Birmingham National 2024
Judge: Mrs C Partington Palmer
Firstly, I would like to thank the Officers and Committee Members for inviting me to judge at this prestigious show and the great hospitality given to me. I would also like to thank both my Stewards who were both friendly and efficient making my task so much easier. Finally thank you to the Exhibitors for giving me such a splendid entry.
I was looking for dogs that in my opinion epitomizes our breed standard. I’m sorry to say some didn’t. A number were not square in shape. A few stood at ten to two. I know a number of East Asiatic breeds do, but in our breed this is not correct. A few were tipping their tongue, which is not desirable. Presentation on the whole was good but a number of exhibits had bad eye staining that can detract from the dog’s expression. I suggest that using one of the specific products on a daily basis can be helpful in improving and avoiding the problem. On a positive note it was so nice to see the correct hare foot on so many dogs, I was also pleased to see such quality dogs and thrilled with my top winners.
BEST OF BREED : 6248 REEVES-SARGANT, Mesdames Christine & DIMENT, Mrs S Alstella Eadweard
Dog CC : 6248 REEVES-SARGANT, Mesdames Christine & DIMENT, Mrs S Alstella Eadweard
Res Dog CC : 6225 FARMER, Mr George William Sangria De Ja Vous
Bitch CC : 6244 QUINN, Mrs T & Mr A Sharlarna Eye Candy JW
Res Bitch CC : 6214 CAYTON, Mr S Sharlarna Temptress
Best Puppy : 6238 OATRIDGE, Mrs C M Dalehouse Royal Secret
Best Veteran : 6251 ROONEY, Mr S & GREEN, Mr J & GREEN, Mrs A Ch Swifthocks Paws For Thought (JW)
Best Special Beginners: 6229 HARBRON, Miss Sheila Jaschin Stop And Paws
Class 2187 SBD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6229 HARBRON, Miss Sheila Jaschin Stop And Paws
A 3year old b/w. Nicely balanced dog, with good head and eye, good tail set. Moved and showed well for his handler.
Class 2188 MPD (5 Entries) Abs: 2
This was a hard class to judge as all three puppies were quality and I’m sure will change placing time and time again.
1st: 6262 VAN DE BURGT, Mr C & STRANGE, Mr D & HAMPTON, Mrs Norvanik Kandi Crush
8 month old smart b/w. lovely size and shape for his age. Correct head and eye. Good body and tail set. Level topline. Nicely marked and moved well in both directions
2nd: 6256 ROONEY, Mr S & GREEN, Mr J & GREEN, Mrs A Jaschin Paw Star
just 6 months old so just a baby, a nice size and shape. Good head with pleasing eyes and expression. He was full of himself .I like to see this personality in a puppy
but don’t think his handler appreciate it today but will in the future when he settles down.
3rd: 6239 OATRIDGE, Mrs C M Dalehouse Royal Sceptre
Class 2189 PD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6215 CAYTON, Mr S Aleemai Mr Brightside
9 month old b/w. Nice and square dark eyes and sweet expression. Good shaped head, good neck , correct ears placement level top line but a little unsettled
2nd: 6241 PEARCE, Ms Tina Marguerita & HANN, Ms S Somergemz Tanjobi Rakuchin 11 month old b/w puppy similar to one but slightly longer in the body . Masculine head and muzzle short and well cushioned, good body for age . stylish mover.
3rd: 6208 BARANZECK, Mrs A Capevidles Chinook
Class 2190 JD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6248 REEVES-SARGANT, Mesdames Christine & DIMENT, Mrs S Alstella Eadweard This boy caught my eye the moment he entered the ring. I was not disappointed when I went over him on the table. Large head with broad skull with soft expression and good pigment. Short wide well cushioned muzzle, nice wide chest. So square and compact. Level topline and good tail set and well feathered. Coat of the correct texture long and silky. Moved round the ring with ease looking happy and with one with his handler. Delighted to award him the CC and BOB.
