Dog Challenge Certificate608 - Sharlarna Evolution at Linjato (Mrs L A Flynn)
Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate635 - Kirdanchi Moves Like Jagger avec Craimose (Mr C F Young)
Bitch Challenge Certificate626 - Ch Jaschin First Edition (Mr S & Mr J & Mrs A Rooney & Green & Green)
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate624 - Sharlana Midnight at Alstella (Mrs C & Mrs S Reeves-Sargant & Diment)
Best of Breed608 - Sharlarna Evolution at Linjato (Mrs L A Flynn)
Best Puppy621 - Alstella Eadweard (Mrs C & Mrs S Reeves-Sargant & Diment)
Best Special Beginners610 - Jaschin Stop and Paws (Miss S H Harbron)
Best Veteran - Sangria War Lord (Mr I G & Mrs L E S Burden)
Class 183. Minor Puppy Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 1
1st Place616 - Bobby Dazzler Rodnichok Iz Tiger Sada at Ereste NAF (Ms I Pearson)
Class 184. Puppy Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Place621 - Alstella Eadweard (Mrs C & Mrs S Reeves-Sargant & Diment)
Class 185. Junior Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 1
1st Place620 - Sharlarna Swindler (Mrs T & Mr A Quinn)
Class 186. Post Graduate Dog Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st Place635 - Kirdanchi Moves Like Jagger avec Craimose (Mr C F Young)
2nd Place611 - Sharlarna Hit Man for Dabrives (Mr D & Mr B Hubble & Summerbell)
3rd Place605 - Sleepyhollow Vincent (Miss T & Ms L Burns & Hampton)
Class 187. Limit Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st Place608 - Sharlarna Evolution at Linjato (Mrs L A Flynn)
2nd Place610 - Jaschin Stop and Paws (Miss S H Harbron)
Class 188. Open Dog Entries: 5 Absentees: 2
1st Place629 - Ch Javalcy The Great Mikado JW (Ms J Thomas)
2nd Place623 - Alstella Toffee Sundae (Mrs C & Mrs S Reeves-Sargant & Diment)
3rd Place631 - Sharlarna Tyson (Miss S J & Mr A Westwick & Davidson)
Class 189. Veteran Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Place603 - Sangria War Lord (Mr I G & Mrs L E S Burden)
Class 190. Special Beginners Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Place610 - Jaschin Stop and Paws (Miss S H Harbron)
Class 191. Minor Puppy Bitch Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Place622 - Alstella Glamour Girl (Mrs C & Mrs S Reeves-Sargant & Diment)
Class 192. Puppy Bitch Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st Place633 - Sharlarna Indi for Denain (Miss K & Mrs D Whitehouse)
2nd Place618 - Adreem Highland Chincess (Mr R & Mrs J Potts)
Class 193. Junior Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 2
1st Place604 - Yakedo Irises JW (Miss T Burns)
2nd Place612 - Sharlarna Conchita for Meglind (Mrs S E Lindley)
Class 194. Post Graduate Bitch Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st Place602 - Sharlarna Vivacious (Miss L Bradley)
2nd Place614 - Sleepyhollow Cover Girl for Kirdanchi (Miss S E Martin)
Class 195. Limit Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st Place619 - Sharlarna Eye Candy JW (Mrs T & Mr A Quinn)
2nd Place601 - Sharlarna Primadonna (Miss L Bradley)
Class 196. Open Bitch Entries: 5 Absentees: 3
1st Place626 - Ch Jaschin First Edition (Mr S & Mr J & Mrs A Rooney & Green & Green)
2nd Place624 - Sharlana Midnight at Alstella (Mrs C & Mrs S Reeves-Sargant & Diment)
Class 197. Veteran Bitch Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Place632 - Denain Sweet Jamine (Miss K & Mrs D Whitehouse)
Class 198. Special Beginners Bitch
Entries: 0 Absentees: 0
I was delighted to receive this appointment and had been looking forward to it for 18 months; although my entry was not as numerically strong as it could have been, I found that what I did have, in general, pleased and filled my eye for both breed type and presentation. To those exhibitors who had entered and were absent, I am grateful for the messages of apologies for not travelling in the shocking weather we had that week, and I totally understood.
