Open Show
29th February 2020
Judge: Miss Leanne Lindsay
Best Dog & Best In Show
Ms A Forth & Mr A Davidson

Best Bitch & Reserve Best in Show
Mr A W Davidson

Reserve Best Dog & Best Red & White
Miss J Tong

Reserve Best Bitch
Mrs S Brown-Percival

Best Puppy
Mr S Rooney & Mr J & Mrs A Green

Best Veteran
Miss J Tong

Best Red & White Puppy
Mrs S & Mr M Leach

Reserve Best Puppy in Show
Mr A W Davidson

Veteran Dog or Bitch 1-0
1st. TONG Miss J. Dalehouse Elements of Elgar Jakconas
Minor Puppy Dog 6-2
1st. TONG Miss J. Choya Tenby of Jakconas
2nd. SWAIN Mr S & Mrs D. Cholas Yoshio
3rd. ROWLEY Mr & Mrs M & R. Choya Caerleon
Res. BAILEY Mr D & Mrs D M. Metapip Gentleman Jack at Aldoricka NAF TAF
Puppy Dog 1-0
1st DAVIDSON Mr A W. Sharlarna Trouble Maker
Junior Dog 5-2
1st. FARMER Mr G W. Sangria. Moon Walk
2nd. FARUGGIA Mr N & FARUGGIA Mr J T. Yama Ghost Rider With Cholas
3rd. LEACH Mrs S & Mr M. Omikudzi Kamelot
Novice Dog 2-0
1st EMMERSON Mrs M. Sleepyhollow Randolph at Ismirelle
2nd THOMAS Ms J. Zhorzh Marshal at Javalcy
Post Graduate Dog 9-4
1st ROWLEY Mr M & Mrs R. Midwood Monaco Choya (Imp USA)
2nd ROONEY Mr S J & GREEN Mr & Mrs J A. Littletigers Innuendo With Jaschin
3rd BAILEY Mr D & Mrs D M. Aldoricka Gypsy King
Res. CALVERT Mr K & Mrs G. Sharlarna Touch of Magic Omegaville
Limit Dog 6-2
1st FORTH Ms A & DAVIDSON Mr A. Tillashby Samurai Sun at Sharlarna
2nd THOMAS Ms J. Javalcy The Great Mikado
3rd LEACH Mrs S & Mr M Daniel Solechynl Angel
Res. FARMER Mr G W. Sangria Pamojill Private Eye
Open Dog 5-1
1st TONG Miss J Sleephyhollow Rheingold
2nd WESTWICK Miss S & DAVIDSON M. Sharlarna Tyson
3rd FARMER Mr G W. Sangria De Ja Vous
Res. THOMAS Ms J Javalcy Rock on Tommy
Special Open Dog or Bitch (Red & White) 4-1
1st PEARSON Ms I. Ereste Touch of Class
2nd PEARSON Ms I. Ereste Naughty but Nice
3rd PEARSON Ms I. Ereste The Shogun Warrior
Norma George Memorial Class (Open Dog or Bitch) 2-1
1st RUSHTON Mr R F & Mrs E A. Sangria Standing Ovation at Tiflin
Minor Puppy Bitch 7-1
1st ROONEY Mr S, & GREEN Mr & Mrs J A Jaschin First Edition
2nd LEACH Mrs S & Mr M. Hin Satori Viva Roza
3rd BARANZECK Mrs A. Cholas Mei
Res. BROWN Mr S & Mrs S Cholas Tamiko at Rossvale
Puppy Bitch 3-0
1st DAVIDSON Mr A W. Sharlarna White Russian
2nd EMMERSON Ouzlewells Annya TAF
3rd BARANZECK Mrs A. Cholas Naomi
Junior Bitch 1-0
1st DAVIDSON Mr A W. Sharlarna Booty Call
Novice Bitch 5-2
1st EMMERSON Mrs M. Sharlarna Bootylicious TAF
2nd BROWN Mr S & Mrs S Cholas Tamiko at Rossvale
3rd ROONEY Mr S & GREEN Mr & Mrs J A. Jaschin New Chapter
Post Graduate Bitch 5-4
1st PEARSON Mrs I. Ereste Touch of Class
Limit Bitch 7-3
1st DAVIDSON Mr A W. Hin Satori Runa at Sharlarna (Imp Rus)
2nd BROWN-PERCIVAL Mrs S. Littletigers Grace by Sandiman JW (Imp)
3rd FORTH Ms A. Omegaville Ima Showgirl
Res. PEARSON Mrs I. Ereste Naughty But Nice
Open Bitch No Entries
I very much enjoyed my day and would like to thank the members for giving me this opportunity, the committee for a lovely show and my stewards Brian and James.
Veteran D/B (1-0) 1 Tong’s Dalehouse Elements of Elgar Jakconas. Smart b&w boy who showed very well clearly enjoying his time. Masculine head with large dark eye with required amount of white. Square in outline, a strong rear and straight front. Level topline and high set tail carried over his back at all times. He is so sound in the move. A credit to his owner. BVIS.
Minor Puppy Dog(6-2). Mixed class of all different types. 1 Tong’s Choya Tenby of Jakconas. Still very much a raw baby as you would expect but a lot to like. I really liked his head, well cushioned with large dark eye. Square outline with lovely profile. Holds his topline well with a high set on tail. Lovely texture coat coming through. Showed and moved well. Promising baby.
