Bath Ch. Show 2019
Mr T. M. Evans
Dog Challenge Certificate & Best of Breed
Ms J Thomas

Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate
Mr C Young

Bitch Challenge Certificate
Miss Lindsay

Bitch Reserve Challenge Certificate
Mr S Rooney & Mr J & Mrs A Green

Best Puppy
Mrs T & Mr A Quinn

Best Veteran
Ms T Pearce & Ms S Hann

MPD (4) 1 Steele’s Yama Ghostbuster At Threadgold. Very nice young male, he pleases in head and expression. Very cobby with good width of chest, correct pigmentation nice reach of neck, compact body and high set tail. Strong, well muscled hindquarters and very smart in profile. In good coat for age. Nice fine bone, moved well and stylish another promising youngster. 2 Farmer’s Sangria Moon Walk. Another correct head, skull with nice large dark eyes, giving the characteristic look of astonishment, well pigmented nose with good wide open nostrils, well cushioned muzzle. He is very dainty and finely boned but this is combined with adequate width of chest and a good body correct texture coat and correct tail set moved well. 3 Vincent’s Yama Noritaki Tu.
PD (2) 1 Banks & Rowley’s Midwood Monaco Choya (Am Imp). A smart well coated youngster. Good for both size and balance correct breadth of skull, nice eye and well cushioned muzzle, good pigmentation and good forquarters. Level back with good tailset. Moved soundly and his very positive hind action. 2 O’Herlihy’s
Randalets Celtic Fire. Another stylish puppy with a good sized head, expressive eyes and well finished muzzle. Well ribbed with good topline and tailset. Excellent coat texture. Sound on the move but not quite as steady as the winner.
JD (4) 1 Thomas’ Javalcy The Great Mikado. A real showman, lovely size and full of quality correct cobby body, beautiful head and skull and a muzzle of good width and correct cushioning, excellent pigmentation, dark round eyes with just the right amount of white showing characteristic look of astonishment, black nose with wide open nostrils, straight front with the correct hare-like feet excellent texture coat, correct spring of rib with level topline and correct tail set and carriage, hind quarters firm and well muscled. Excellent very stylish movement and first class presentation. 2 McKenzie & Muldoon’s Rakuchin Dangerous Liaison Von Queshian. A soundly constructed dog with a good sized masculine skull, large open nostrils and wide well cushioned muzzle. Good breadth of chest and cobby body. Moved well. 3 Tarabad’s Tillashby’s Nick Is In A Twist At Frondil.
ND (3) 1 Farmer’s Sangria De Ja Vous. Dainty and fairly fined boned, good sized skull and well shaped dark eyehigh set small ears. Compact, moderate length of neck, level topline, coat of correct texture with good tail set and carriage. In first class condition, moved well and with some style. 2 Westwick & Davidson’s Sharlarna Tyson. Pleasing unexaggerated head with good large dark eyes and well cushioned muzzle. Finely boned with some breadth of chest, compact balanced good hare type feet good tail set good stylish movement. 3 McFarlane’s Glendyke Step Out In Style.
PGD (5) 1 Davidson’s Tillashby Russian Infusion At Sharlarna. In full coat and lovely condition, well presented, good body, nice head and skull, very short muzzle with large dark eye, good pigmentation, correct straight front with fine bone, good spring of rib and level topline, body square and compact tail carriage excellent and well feathered, moved soundly. 2 Evans’ Evansly Emoji. Beautifully balanced and very stylish with a lovely cobby body, pleasing in head with a good skull and good eye showing the correct amount of white high set tail and good topline, neck of moderate length Moves well and presented well. 3 Cushing’s Ennistar’s Katsero Akio At Spiritisle (Imp).
LD (9) 1 Young’s Sharlarna’s Magician. Masculine broad skull, large dark eyes with the correct amount of white showing well placed and pigmented open nostrils and nicely cushioned muzzle. Good forequarters with some breadth of chest and strong fine bone with typical feet. Short coupled and well bodied with a level topline and high set tail. His well presented coat is a lovely texture, and he is sound and accurate on the move. 2 Banks & Rowley’s Choya Tadashi. Beautifully balanced and well marked with a lovely head, good sized skull and pleasing eye. Good breadth of chest and nicely ribbed body with a good topline and high set tail. Moved soundly and his profuse coat is a good texture and well presented. 3 Wallhead’s Sleepyhollow Lester At Merida ShCM.
OD (7) 1 Schemel’s Sharlarna’s Mirage. Masculine head and skull, good pigmentation and nice open nostrils and nicely cushioned muzzle. Good straight forequarters with good breadth of chest and strong fine bone and correct hare feet. Short coupled and well bodied with good level topline and high set tail. profuse coat of correct texture he is most impressive on the move. 2 Pearce & Hann’s Ch Rakuchin Kenji Na. A lovely headed dog with a clean open face, well proportioned head and good breath of skull, large dark eyes set far apart, well cushioned muzzle, moderate length of neck and lovely level topline. Soundly made, he is cobby and compact and high set tail. Sound and accurate on the move. 3 Farmer’s Sangria Midorchi Motivation.
VD (1) 1 Pearce & Hann’s Slo Ch Choya Kanji Na With Rakuchin (Re Imp). A very good moving elegant dog with a lot of quality. Attractive head with good dark eyes small high set ears neck of moderate length and lovely cobby body good level topline ,straight fine boned forequrters, good turn of stifle handles well with good body and good tailset. Excellent coat and condition. Moved soundly.