Minor Puppy dog, 2(1)
1st Pearson, Bobby Dazzler Rodnichok Iz Tiger Sada at Ereste (NAF )
B/W of 7.5 Months , pleasing head although slightly strong for some , mouth will hopefully settle . nice length of neck and a good lay of shoulder, moved well enough despite being very excited and in awe of what was going on around him. Would prefer more angulation behind.
Puppy Dog 1
1st Reeves Sargant & Diment , Alstella Eadweard
B/W 11 months of lovely type , nice body over all , everything was where I would want it to be , slightly giddy on the move which unfortunately marred his movement especially noticeable when moving away. This was not evident in the challenge when he was following another dog, I am sure with age and experience he will enjoy a great show career BPIB
Junior Dog 2(1)
Quinn, Sharlarna Swindler
Just 12 months old, he was quite the showman once he had calmed down and he came together, he is a lovely shape with a lovely open face and expressive eyes. Nice lay of shoulder and a good spring of rib. He held his top line on the move and carried his tail perfectly. I would of preferred a slightly stronger back end on the day.
Post Graduate Dog 4 (1)
1st Young, Kirdanchi Moves Like Jagger avec Craimose
This boy was looking slightly raw due to recovering from a large coat change so typical for his age but this did not distract from the qualities he has. He is compact and full of breed type, lovely length of neck and nice lay of shoulder, short coupled and moved well all ways covering the ground well while holding his topline. The coat he had was well presented and despite the lack of coat I was delighted to award him the RDCC
2nd Hubble & Summerbell, Sharlarna Hit Man for Dabrives
B/W coming up 2 yrs, stockier type than one , but again pleasing head and great length of neck, and good strong shoulders, lovely rib and shape in general. On the move he was slightly erratic which I could see he was enjoying his time in the ring , his handler …not so much. If he had moved with more control he could have had this class
3rd Burns & Hampton , Sleepyhollow Vincent
Limit Dog 3(1)
1st Flynn , Sharlarna Evolution at Linjato
This boy was presented immaculately; entering the ring, he stood out as the quality boy that he is, small and compact; he is dainty with good bone without losing masculinity. He is a very pretty boy, with beautiful dark expressive eyes. He has a super outline. A good chest, shoulders and neck carriage, this flows to a level topline and a well set tail. He carries a large coat of long silk texture , presented to perfection for me , a clear class winner and a very worthy DCC. Later on in the challenge his attitude of I’m not rushing around no ring , just enjoy looking at me was enough for me to award him BOB
2nd Harbron , Jaschin Stop and Paws
B/W 30months of large type and stature , heavier set , kept a level topline on the move and was in good coat , would prefer a straighter front when stood.
Open Dog 5(2)
1st Thomas , Ch Javalcy The Great Mikado
B/W mature boy of obvious quality, pleasing head with a lovely expression and he is a great shape with a good rib and short back, in great coat and is well presented .On the move he covers the ground well , but also had a tendency to flag his tail on the move which for me spoils the over all picture.
2nd Reeves Sargant & Diment, Alstella Toffee Sundae.
R/W Smaller in type than 1, pleasing to go over, neck of moderate length, well laid shoulders and straight limbs leading to beautiful hare feet. Good spring of rib and well angulated back end. On the move he was slightly erratic which spoilt the overall profile shape of him for me.
3rd Westwick & Davidson. Sharlarna Tyson
Veteran Dog 1
1st Burden , Sangria War Lord
B/W dog almost 8yrs , was definitely on his toes today moving effortlessly around the ring , sound in all ways. He is a fabulous shape, with a classic head , slightly too much wrinkle for some if being over critical . He carries a good coat of correct texture that was well presented. Delighted he showed all day and was awarded BVIB
Special Beginners Dog 1
1st Harbron, Jaschin Stop And Paws
See 2nd in Limit dog .
