The Japanese Chin Club Championship Show
Sunday 23rd October 2021
Judge - Mrs S Vincent
Best in Show
Dog Challenge Certificate
Champion Sharlarna Magician
Best Opposite Sex - Bitch Challenge Certificate
Reserve Best in Show
Champion Swifthocks Paws for Thought
Mr R Rooney & Mr J & Mrs A Green
Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate, Best Puppy in Show &
Best Red/White in Show
Cranvarl Roger at Anjuli (Naf)
Miss L Lindsay
Best Veteran in Show
Holmchin Secret Affair with Rakuchin
Ms T Pearce & Ms S Hann

Veteran Dog or Bitch
Entries 7 – Absentees 0
1 st Pearce & Hann’s Holmchin Secret Affair with Rakuchin
2nd Lindsay’s Sleepyhollow Mavis at Anjuli
3rd Farmer’s Sangria Riverdancer
RES Reeves Sargant & Diment’s Alstella Going for Gold
Minor Puppy Dog
Entries 5 – Absentees 1
1st Lindsay’s Cranvarl Roger at Anjuli
2nd Allen’s Sheardream Eric
3 d Holland-Smith’s Kirdanchi Chisana Senshi
RES Somergemz Too Hot To Handle
Puppy Dog
Entries 3 – Absentees 1
1st Partington-Palmer’s Sharlarna Starman
2nd McFarlane’s Corrinwood Peter Piper
Junior Dog
Entries 5 – Absentees 0
1st Jackson’s Amantra Eiji
2nd Anjuli Tank Commander at Seafar
3rd Farmer’s Sangria Salvador Dali
RES Rooney & Green’s Jaschin Armani
VHC McFarlane’s Corrinwood Peter Piper
Yearling Dog – No Entries
Novice Dog
Entries 10 – Absentees 2
1st Anjuli Tank Commander at Seafar
2nd Matche’s Love Story Goscinska Przystan at Fochai
3 rd McFarlane Jesandakai Koi No Yokan
RES Farmer’s Sangria Pamojill Private Eye
VHC Bailey’s Mitapip Gentleman Jack at Aldoricka
Graduate Dog
Entries 8 – Absentees 1
1st Swain’s Cholas Yoshio at Dantalies
2 nd Reeves Sargant & Diment’s Alstella Toffee Sundae
3 rd Rooney & Green’s Jaschin Stop And Paws
RES Schemel’s Bentwood Candide
VHC Bailey’s Mitapip Gentleman Jack At Aldoricka
Post Graduate Dog
7 Entries – 3 Absentees
!st Farmer’s Sangria De Ja Vous
2nd Blair’s Bonniroy Yoshio Aka At Bellflows Cjw17
3rd Calverts Somergemz It’s a Kind of Magic
RES Speight’s Bonniroy Yoto
Mid Limit Dog
3 Entries – 1 Absentees
1st Boyer’s Choya Alfie Boe To Ellinghurst
2nd Speight’s Bonniroy Yoshiki Aka
Limit Dog
7 Entries – 1 Absentees
1st Rooney & Green’s Littletigers Innuendo With Jaschin JW (Imp Ita)
2nd Hampton & Vine’s Sleepyhollow Love Me Sibbai
3rd Calvert’s Sharlarna Touch of Magic Omegaville
RES Blair’s Bellflows Wee Tosh
VHC Hoskins’ Tianshih Tamukeyama Kiyoko With Lukach
Open Dog
5 Entries – 2 Absentees
1st Farmer’s Sangria Moon Walk
2nd Thomas’s Javalcy The Great Mikado
Champion Dog
2 Entries – 0 Absentees
1st Young’s Ch. Sharlarna Magician
2nd Lindsay’s Ch. Sleepyhollow Robson JW Sh.cm
Special Novice Dog or Bitch (Red & White)
4 Entries – 0 Absentees
1st Lindsay’s Cranvarl Roger At Anjuli Naf
2nd Speight’s Bonniroy Yumiko Aka
3rd Matche’s Love Story Goscinska Przystan At Fochai
Miss E Tovey Memorial Special Open Dog or Bitch (Red & White)
1st Reeves-Sargant & Diment’s Alstella Pure Gold
2nd O’Herlihy’s Randlet’s Celtic Fire
3rd Speight’s Bonniroy Yumiko Aka
RES Blair’s Bonniroy Yoshio Aka at Bellflows
Eileen Crawford Memorial Special Open Dog or Bitch
2 Entries – 1 Absentees
1 st Schemel’s Chinart Yuuangi
Minor Puppy Bitch
6 Entries – 1 Absentees
1st Crane’s Cranvarl’s Macey Grey
2nd Ure & Blair’s Cavistar Louisa Rose
3rd Holland Smith’s Kirdanchi Madam Butterfly
RES Allen’s Sheardream Molly
VHC Calvert’s Somergemz Dazzle N Grace
Puppy Bitch
3 Entries – 0 Absentees
1st Sharlarna Midnight At Alstella Naf
2nd Bradley’s Rossyn Emiko
