South Wales Kennel Association 2023
Judge: Mr N Marsh
Dog Challenge Certificate358 - Sharlarna Evolution at Linjato (Mrs L A Flynn)
Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate354 - Salvador Dali by Sangria (Mr G W Farmer)
Bitch Challenge Certificate371 - Ch Jaschin First Edition (Mr S & Mr J & Mrs A Rooney & Green & Green)
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate351 - Ennistar’s Niagara at Spiritisle (imp) (Mrs J G Cushing)
Best of Breed371 - Ch Jaschin First Edition (Mr S & Mr J & Mrs A Rooney & Green & Green)
Best Puppy367 - Alstella Eadweard (Mrs C & Mrs S Reeves-Sargant & Diment)
Best Veteran362 - Ch Rakuchin Kenji Na (Ms T & Ms S Pearce & Hann)
Class 125. Veteran Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 1
1st Place362 - Ch Rakuchin Kenji Na (Ms T & Ms S Pearce & Hann)
Class 126. Minor Puppy Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st Place364 - Bobby Dazzler Rodnichok Iz Tiger Sada at Ereste NAF (Ms I Pearson)
2nd Place345 - Alstella Look at Me (Mr D & Mrs S Blow & Allen)
Class 127. Puppy Dog Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st Place367 - Alstella Eadweard (Mrs C & Mrs S Reeves-Sargant & Diment)
2nd Place360 - Sangria Ps I Love You (Miss S M Kannangara)
3rd Place377 - Yama Midwood Master Tailor (Mrs S C Vincent)
Reserve (4th Place)374 - Spindulys Zephyr at Threadgold (Imp Ltu) (Mrs S E Steele)
Class 128. Junior Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st Place366 - Sharlarna Swindler (Mrs T & Mr A Quinn)
2nd Place344 - Threadgold Leonardo at Hazdawn (Lady H D Bamford)
Class 129. Post Graduate Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Place376 - Cholas Yasu at Yama (Mrs S C Vincent)
Class 130. Limit Dog Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st Place358 - Sharlarna Evolution at Linjato (Mrs L A Flynn)
2nd Place354 - Salvador Dali by Sangria (Mr G W Farmer)
3rd Place346 - Sheardream Eric (Mr D & Mrs S Blow & Allen)
Class 131. Open Dog Entries: 5 Absentees: 0
1st Place359 - Ch Sleepyhollow Love Me Sibbai (Ms L, Miss E & Mr D Hampton, Vine & Strange)
2nd Place355 - Sangria De Ja Vous (Mr G W Farmer)
3rd Place349 - Sharlarna Imperial Comanda (Mr S Cayton)
Reserve (4th Place)372 - Jaschin Hold That Thought JW (Mr S & Mr J & Mrs A Rooney & Green & Green)
Very Highly Commended (5th Place)369 - Alstella Toffee Sundae (Mrs C & Mrs S Reeves-Sargant & Diment)
Class 132. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Place361 - Jeskandai Koi No Yokan (Miss J L Mcfarlane)
Class 133. Veteran Bitch Entries: 1 Absentees: 1
Class 134. Minor Puppy Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Place368 - Alstella Glamour Girl (Mrs C & Mrs S Reeves-Sargant & Diment)
2nd Place357 - Sangria Bibiana (Mr Gw Farmer)
3rd Place378 - Nihonqin Cracklin’ Rosie (Mrs S J White)
Class 135. Puppy Bitch Entries: 0 Absentees: 0
Class 136. Junior Bitch Entries: 0 Absentees: 0
Class 137. Post Graduate Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 3
1st Place356 - Sangria Moon Dance (Mr G W Farmer)
Class 138. Limit Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st Place365 - Sharlarna Eye Candy JW (Mrs T & Mr A Quinn)
2nd Place353 - Spiritisle Fairy Magic (Mrs J G Cushing)
Class 139. Open Bitch Entries: 5 Absentees: 0
1st Place371 - Ch Jaschin First Edition (Mr S & Mr J & Mrs A Rooney & Green & Green)
2nd Place351 - Ennistar’s Niagara at Spiritisle (imp) (Mrs J G Cushing)
3rd Place370 - Sharlana Midnight at Alstella (Mrs C & Mrs S Reeves-Sargant & Diment)
Reserve (4th Place)363 - Rakuchin Well Hello (Ms T & Ms S Pearce & Hann)
DCC Sharlarna Evolution at Linjato (Mrs L A Flynn).
RDCC Salvador Dali by Sangria (Mr G W Farmer).
BCC Champion Jaschin First Edition (Mr S & Mr J & Mrs A Rooney & Green & Green).