2 Swain’s Cholas Yoshio. Another promising pup. Square in outline with lovely tail set. Strong rear, moved out well. Large dark eye with desired white showing. 3 Rowleys’s Choya Caerleon
Puppy Dog (1-0)
1 Davidson’s Sharlarna Trouble Maker. Pretty head, lovely and open face with well cushioned muzzle, large eye and correct expression. Good front construction just a little loose at the moment but will come with time. Beautiful coat coming through which can make him appear long but he is not, he is very short coupled when you get your hands on him. Level topline and moved well. BPD.
Junior Dog (5-2)
1 Farmer’s Sangria. Moon Walk. Small, dainty and square he is of a lovely type. Beautiful head, eye and expression. Good reach of neck missing in many leading into a straight front. Lovely profile on the stand which he held on the move. Had the best back end in this class allowing him to move with drive.
2 Farrugia’s Yama Ghost Rider With Cholas. A lot to like about this cobby R&W. He is very short in the back and compact with a large rib cage. Open face with large dark eye. Straight front with good width to chest. Holds topline on the stand but has a tended to lose it on the move.
3 Leach’s Omikudzi Kamelot
Novice Dog (2-0)
Two very different dogs. 1 Emmerson’s Sleepyhollow Randolph at Ismirelle. Smaller dog. Large dark eye with correct amount of white showing. Could benefit from more cushioning but still only young. Square in outline with good tail set, good reach of neck. Showed very well.
2 Thomas Zhorzh Marshal at Javalcy. Larger dog and slightly longer in body and not showing as well. Nice head and eye, good reach of neck leading into well laid shoulder. Level topline held at all times. Moved out with reach in profile.
Post Graduate Dog (9-4)
1 Rowley’s Midwood Monaco Choya (Imp USA). A dog I have seen ringside before but today took me by surprise. He is maturing into a lovely dog. The most beautiful of heads. He is very short in back with a stunning profile. Good reach of neck, straight front, level topline and high set tail. Moved well but could have more reach. Beautifully presented as you would expect from this kennel.
2 Rooney & Green’s Littletigers Innuendo With Jaschin. Another impressive looking male. Good reach of neck, straight front and width to his chest. Strong rear. So sound on the move in every direction. Showed and presented well. Longer cast than 1.
3 Bailey’s Aldoricka Gypsy King
Limit Dog (6-2)
1 Forth & Davidson’s Tillashby Samurai Sun at Sharlarna. This boy walked in the ring and I was smitten. He presents the loveliest of outlines on first glance and does not disappoint on further inspection. I love his head, well cushioned, large dark eye with the required expression. Large rib cage and so short coupled. Straight front with good with to chest, strong rear quarters. Moved out well with drive. Handled well and presented to perfection. Delighted to award him BD & BIS. Surely a future champion.
2 Thomas Javalcy The Great Mikado. A quality male. I liked him for type. Square with good topline and tail. Lovely head, well cushioned and nice eye. He moved very well in profile. Considered him closely for RBD but he didn’t stand as well in front as the open dog.
3 Leaches Daniel Solechynl Angel
Open Dog (5-1)
1 Tong’s Sleephyhollow Rheingold. Glamorous sable. Stunning head, well cushioned muzzle and large dark eye. Very square, large rib cage, level topline and high set tail. Moved out well and never stopped showing. RBD & Best red and white in show.
2 Westwick & Davidson’s Sharlarna Tyson. Lovely size, fine boned. Nice profile, square and a good reach of neck. Large dark eye showing desired amount of white giving correct expression. Preferred the type of 1.