Minor Puppy Bitch 1
1st Reeves Sargant & Diment, Alstella Glamour Girl
R/W of 8 months , lovely shape and very together for her age, delightful expression and a pretty head , good length of neck and should lay of shoulder. Level topline held well on the move, slightly close behind when moving away today.
Puppy Bitch 2
1st Whitehouse , Sharlarna Indi for Denain
B/W of 11 months , of lovely type , pleasing head and expression , slightly hesitant at first , was told it was her 2nd show which could explain it, good solid body with good rib and level topline. Moved well once settled ,her front was slightly choppy to start with. Coat of good texture and presented well.
2nd Potts , Adreem Highland Chincess.
R/W , not all together happy today, pleasing head and neck and shoulders , stood slightly wide on the front, , moved well enough around the ring , good quality coat, well presented.
Junior Bitch 4(2)
1st Burns , Yakedo Irises
B/W 17months of lovely compact build , very pretty head , enough length of neck and a good level topline, nicely put together through out , plenty of coat but of a drier texture than most. Showed constantly for her handler.
2nd Lindley, Sharlarna Conchita for Meglind
Just 15months and still very immature, rangier in type that 1, but she still has a lot of maturing to do, she had just gone through a very heavy junior moult, the coat she had is of excellent texture and was well presented. She wasn’t happy today on the move and was very wary of everything around her which ended in her dropping her tail which totally spoilt her profile shape, stick with this one as she has many qualities.
Post Graduate Bitch 2
1st Bradley, Sharlarna Vivacious
B/W , Very pretty girl, compact and cobby without being heavy or over done , just coming back into coat, great texture of coat and well presented. Moved freely around the ring holding her profile shape well, she seemed to lose focus in the challenge as I considered her for RCC
2nd Martin, Sleepyhollow Cover Girl for Kirdanchi
Similar in type to 1 , not as confident in the ring or on the table , I believe this is down to inexperience and will get better in time the more she is shown, she had a tendency to hunch herself up giving the impression she was roached , which watching her move I know she wasn’t, she also stood awkwardly making her front look wide. She has many qualities and I believe keeping her going will help her get over herself, however a shame on the day.
Limit Bitch 3(1)
1st Quinn, Sharlarna Eye Candy JW
Lovely overall package of a girl, pretty head , lovely dark eye and expression , good length of neck and level topline. Well laid shoulders and straight front, level topline. Moved well and true for and aft, would prefer a slightly deeper chest to complete the overall picture for me.
2nd Bradley, Sharlarna Primadonna
Similar in type to 1 , another very pretty bitch, again very nice overall shape, lovely dark expressive eyes, and very nice to go over , however on the move today she wasn’t playing ball with her handler or with her tail, such a shame as she could exchange places with 1 quite easily in my opinion.
Open Bitch 5(3)
1st Rooney & Green , Ch Jaschin First Edition
Well known bitch with many wins to her credit, she is very nice to go over, and is every inch the showgirl, I found her to have well laid shoulders and a good rib and level top line with nice rear angulation. On the move she is commands the ring and moves with great fluidity, however for me I would prefer to see her move slower giving a more regal appearance typical of a chin, her coat is of good texture with just enough furnishings for her age. she is wider in front than I would like, however on the day, in this competition she was worthy of the BCC
2nd Reeves Sargant & Diment, Sharlarna Midnight at Alstella
Small, compact and cobby , this girl totally filled my eye, going over her I would prefer slightly more substance, pleasing head and neck , lovely dark eyes with a hint of mischief in them, level topline and oved well for and aft ,sadly not the ring presence of 1 but worthy of being called back into the ring to win the RBCC
Veteran Bitch 1
1st Whitehouse, Denain Sweet Jasmin
8yrs such a beautiful girl that I have admired since she was a puppy, full of breed type so lacking in many kennels today, beautiful head with soft expression , short cobby body and beautifully set tail , also the best hare feet of the day. She carries an abundant coat of the best silk texture and it was presented to perfection. Sadly today she wasn’t moving the best which lost her the BVIB