2nd: 6255 ROONEY, Mr S & GREEN, Mr J & GREEN, Mrs A Jaschin Working Man I Am Naf Taf. 11 month old b/w. Sweet puppy who is coming along nicely, just needs more time to mature and settle
Class 2191 PGD (5 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 6224 FARMER, Mr George William Sangria Rocket Man
Beautiful size and shape. He is square and compact, broad head and cushioned muzzle. Lovely expression and dark eyes. In excellent condition.
2nd: 6207 BAMFORD, Mrs Hazel Threadgold Leonardo At Hazdawn
slightly bigger and longer than1.superb coat so long and silky
Class 2192 LD (6 Entries) Abs: 2
What a class, such quality. Very little divided the first three, I literally was splitting hairs. These dogs are a credit to the owners and breeders. On another day my placing could have been different.
1st: 6223 FARMER, Mr George William Salvador Dali By Sangria
A delightful compact dog, nicely shaped head, large dark eyes, moved well and beautifully presented
2nd: 6245 QUINN, Mrs T & Mr A Sharlarna Swindler
Small soundly constructed dog, Excels in breed type, superb head, eye and expression. Good length of neck and cobby body. Coat of the right texture
Moved and showed well.
3rd: 6268 YOUNG, Mr C F Kirdanchi Moves Like Jagger Avec Craimose
Res: 6229 HARBRON, Miss Sheila Jaschin Stop And Paws
Class 2193 OD (6 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 6225 FARMER, Mr George William Sangria De Ja Vous
Another quality dog from this well known kennel. Square compact little dog, head in proportion to his size. Correct ear set which were well feathered, nice dark sized eyes and soft expression. Kept his shape when on the move. Presented
in excellent condition. RCC.
2nd: 6234 MARTIN, Ms P Cranvarl The Student Prince
Another quality dog. Very similar to 1, with the same attributes, just prefer the front of 1. Presented to perfection.
3rd: 6253 ROONEY, Mr S & GREEN, Mr J & GREEN, Mrs A Ch Jaschin Hold That
Thought Jw
Class 2194 VD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
May I congratulate the owners of these 2 dogs both in tip top condition and presented beautifully.
1st: 6211 BURDEN, Mr Ian & BURDEN, Mrs Leonore Sangria War Lord
No denning the quality of this boy, masculine head in proportion with is body.
Lovely expression. Wide in chest, level top line, tail set high on his back and nicely feathered. Moved nicely. Just lost out on movement in the challenge for BV
2nd: 6263 WESTWICK, Miss Sj Sharlarna Tyson
Smart and sound. Nice type. Lovely head and expression. Good ribcage.
In good coat. Showed well.
Class 2196 MPB (5 Entries) Abs: 0
WOW WOW WOW, what a pleasure to judge such a stunning class, fully of quality.
I look forward to following their progress. I predict there are some future champions.
In this class.
1st: 6238 OATRIDGE, Mrs C M Dalehouse Royal Secret
This 8 month old little girl caught my eye immediately she entered the ring. So feminine, super size and outline, superb head and expression. Showing just enough white of eye. Good body for age. Kept her shape on the move and what a super mover this girl is. I seriously considered her for the RBCC. Had no hesitation to award her BPIB.
2nd: 6210 BRADLEY, Miss Louise Jayne Sharlarna All Eyes On Me
Stunning bitch unlucky to meet my winner. Very similar type both
in size and shape. Just not as mature as my winner.
3rd: 6258 STREEK, Mrs Virginia (ginney) Sharlarna Harmony At Sherazade
Res: 6261 VAN DE BURGT, Mr C & STRANGE, Mr D Norvanik Candy Kisses
VHC: 6221 CUSHING, Mrs J Spiritisle Lil Miss Muffet
Class 2197 PB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
Close decision between 1st and 2nd and expect they will change places in future shows.
1st: 6254 ROONEY, Mr S & GREEN, Mr J & GREEN, Mrs A Jaschin Curtain Call
Pleasing head, eye and expression. Good outline with nice neck and shoulders.
