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Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show 2024
Judge: Mr D Anderson
BEST OF BREED : 496 PEARCE, Ms Tina Marguerita & HANN, Ms S Ch Rakuchin Kenji Na
Dog CC : 496 PEARCE, Ms Tina Marguerita & HANN, Ms S Ch Rakuchin Kenji Na
Res Dog CC : 489 LINDSAY, Miss L Ch Cranvarl Roger At Anjuli JW
Bitch CC : 511 TONG, Miss Jayne & CRANE, Mrs Lynn Cranvarl Maude
Res Bitch CC : 495 OATRIDGE, Mrs C M & GROGAN, Mr Lee & IRVINE, Dr Ro Dalehouse Royal Secret
Best Puppy : 495 OATRIDGE, Mrs C M & GROGAN, Mr Lee & IRVINE, Dr Ro Dalehouse Royal Secret
Best Veteran : 496 PEARCE, Ms Tina Marguerita & HANN, Ms S Ch Rakuchin Kenji Na
Best Special Beginner :
Class 201 VD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 496 PEARCE, Ms Tina Marguerita & HANN, Ms S Ch Rakuchin Kenji Na
2nd: 479 BURDEN, Mr Ian & BURDEN, Mrs Leonore Sangria War Lord
Class 202 MPD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 500 PENMAN, Mrs E A Littletigers Until It Sleeps @ Clarmoray Imp Ita
Class 203 PD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 508 ROONEY, Mr S & GREEN, Mr J & GREEN, Mrs A Jaschin Paw Star
2nd: 509 SCHEMEL, Dr A Bentwood Panda Saru
Class 204 JD (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 507 ROONEY, Mr S & GREEN, Mr J & GREEN, Mrs A Jaschin Working Man I Am
2nd: 475 BAILEY, Mrs Dorothy May Bentwood Wagamappa Suni At Aldoricka
3rd: 497 PEARCE, Ms Tina Marguerita & HANN, Ms S Rakuchin Born In The Usa (imp Usa)
Class 205 PGD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 512 TONG, Miss Jayne Cranvarl The Red King Of Jakconas
2nd: 491 MCFARLANE, Miss L Corrinwood Peter Piper
3rd: 487 KANNAGARA, Miss S M Sangria Ps I Love You
Res: 493 MORGAN, Mrs Judith Elizabeth & GODWIN, Mr William Shardlow Koji
Class 206 LD (7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 502 QUINN, Mrs T & Mr A Sharlarna Swindler Jw
2nd: 486 JACKSON, Mrs T M Amantra Eiji
3rd: 503 RATTER, Mrs Loraine Anjuli Tank Commander At Seafar
Res: 484 FARMER, Mr George William Salvador Dali By Sangria
VHC: 480 BURNS, Miss Tracy & HAMPTON, Ms Leila Sleepyhollow Vincent
Class 207 OD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 489 LINDSAY, Miss L Ch Cranvarl Roger At Anjuli JW
2nd: 506 ROONEY, Mr S & GREEN, Mr J & GREEN, Mrs A Ch Jaschin Hold That Thought Jw
3rd: 478 BLAIR, Mrs G Sharlarna's Chaos At Bellflows
Res: 485 FARMER, Mr George William Sangria De Ja Vous
Class 209 VB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 504 ROONEY, Mr S & GREEN, Mr J & GREEN, Mrs A Ch Swifthocks Paws For Thought (jw)
2nd: 477 BLAIR, Mrs G Bellflows Honey Bee
Class 211 PB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 495 OATRIDGE, Mrs C M & GROGAN, Mr Lee & IRVINE, Dr Ro Dalehouse Royal Secret
2nd: 483 CRANE, Mrs L Cranvarl Eliza Doolittle
3rd: 510 STREEK, Mrs Virginia Sharlarna Harmony At Sherazade
Class 212 JB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 488 LEACH, Mrs Susan & LEACH, Mr M Ashaka Puss In Boots In Ouzlewell
Class 214 LB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 511 TONG, Miss Jayne & CRANE, Mrs Lynn Cranvarl Maude
2nd: 481 CALVERT, Mr And Mrs Kevin And Gemma Somergemz Balenciaga
3rd: 490 LINDSAY, Miss L Jaschin Who'd Have Thought At Anjuli
Res: 492 MCFARLANE, Miss L Churchis Precious Jewel
Class 215 OB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 482 CRANE, Mrs L Cranvarl's Macey Grey JW
2nd: 505 ROONEY, Mr S & GREEN, Mr J & GREEN, Mrs A Ch Jaschin Paws For Applause
3rd: 494 OATRIDGE, Mrs C M Ch Ch Sleepyhollow Peace Flower At Dalehouse
Res: 501 QUINN, Mrs T & Mr A Ch Sharlarna Eye Candy JW
Veteran Dog (2,0)
1. Pearce & Hann’s Ch Rakuchin Kenji Na
Rising 10 y/o B/W with beautiful head, eye, well-cushioned muzzle giving an overall aristocratic expression. Arched neck, flowing into short back, compact. cobby body. Super bone. Well presented in tip-top condition. Moves well with drive and purpose. One of the best Chin I have seen. Loved him. CC and BOB. Delighted to see that he went on to win Toy Veteran Group 4.