RBCC Ennistar’s Niagara at Spiritisle (imp) (Mrs J G Cushing).
BOB Champion Jaschin First Edition (Mr S & Mr J & Mrs A Rooney & Green & Green).
BP Alstella Eadweard (Mrs C & Mrs S Reeves-Sargant & Diment).
BV Champion Rakuchin Kenji Na (Ms T & Ms S Pearce & Hann).
Veteran Dog (2, 1 abs)
1. Champion Rakuchin Kenji Na (Ms T & Ms S Pearce & Hann), I have previously awarded this dog a Challenge Certificate & Best of Breed, and I was delighted to see him looking so well in the Veteran Class at the age of 8 and a half years; lovely size and with a great outline resulting from good neck carriage, level topline, well carried tail; profuse black & white coat of silky texture, good chest & ribcage for size; attractive good size head with broad skull and well cushioned lips; correct expression for the breed; hare feet; dainty with fine bone but retaining masculinity; moved and showed beautifully. Best Veteran in Breed.
Minor Puppy Dog (2, 0 abs)
1. Bobby Dazzler Rodnichok Iz Tiger Sada at Ereste NAF (Ms I Pearson), well distributed black markings on white background with even head markings, typical expression and lovely head with well set ears on this dainty puppy; nicely balanced overall with straight front, nice neck, level topline and well placed and carried tail; nice textured coat; showed confidently.
2. Alstella Look at Me (Mr D & Mrs S Blow & Allen), beautifully typical look of astonishment on this red sable and white puppy enhanced by his coat colouring; high ear set, good sized head and skull; dark eyes; fine bone; hare feet; makings of a good coat; sadly seemed totally overawed with the proceedings which made it difficult to assess his outline and movement; has the potential to look good when he develops his confidence.
Puppy Dog (4, 0 abs)
1. Alstella Eadweard (Mrs C & Mrs S Reeves-Sargant & Diment), well marked dainty black & white dog, even head markings with a lozenge on the skull; lovely head with correct eyes and nicely cushioned muzzle, small well set ears; well balanced profile with good reach of neck leading to level topline and well set tail; fine bone; moved stylishly and true coming and going; picture completed with nice furnishings of silky texture; showed attentively showing off his attributes to advantage. Best Puppy Dog and Best Puppy in Breed.
2. Sangria PS I Love You (Miss S M Kannangara), lovely size black & white puppy, fairly compact body, well set tail; good size masculine head, dark sparkling eyes with breed typical look of astonishment and beautifully cushioned muzzle; even blaze, light markings on the body; nice coat coming of good texture.
3. Yama Midwood Master Tailor (Mrs S C Vincent).
Junior Dog (2, 0 abs)
1. Sharlarna Swindler (Mrs T & Mr A Quinn), fine boned classy black & white youngster who has a lovely outline and super breed attributes; good width of chest; excellent neck carriage, compact body with good ribcage, level topline, well carried tail; attractive head with wide muzzle, dark eyes, good expression, well placed ears; excellently presented silky coat; moved confidently and showed well.
2. Threadgold Leonardo at Hazdawn (Lady H D Bamford), good shape on this black & white young dog; good width of chest; nice neck, compact body with good ribcage, level topline, well carried plumed tail; attractive head with even markings, wide muzzle, dark eyes with correct expression, well placed ears; moved and showed well.
Post Graduate Dog (1, abs 0)
1. Cholas Yasu at Yama (Mrs S C Vincent), lightly marked black & white dog; well balanced with good size head, level topline, high set tail; dark sparkling eyes with small amount of white giving typical expression; nicely cushioned muzzle; straight front, nice width of chest and good ribcage; dense coat; moved with parallel movement steadily round the ring.
Limit Dog (4, 1 abs)
1. Sharlarna Evolution at Linjato (Mrs L A Flynn), coming three years old, this dog topped a small but high class entry in the Limit Class which produced my CC and RCC winners today; immaculately presented in full profuse black & white coat of silky texture, he looked a picture entering the ring as he showed off his super outline resulting from good neck carriage, level topline, well carried tail; good chest & ribcage for size; long black feathering on his ears framing his wide white blaze and white muzzle together with even head markings; high set ears, well cushioned muzzle and correct expression for the breed; lovely size, dainty with fine bone but retaining masculinity; showed beautifully. Dog CC, delighted to learn that this was his third Challenge Certificate giving him his crown.