3rd McFarlane’s Corrinwood Pixie Dust
Junior Bitch
4 Entries – 0 Absentees
1 st Rooney & Green’s Jaschin Paws For Applause
2nd Young’s Caimrose Touch of Class
3rd Blair’s Bellflows I’m A Survivor
RES Swain’s Dantalies Korkoro Dancer
Yearling Bitch
2 Entries – 0 Absentees
1st Paradise’s Shardlow Hersey Kisses
2nd Young’s Caimrose Diamond Devine
Novice Bitch
3 Entries – 0 Absentees
1st Crane’s Anjuli Margo For Cranvarl
2nd Grogan’s Peregrine Jp Miyabi Avec Vanistica (imp Japan)(imp)
3rd Speight’s Bonniroy Yuzana
Graduate Bitch
3 Entries – 0 Absentees
1st Matches I’m Melody Goscinska Przystan at Fochai Cjw11
2nd Shardlow Dee Day Darling
3rd Swain’s Cholas Keiko at Dantalies
Post Graduate Bitch
3 Entries – 0 Absentees
1st Rooney & Green’s Jaschin First Edition
2nd Cayton’s Sharlarna Temptress
3rd Holland Smith’s Sleepyhollow Cover Girl For Kirdanchi
Mid Limit Bitch
4 Entries – 1 Absentees
1st Jackson’s Amantra Yuka
2nd Speight’s Bonniroy Yorie Aka
3rd Matches’ Goldheim Star Spangle Banner at Fochai
Limit Bitch
6 Entries 2 Absentees
1st Pearce & Hann’s Rakuchin Skyes Aria
2nd Blair’s Bellflows Lunar Eclipse
3rd Speight’s Bonniroy Yumiko Aka
RES Crane’s Cranvarl Ruby Tuesday
Open Bitch
4 Entries – 0 Absentees
1st Forth’s Omegaville Ima Showgirl
2nd Pearce & Hann’s Rakuchin Well Hello
3rd Smith’s Wyndcatch Constance
Champion Bitch
2 Entries – 0 Absentees
1 st Rooney & Green’s Ch. Swifthocks Paws for Thought
2nd Ch. Harlouville Uptown Girl JW
1st Blair’s Brace
2nd Speight’s Brace
Firstly, I would like to thank and congratulate the club secretary and her committee for their obvious hard work in the planning and running of this truly wonderful event. Everything was organized to perfection and, after the past 18 months with everything we have endured, it was wonderful to meet old friends again and celebrate the breed that we all love so much. Thank you to the exhibitors for my wonderful entry and for accepting my placings with good grace. Also, many thanks must go to my very able stewards who kept me on the right track. Personally, it was a wonderful weekend which I shall never forget.
As I have been in the breed for approx 50 years, obviously things have changed during this time, which is to be expected, but, of late, I have been concerned at the number of Chins who are short in the leg, long in the body and have little spring of rib to give the cobby body required in the standard. However, on the day, I was pleased to find very few of this type or conformation. However, I was disappointed to see some dogs who had obviously not been bathed or groomed prior to the show. Admittedly, this was only in a small number of cases, but to show a dog with stained coat and trousers does nothing to enhance their overall appearance and seriously reduces their chance of being placed.
1st Pearce & Hann’s Holmchin Secret Affair Ar Rakuchin. Lovely dog, well balanced, excellent coat and condition, moved well and with drive.
2nd Miss Lindsay’s Ch Sleepyhollow Mavis At Anjuli JW. Unlucky to meet 1st today. Again, well balanced and in good coat. Nice head and expression.
3rd Mrs Holland-Smith’s Kirsanchi Chrisana Senshi. Pretty dog with pleasing head and expression. Nice rib cage, moved well.
1st Miss Lindsay’s Cranvarl Roger At Anjuli NAF. Lovely red and white Puppy. Well balanced , with good spring of rib. Moved with style and obviously enjoying his day out. I was later delighted to award him with best Puppy in Breed and the Res DCC. Must have a bright future.