Moved well.
2nd: 6226 FARRUGIA, Messers Nicholas & James Capevidles Simply The Best For Cholas Good head large dark eyes.well cushioned muzzle. Nice and square. Correct coat texture. Moved well.
3rd: 6220 CUSHING, Mrs J Spiritisle Queen Of Hearts
Class 2198 JB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6265 WESTWICK, Miss S. Sharlarna Shakira
Nicely matured b/w bitch. Lovely head nice eyes, good body and level topline
Correct tail set. Moved well in both directions
2nd: 6249 REEVES-SARGANT, Mesdames Christine & DIMENT, Mrs S Alstella Glamour Girl. A smaller R/W. Lovely type with beautiful feminine head and expression . Good body. Kept her lovely shape when on the move. Nicely marked
and beautiful silky coat.
3rd: 6243 POTTS, Mr R & Mrs J Adreeam Highland Chincess
Class 2199 PGB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6257 STEELE, Mrs S. Threadgold Starstruck JW
Correct shaped head with desired expression. Large dark eyes. Good size and shape. Level topline with high set tail. Stylish and straight movement
2nd: 6222 CUSHING, Mrs J Spiritisle Angel Delight
A nicely marked R/W . Correct size, cobby body. Sweetest of expressions, eyes dark with correct amount of white showing. Showed well.
3rd: 6232 MARTIN, Miss S E Sleepyhollow Cover Girl For Kirdanchi.
Class 2200 LB (7 Entries) Abs: An abundance of quality in this class
1st: 6244 QUINN, Mrs T & Mr A Sharlarna Eye Candy JW
What can I say that has not already been written about this exquisite bitch. She excels in every aspect of the breed standard. It was a pleasure to go over her and to watch her move round the ring with so much style and at one with her handler. Delighted to award her the BCC. I was surprised to be told later that was her 3rd CC. I honestly thought she already had gained her Title of Champion
2nd: 6209 BRADLEY, Miss Louise Jayne Sharlarna Vivacious
Similar to my winner. Dainty bitch of correct proportions. Feminine head and large dark eyes. Gentle expression. Good body, level topline , good tail set. Moved well in both directions
3rd: 6266 WESTWICK, Miss Sj Sharlarna Hiflying Handbag
Res: 6216 CRANE, Mrs L Anjuli Margo For Cranvarl
VHC: 6219 CUSHING, Mrs J Spiritisle Fairy Magic
Class 2201 OB (11 Entries) Abs: 1
The biggest class of the day, and a delight to judge. Quality in abundance.
1st: 6214 CAYTON, Mr S Sharlarna Temptress
I have not seen this girl since I judged her at Crufts in 2022, How well she has matured . Super size and shape. Wonderful head, beautiful eyes and expression. Superb body and level top line. Well feathered tail carried high over her back.
In full coat which give the impression she was a bit overweight. She has moderate neck and well laid shoulders. Moved round the ring with such grace. Immaculately presented Pleased to award her the RCC
2nd: 6269 YOUNG, Mr C F Sharlarna Hot Trousers At Craimose
Such an elegant bitch. Well balanced, ideal size and shape. Pleasing head and expression, correct eyes. Nice fine bone. Straight in movement. Excellent presentation. Just preferred the head of my winner.
3rd: 6252 ROONEY, Mr S & GREEN, Mr J & GREEN, Mrs A Jaschin Paws For Applause
Res: 6237 OATRIDGE, Mrs C M Ch Sleepyhollow Peace Flower At Dalehouse
VHC: 6240 PEARCE, Ms Tina Marguerita & HANN, Ms S Rakuchin Skyes Aria
Class 2202 (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6251 ROONEY, Mr S & GREEN, Mr J & GREEN, Mrs A Ch Swifthocks Paws For Thought (JW) A worthy champion. She epitomizes the breed standard so well. Moves round the ring with such style demanding your attention. She has so much showmanship, a pleasure to go over. BVIB. A Great ambassador for the breed. Congratulations on your placing in the group.