2. Salvador Dali by Sangria (Mr G W Farmer), excelling in breed qualities, this lightly marked black & white dog was presented in lovely condition; excellent head properties with dark eyes, breed typical expression, wide nicely cushioned muzzle; excellent body proportions and great profile; neck carriage holding head proudly; short cobby body and good width of chest; firm level topline held on the move, plumed tail held over the back producing such a balanced picture; fine bone, hare feet; excellent parallel movement for and aft; showed steadily and well. Dog RCC.
3. Sheardream Eric (Mr D & Mrs S Blow & Allen).
Open Dog (5, 0 abs)
1. Champion Sleepyhollow Love Me Sibbai (Ms L, Miss E & Mr D Hampton, Vine & Strange), top quality black & white dog, very compact outline with good ribcage for size; level topline, well set tail; nice reach of neck carrying head nicely; characteristic look of astonishment, good skull, with neat wide muzzle, open nostrils; profuse coat, texture silky and well presented; masculine without being coarse; a beautiful example of the breed.
2. Sangria De Ja Vous (Mr G W Farmer), excellent shape on this dainty black & white six year old dog who excelled in his compact shape; good width of chest; nice neck, compact body with good ribcage, level topline, well carried tail; attractive head with wide muzzle, dark eyes, well placed ears; silky coat texture; moved confidently and showed well.
3. Sharlarna Imperial Comanda (Mr S Cayton)
Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog (1, 0 abs)
1. Jeskandai Koi No Yokan (Miss J L Mcfarlane), lightly marked black & white dog, very compact with good ribcage for size; level topline, well set tail; nice reach of neck with good head carriage; characteristic look of astonishment, good skull, with neat wide muzzle, open nostrils; lovely coat, texture silky.
Minor Puppy Bitch (3, 0 abs)
1. Alstella Glamour Girl (Mrs C & Mrs S Reeves-Sargant & Diment), oozing quality and confidence, this puppy must surely be a pin up girl of the future; red sable & white puppy with a most attractive head, good skull and width of muzzle, typical look of astonishment; excellent neck carriage leading to level topline and well set and carried tail; good chest and ribcage; fine bone; beautifully silky texture to coat completing the picture.
2. Sangria Bibiana (Mr G W Farmer), just six months, showing promise; well made lightly marked black & white puppy; good size head with large dark eyes with correct expression and neat finish to wide muzzle; nice neck, level topline and well set tail making a lovely outline; very much a baby with plenty of time to understand the requirements of the show ring.
3. Nihonqin Cracklin’ Rosie (Mrs S J White).
Post Graduate Bitch (4, 3 abs)
1. Sangria Moon Dance (Mr G W Farmer), black & white bitch, very dainty and feminine with fine bone; good neck and well carried and furnished tail in silky coat producing a balanced outline; attractive head with good skull and well cushioned wide muzzle, look of astonishment characteristic of the breed; compact body with level topline and good width of chest and ribcage; hare feet; moved well.
Limit Bitch (3, 1 abs)
1. Sharlarna Eye Candy JW (Mrs T & Mr A Quinn), very dainty black & white bitch; attractive head with good skull, dark eyes, lovely look of astonishment, cushioned muzzle; fine bone; good neck, well carried and furnished tail and short level topline producing a lovely outline; nice ribcage for size; silky coat texture; a quality feminine exhibit; moved with style.
2. Spiritisle Fairy Magic (Mrs J G Cushing), red sable & white bitch with good skull and wide muzzle together with correct expression and cushioned muzzle; fine bone; good neck, well carried tail; level topline; straight front with enough width of chest; good furnishings; hare feet; moved well.
Open Bitch (5, 0 abs)
1. Champion Jaschin First Edition (Mr S & Mr J & Mrs A Rooney & Green & Green), captivating black & white bitch presented in immaculate condition; so well balanced over all; good sized head with lovely skull, width of cushioned muzzle and large nicely placed eyes with desired look of astonishment; excellent outline in profile, with neck carriage, level topline and tail carriage all put together well; good chest and ribcage for size with fine bone; in excellent coat of silky texture that completed the picture; moved well out and back, elegantly and with style; looked a picture standing and on the move. Bitch CC and Best of Breed.
2. Ennistar’s Niagara at Spiritisle (imp) (Mrs J G Cushing), very feminine red & white bitch with a most attractive head, high set ears on good skull, good width and cushioning of muzzle, lovely look of astonishment, dark eyes; excellent neck carriage leading to level topline and well set and carried tail; good chest and ribcage; fine bone; beautifully silky texture to good coat and furnishings to complete the picture on this nice sized aristocratic looking bitch. Bitch RCC.
3. Sharlana Midnight at Alstella (Mrs C & Mrs S Reeves-Sargant & Diment)