3 Farmer’s Sangria De Ja Vous
Special Open Dog/Bitch (Red & White) (4-1)
1 Pearson’s Ereste Touch of Class. Pretty, open face with large dark eye. Square in outline with level topline, good rib. Fine boned with well feathered hare feet.
2 Pearson’s Ereste Naughty but Nice. Larger and longer than one. Another with pretty head and large eye showing correct amount of white. Nice reach of neck, fine boned and high set tail.
3 Pearson’s Ereste The Shogun Warrior
Norma George Memorial Class (Open Dog/Bitch) (2-1)
1 Rushton’s Sangria Standing Ovation at Tiflin. Large head with good width. He is square in body, good front construction with width to chest and short coupled. In lovely coat. Lacked a bit of oomph.
Minor Puppy Bitch (7-1) A lovely class which bodes well for the future.
1 Rooney & Green’s Jaschin First Edition. What a little star. She came in the ring like she owned it. Small, square and so pretty. Large dark eye with desired amount of white, good reach of neck leading into a well constructed front. Short coupled, level topline and high set tail. Moved out so well for only being 6 months. Well presented and handled. Will watch her future with interest. BPB & BPIS.
2 Leach’s Hin Satori Viva Roza. Another little star in the making. Sable bitch who is ever so pretty with correct expression. Good front, level topline and tail held up over back. Moved out well. Full of personality Just slightly longer than the winner just now.
3 Baranzeck’s Cholas Mei
Puppy Bitch (3-0)
1 Davidson’s Sharlarna White Russian. Litter sister to my winner of puppy dog. Similar remarks apply. Nice size. Prettiest of heads, lovely reach of neck, fine boned, good body coming. Slightly longer in body. Moved out well.
2 Emerson’s Ouzlewells Annya TAF. Ultra feminine girl with sparking eyes and lovely expression. Good reach of neck, square outline and good profile. Just a little loose on the move just now but I’m sure will come with maturity.
3 Baranzeck’s Cholas Naomi
Junior Bitch (1-0)
1 Davidson’s Sharlarna Booty Call. The most stunning of heads. So well cushioned with large dark eye. Good neck and well constructed front. Large rib cage and good width to her chest. Level topline and high set tail. Strong hindquarters. Moved out well but I feel she would benefit from a larger ring. Considered her for top honours.
Novice Bitch 5-2
1 Emmerson’s Sharlarna Bootylicious TAF. Another pretty dog from this kennel. Feminine throughout, fine boned, square, presents lovely shape in profile. Good reach of neck leading into well constructed front. Showed well. Should do well with maturity.
2 Brown’s Cholas Tamiko at Rossvale. Sweet little puppy. Open face with good width, dark eye. Small and square, she already has a good rib cage developing. Showed well.
3 Rooney & Green’s Jaschin New Chapter
Post Graduate Bitch(5-4)
1 Pearson’s Ereste Touch of Class
Limit Bitch (7-3) a lovely class. The top 3 in my opinion are of CC quality and could change places on another day.
1 Davidson’s Hin Satori Runa at Sharlarna (Imp Rus). A bitch I have admired ringside and today I was not disappointed. She is a lovely size and so square. Super pretty head and expression. Correct front construction, width and depth to her chest, good rib and short coupled. Level topline and high set tail. Never stopped showing and went round the ring like a little train. BB & RBIS
2 Brown-Percival’s Littletigers Grace by Sandiman JW (Imp). This little girl didn’t put a foot wrong. I like her head and eye. Open face that is well cushioned with good underjaw. She is beautifully constructed throughout and moves well. Slightly longer cast than 1. RBB.
3 Forth’s Omegaville Ima Showgirl
Judge Leanne Lindsay (Anjuli)