Another lovely bitch in good body and condition. Short and cobby with a nice reach of neck leading to a level top line which she maintained in profile and on the move. Well coated for her age. Good spring of rib and firm hind quarters with well set on tail. Moved ok needs to settle a bit.
3rd Mrs A. & Miss H. Mountcastle Holmchin Jelly Bean.
Puppy Bitch-5
1st Mrs. T. A. & Mr. A.W. Quinn - Harlouville Uptown Girl. B/W lightly marked girl of lovely proportion and size. In very good body and condition and at one with her handler she moved with style and ease around the ring. A pleasing head with correctly placed ears and soft curves. Round dark eyes and a well placed nose and cushioning all contributed to her expression and softness of face. Very feminine and in good soft silky coat. She has lots of promise.
2nd Mrs S. Brown-Percival - Littletigers Grace by Sandiman (imp It). B/W another girl with lots of promise and I am sure these two will change places many times. She has many of the attributes of 1. Well presented and in lovely coat, she is cobby and square in outline. Level
topline graced with a profusely feathered and correctly placed tail. Just lost out on movement today.
Junior Bitch-7
1st Mr. D. Hubble & Mr. B Summerbell - Dabrives Silver Dynasty. B/W girl with a super head piece, nicely marked she is square and in proportion. Dark expressive eyes, well cushioned muzzle and correct bite. Good reach of neck leads to a firm level top line over a well sprung rib and depth of chest. Correct Fore and Hind she moved with purpose and drive. 2nd Mr. A. W. Davidson - Hin Satori Runa At Sharlarna (Imp. Rus) B/W another well presented bitch from this kennel. Small and compact she still has all the attitude of a Chin. Dainty, fine, elegant and aristocratic. She shares many attributes of my winner but not quite the movement today.
Yearling Bitch-1
1st Mrs. A. & Miss H. Mountcastle - Holmchin Miss Conduct. B/W. another who stood alone but earned her place on merit. A quality youngster, nice head with good cushioning and breadth of skull. Showing the correct amount of white of eye to give the look of astonishment without being exaggerated, good nose placement with good open nares. In nice coat and condition she held herself well on the stand and maintained it on the move. Moved out and back well.
Post Graduate Bitch-3/1abs.
1st Mrs. T.A & Mr. A.M Quinn - Sharlarna Japanese Please. B/W Girl in full coat and excellent condition, nice to feel well muscled Fore and Hind quarters. Headpiece was a pleasing series of gentle curves in all the right planes, well set ears that carried good fringing framed an open, soft expression giving a very femine feel to the head. Good reach of neck and level top line. Nicely placed and feathered tail. Moved with ease around the ring.
2nd Ms. A. Forth - Omegaville Ima Showgirl. B/W Beautifully present in good coat of silky texture. Slightly smaller than 1 in stature she was still of size and proportion and gave a lovely picture whilst standing. Correct head and expression. Enough bone and rib with good body gave her substance, and well constructed rear enabled her to move very well. Just let down today by being a little unsure.
Limit Bitch-6/1abs 1wd.
This was a class of ups and downs, with a bitch I have long admired having to be withdrawn, and others not on their best form, that said it takes nothing away from my very worthy winner.
1st Mr. D. Hubble & Mr. B Summerbell - Dabrives Fields of Silver. B/W bitch of lovely proportions, presented in good body and profuse silky coat. Very feminine head with beautiful open expression. Well cushioned muzzle, correct bite and nose placement. Dark expressive eyes with the correct look of astonishment. Square and cobby in outline she presented a nice picture on the stand and maintained it on the move.
2nd Mr. A. Davidson - Bechinka Mozo at Sharlarna. B/W presented so well as we have come to expect from this kennel. Classic head piece of gentle curves, round expressive eyes and good cushioning give her a beautiful feminine expression. Correctly proportioned body, well constructed and moved well. She just lacked sparkle today, but I am sure she will have her day.
Open Bitch-3/2abs
1st Mr. S. Rooney, Mr J & Mrs A Green - Ch. Swifthocks Paws for Thought. B/W. Stood alone but you cannot deny this girls breed type and ring presence. At one with her handler at all times she moves with style around the ring. Headpiece which ticks all the boxes, nicely arching neck to square cobby body. Well constructed throughout, she is a worthy Champion. Not in her best dress today but she has nothing to hide. Pleased to award her BCC.