2. Burden’s Sangria War Lord
8 y/o well-marked B/W with pleasing head and expression. Overall, balanced shape showing good breed type. Compact body, Steady mover.
Minor Puppy Dog (1,0)
1. Penman’s Littletigers Until It Sleeps at Clarmoray (Imp ITA)
8 month old B/W with super head and expression. Nice cushioning for a baby. Lovely type with pleasing overall shape. Lovely type, steady, confident mover. Big coat. Up to size for me.
Puppy Dog (2,0)
1. Rooney & Green’s Jaschin Paw Star. Pretty head with expressive eyes and good width to muzzle. Fine boned. Level topline. A little out of coat today, but that should come in time. Good mover.
2. Schemel’s Bentwood Panda Saru
B/W with super head, eye and cushioning. Overall, balanced shape in profile. Well-marked coat, Sadly today, not happy with flooring, moved ok when settled.
Junior Dog (4,1)
1. Rooney, Green & Green’s Jaschin Working Man I Am
B/W elegant youngster. Lovely head properties. Good neck and topline. Flashy male with
plenty of attitude. Moved well. One to watch.
2. Bailey’s Bentwood Wagamappa Suni at Aldoricka
Smart B/W boy. Pleasing head and expression. Good front and rear action. Well
presented coat.
3. Pearce & Hann’s Born In The USA (Imp USA)
Post Graduate Dog (4,0)
1. Tong’s Cranvarl The Red King of Jakconas
R/W youngster, raw, but loads of potential. Head still maturing, attractive expression. Well-ma5ked big coat of lovely colour. Moved well with style. Should have a bright future.
2. McFarlane’s Corrinwood Peter Piper
B/W ‘all male’ dog with nice head, eye and good width to muzzle. Level topline. Flashy mover. Good size.
3. Kannagara’s Sangria PS I Love You
Limit Dog (7,0)
1. Quinn’s Sharlarna Swindler JW
Flashy, showy B/W male with great presence. Correct Head, eye and good width to muzzle. Good Topline and pleasing shape in profile. Moved well. Coat well-presented.
2. Jackson’s Amantra Eiji
B/W with pleasing head and expression. Short coupled. IN good coat. Not as animated as class winner , when on the move.
3. Ratter’s Anjuli Tank Commander at Seafar
Open Dog (4,0)
1. Lindsay’s Ch Cranvarl Roger at Anjuli
R/W of striking colour and presentation. Head is very correct with the best cushioning.
Arched neck, short, level back and good tailset. Moved effortlessly. In full coat, which was
very well-presented. A very worthy champion. RCC.
2. Rooney, Green & Green’s Ch Jaschin Hold That Thought JW
B/W with lovely head with super expression. Balanced overall shape. Excels on the move. Very well presented. Another worthy champion.
3. Blair’s Sharlarna’s Chaos at Bellflows
Veteran Bitch (2,0)
1. Rooney, Green & Green’s Ch Swifthocks Paws For Thought JW
Rising 8 y/o B/W of lovely type, well balanced throughout. A worthy champion, she still has star quality and gives her all when in the show ring. Have awarded her a Res CC in the past and pushed hard again. Well-presented.
2. Blair’s Bellflows Honey Bee
8 y/o B/W, exuberant lady who does not think she is a veteran. Has lots of breed type and was shown in superb condition. Moved well with drive and purpose.
Minor Puppy Bitch (0,0)
Puppy Bitch (3,0)
1. Oakridge, Grogan & Irvine’s Dalehouse Royal Secret
B?W with gorgeous head, eye and cushioning, giving an aristocratic expression. Short, compact body. Well-marked silky coat. . Super on the move, I could not deny her the Res CC and BP. Will watch her career with interest.
2. Crane’s Cranvarl Eliza Doolittle
R/W raw baby with a very pretty head and eye. Overall, pleasing shape. Moved well when settled. Coat of good quality. Another with lots of potential, when she matures.
3. Streek’s Sharlarna Harmony at Sherazade
Junior Bitch (1,0)
1. Leach & Leach’s Ashaka Puss In Boots At Ouzlewell
B/W youngster. Pretty headed with good eye and width to muzzle. Level topline. Moved very well. Very out of coat today.
Post Graduate Bitch (0,0)
Limit Bitch (4,0)
1. Tong’s Cranvarl Maude
R/W with one of the best heads today. Exquisite expression. Lovely balanced shape in profile. Ideal size. Moved beautifully with drive and purpose. Flowing coat of correct texture in full bloom. Loved everything about her. Handled to get the best out of her. Delighted to award her the CC, her fourth I believe.
2. Calvart’s Somergemz Balenciaga
Sable and white with feminine head and expressive eyes. Lovely topline. Moved very well. Not in full coat, but still very smart.
3. Lindsay’s Jaschin Who’d Have Thought at Anjuli
Open Bitch (4,0)
1. Crane’s Cranvarl Macey Grey JW
R/W with attractive head and super cushioning. Good neck and topline. Well-presented
silky coat. Moved very well. Shown to perfection by her clever handler.
2. Rooney, Green & Green’s Ch Jaschin Paws For Applause
B/W with super head shape and expression. Level topline and a lovely balanced shape. Very good mover. A worthy champion, she was very well presented, as were all from this
3. Morgan’s Ch Sleepyhollow Peace Flower at Dalehouse
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