2nd Mrs S Allen’s Sheardream Eric. Very promising puppy. Very well balanced, moved and showed well.
3rd Mrs. S. Holland Smith’s Kirdanchi Chrisana Senshi. Another very nice puppy, well balanced with short back, showed well.
1st Mrs.C. Partingtn Palmer’s Sharlarna Starman. In lovely coat and condition with good topline, moved well.
2nd Mrs & Miss McFarlane’s Corrinwood Peter Piper. Pretty dog, moved well.
1st Mrs T Jacksn’s Amantra Eiji. Cobby little dog in excellent coat and condition. Moved well.
2nd Mrs.L.Ratter’s Anjuli Tank Commander at Seafar. Another very nice dog in good coat, slightly longer than 1st place but moved well.
3rd Mr G Farmer’s Sangria Salvador Dali. Well balanced dog, moved well.
1st Mrs L . RATTERS ANJULI TANK COMMANDER AT SEAFAR. Previous comments apply.
2nd Miss J . MATCHES LOVE STORY GOSCINKA PRZYSTAN AT FOCHAI. Another nice dog, slightly larger than 1 but moved well.
3rd Miss & MRS MCFARLANES JESANDAKAI KOI NO YOKAN. Well balanced , moved well.
1st MR & MRS SWAINS CHOLAS YOSHIE AT DATALLES. Very attractive young dog with lovely head and expression. Well balanced , moved well .
2nd MRS REEVES SARGENT & DIMENT ALSTELLA TOFFEE SUNDAE. Very nice red and white, with good head & eye , nice top line moved well.
3rd ROONEY & GREEN'S JASCHIN STOP AND PAWS. Nice dog, excellent coat and condition, moved well.
1st MR G FARMERS SANGRIA DE JA VOUS. Very pretty dog , excellent condition , moved well.
2nd Mrs G BLAIRS BONNIROY YOSHIO AKA AT BELLFLOWS. Red & White in good coat , moved well.
3rd MR & MRS CALVERTS SOMERGEMZ ITS A KIND OF MAGIC. Pretty dog , slightly long in back but in good coat and condition.
1st MR & MRS BOYERS CHOYA ALFIE BOE TO ELLING HURST. Lovely dog, well balanced with good topline. Excellent condition, moved well.
2nd MRS G SPEIGHTS BONNIROY YOSHIKI AKA. Attractive red and white. Moved well.
1st : ROONEY & GREENS LITTLETIGERS INNUENDO WITH JASCHIN (IMP Italy). An attractive dog with pleasing head and expression. Good coat , moved well.
2nd HAMPTON & VINES SLEEPYHOLLOW LOVE ME SIBBAI. Very pretty dog moved well .
3rd MR & MRS CALVERTS SHARLANA TOUCH Of MAGIC. Attractive dog, moved well.
Very strong class
1st MR G FARMERS SANGRIA MOON WALK. Very glamourous dog , in lovely coat and condition.
Good head and expression , moved well when settled.
2nd Ms. J THOMAS'S JAVALCY THE GREAT MIKADO. Another very good example of the breed, lovely
condition , moved well .
3rd MRS S . ALLEN'S SHERDREAM COSTA. Although well up to size, this dog has everything in the right place. Very good head and eye, in excellent coat and condition.
1st MR C YOUNG’S Ch SHARLARNA’S. I have often admired this dog from the ringside and was not disappointed in going over him. Very well balanced, in lovely coat and condition. He moved well and with drive. I had no hesitation In awarding him the Dog CC and later, BEST IN SHOW.
2nd Miss L Lindsay’ CH SLEEPYHOLLOW ROBSON JW SH CH. An old favorite of mine, but now slightly showing his age. Nevertheless, he stepped out in style, and was presented in fine form.
Special Novice Dog Or Bitch (Red and White)
1st Miss LINDSAY'S CRANVARL ROGER AT AN JULI ( NAF ). My previous notes apply
1st MRS . C REEVES SARGENT a DIMENT ALSTELLA PURE GOLD. Beautiful red and white with lovely head and overall balance. Excellent spring of rib , moved well.
2nd O’ HERLIHY MS. K RANDALETS CELTIC FIRE. Another very nice dog , moved well.
1st : DR, A SCHMEL'S CHINNART YOU NAGI. Very attractive dog in excellent coat and condition .
Moved well.