SBD/B (2, 1) 1 Tarabad’s Tillashby’s Nick Is In A Twist At Frondil. Fine well balanced, good front, firm topline, and nicely turned stifle, pleasing head and well placed ears, good eye. Correct amount of cushioning on muzzle.good straight front and correct hare feet with good fringing Coat of silky texture with good length. Moved very nice but tail was carried in low position.
MPB (5, 1) 1 Quinn’s Harlouville Uptown Girl. A really lovely overall package with her super head, well cushioned muzzle and dark eye with typical look of astonishment.nice high set ears, moderate length of neck, dainty and finely boned yet very well bodied with good breadth of chest. Beautiful hare feet with good feathering. She shows well and her silky coat is well marked and beautifully presented. Moved very soundly. 2 Paradise’s Shardlow Dee Day Darling. Another lovely puppy, very pretty and well marked, compactly made with first class topline and tailset. Good turn of stifle and straight hindquarters Shown in good coat and she too moved well. 3 Steele’s Threadgold Sapphire ‘N’ Steele.
PB (3) 1 Crane’s Sleepyhollow Electra Of Cranvarl. Another very nice young bitch, she too pleases in head and expression. Very cobby with good width of chest and a short, compact body and high set tail. good hindquarters with good turn of stifle and very smart in profile. In good coat for age. Nice fine bone, moved well and stylish another promising youngster. 2 Speight’s Bonniroy Yorie Aka. Good head and expression with large, round eye, good nostrils and wide, well cushioned muzzle. Good neck and shoulders, finely boned and well bodied. A little hesitant on the move, Shown in good coat condition. 3 Withheld.
JB (7, 1) 1 Davidson’s Hin Satori Runa At Sharlarna (Imp Rus).Smart and elegant with a lovely head, well cushioned muzzle and dark expressive eyes. Good reach of neck into correct shoulder with straight front, and correct breed type feet and lovely silky coat. Well bodied for age with a good topline and high set tail. Moves well with some style. 2 Pearce & Hann’s Rakuchin Well Hello. A good sized bitch, she has a pleasing head with fairly large expressive eyes and a well cushioned muzzle. Good straight front with correct hare footed, good cobby body, level topline and correct tail set and carriage, good breadth of chest and good rib. Moved out well and shows to good advantage. 3 Schemel & Davidson’s Hin Satori Raissa.
PGB (7, 2) 1 Quinn’s Sharlarna Japanese Please. A nice sized bitch, she has a pleasing head with fairly large expressive eyes and a well cushioned muzzle, correct breadth of chest and good rib, good level topline, straight fine boned forequarters, nice well built cobby body, hindquarters straight and good turn of stifle, moved around the ring well. 2 Crane’s Cranvarl Truly Scrumptious. Stylish, dainty and elegant, lovely head and eye, nice moderate length of neck nice cobby body level topline, correct hare type feet, nice profuse coat with correct moved well. 3 Esposito’s Sharlarna Cho.
LB (5, 1) 1 Forth’s Yama Miss Saigon Omegaville. Another quality bitch who also flowed around the ring. Lovely head, typical expression with large eyes with the correct amount of white showing, and correct bite, muzzle short and well cushioned. Compact body, firm topline and nice spring of rib. Good level topline and fine boned forequarters and hare feet. Correct tail set and carriage moved confidently around the ring. 2 Blow & Allen’s Yama Misty Morning. Large head and eye, correct expression, large well pigmented wide open nostrils. Cobby body and level topline, straight front. Well put together, and moved with drive. Silky profuse coat, and very well presented. 3 Jackson’s Amantra Yuka.
OB (4) 1 Lindsay’s Anjuli Beryl JW ShCM. Another lovely example of the breed, beautiful head and skull good pigmentation, lovely dark eyes giving that look of astonishment which is characteristic in this breed, good width of under jaw, and muzzle correctly cushioned, nose black with wide open nostrils proudly carried moderate reach of neck, well placed ears, straight front and nice compact body with correct spring of ribs and level topline, good tail set and carriage, coat of excellent quality silky texture, moved with stylish easy action and looked most impressive when free standing. 2 Rooney & Green’s Ch Swifthocks Paws For Thought. Elegant and very typical. Beautifully balanced with a good skull, very pretty face with large dark eyes correct bite and nicely finished muzzle nose black with wide open nostrils. Fine strong bone with the most typical hare type feet. Lovely silky profuse coat. Well bodied for her size and she has a good topline and tail set. Moved well. 3 Crane’s Cranvarl Le Mistral JW.
VB (2) 1 Pearce & Hann’s Choya Takara Of Rakuchin. Good skull with lovely long ear fringes that frame a pretty well cushioned face. Good forequarters with typical slender hare feet.cobby body and with a good topline and tailset, profuse silky coat. In excellent coat and condition. Moves well both ways. 2 Lindsay’s Ch Sleepyhollow Sapphire Diva At Anjuli ShCM. Beautifully balanced with a good skull, very pretty face with large dark eyes and nicely finished muzzle. Forequarters straight fine strong bone ,moderate length of neck and level topline with typical hare type feet and good tailset and carriage, nice cobby body. Moved soundly.