Minor Puppy BITCH
1st Mrs L CRANE'S CRANVARL MACEY GREY. Very well balanced lemon and white bitch, lovely coat and condition , moved well.
2nd MRS VINE + BLAIRS CAVISTAR LOUISA ROSE. Small, but very well formed . Well balanced. Moved well.
3rd MR S HOLLAND - SMITH KIRDANCHI MADAM BUTTERFLY. Pretty bitch with nice head and expression - moved well .
1st Mesdames Reeves - Sargent & Diment SHARLARNA MIDNIGHT AT ALSTELLA( NAF )
Lovely puppy with personality plus! Small but beautifully balanced. Stepped out in style. In lovely coat and condition.
2nd Miss L. BRADLEY'S ROSSYN Emiko. Another very nice puppy. Longer cast, but moved well.
3rd MRS J. MCFARLANE'S CORRINWOOD PIXIE DUST A little nervous today which I am Sure will improve on another day.
1st ROONEY & GREENS JASCHIN PAWS FOR APPLAUSE. Promising bitch puppy with excellent spring of rib , moved well.
2nd MR C YOUNGS CRAIMOSE TOUCH OF CLASS. Tiny bitch that I felt would benefit from more weight. A little out & coat but very attractive overall.
3rd Miss A BLAIRS BELLFLOWS I'M A SURVIVOR. Nice bitch - good rib - pretty head - moved well.
1st MR A PARADISE'S SHARDLOW HERSHEY KISSES. Confident little bitch , well balanced , moved well.
2nd MR C YOUNGS CRAIMROSE DIAMOND DIVINE. Lovely bitch In good coat and condition but a little nervous today.
1st MRs . L .CRANE’S ANJULI MARGO FOR CRANVARL. Well balanced bitch in good coat and condition. Moved well- pretty head.
2nd Mr L GROGAN’S PEREGRINE JP MIYABI AVEV VANISTIC (IMP JAPAN). Glamorous bitch in good coat & condition. Longer cast than 1- slightly nervous today.
3rd MRS . G . SPEIGHTS BONNIROY YUZANA. Pretty bitch but very nervous today.
1st Miss. J. Matches I’M MELODY GOSCINSKA PRZYSTANAT FOCHAI. Very attractive red and white. Lovely spring of rib. Well balanced, moved well.
2nd MR A PARADISE SHARDLOW DEE DAY DARLINE. Pretty bitch, nice rib, good coat.
3rd MR & MRS SWAINS CHOLAS KEIKO AT DANTALIES. Pretty bitch but rather overcome by the occasion. Moved ok.
POST GRADUATE BITCH - Nice class of quality bitches
1st ROONEY & GREEN'S JASCHIN 1ST EDITION. Pretty bitch, nicely balanced, good rib , moved well.
2nd Mr S . CAYTON'S SHARLANA TEMPTRESS. Pretty bitch in good coat. Moved well when settled.
1st MRS . T JACKSON'S AMANTRA YUKA. Very pretty bitch, in lovely coat and condition. Nice top line.
Moved well.
2nd MRS G SPEIGHTS BONNIROY YORIE AKA. Red & White - pretty head - moved well.
3rd MISS J MATCHES GOLDHEIM STAR SPANGLE BANNER AT FOCHAI. Good type of bitch but didn't move well today.
1st RAKUCHIN SKYES ARIA - Mesdames Hann & Pearce. Pretty bitch with good overall balance. Good coat and condition, moved well.
2nd Miss A BLAIR'S BELL FLOWS LUNAR ECLIPSE. Another pretty bitch . Well balanced, moved well.
1st Ms A FORTH'S OMEGAVILLE IMA SHOWGIRL. Glamorous bitch in excellent coat and condition.
Pretty head and expression ,mowed well.
2nd Ms PEARCE & HANN'S RAKUCHIN WELL HELLO. Another very nice bitch. Lovely coat and condition. Nice expression, moved well.
3rd MRS . J . SMITHS WYNDCATCH CONSTANCE. Cobby bitch with lovely head and expression. Well balanced.
1st ROONEY & GREENS CH SWIFTHOCKS PAWS FOR THOUGHT ( JW ). Very pretty bitch who I have often admired from the ringside. Lovely reach of neck , level topline , moved well and with drive.
2nd Mr & MRS QUINN'S CH HARLOUVILLE UPTOWN GIRL ( JW ). Another really lovely bitch which one would expect from a champion class. Pretty head, lovely balance moved well.
Mr C Young