Open Show - 15th July 2023
Judge: Mrs C Huggins (USA)
Best in Show
Best Dog
Sharlarna Evolution at Linjato
Owned & exhibited by Mrs Linda Flynn - Bred by Mr Adam Davidson

Photo by: Dave Strange
Reserve Best in Show
Reserve Best Dog
Sangria De Ja Vous
`Bred & Exhibited by Mr George Farmer

Photo by: Dave Strange
Best Puppy in Show
Best Puppy Dog
Yama Midwood Master Tailor
Bred & Exhibited by Mrs Sheila Vincent

Photo by: Dave Strange
Best Opposite Sex
Best Bitch
Sharlarna Temptress
Owned & Exhibited by Mr Steve Cayton
Bred by Mr Adam Davidson

Photo by: Dave Strange
Reserve Best Bitch
Sangria Moon Dance
Bred & Exhibited by Mr George Farmer

Photo by: Dave Strange
Best Red & White in Show
Sharlarna Imperial Comanda
Owned & Exhibited by Mr Steve Cayton Bred by Mr Adam Davidson

Photo by: Dave Strange
Best Veteran in Show
Bellflows Honey Bee
Bred & Exhibited by Mrs Gillian Blair

Photo by: Dave Strange
Veteran Dog or Bitch. 2 Entries 1 Absent
1st Blair's Bellflows Honey Bee
Minor Puppy Dog. 3 Entries 1 Absent
1st Vincent's Yama Midwood Master Tailor
2nd Kannangara's Sangria PS I Love You
Puppy Dog 0 Entries
Junior Dog 3 Entries 1 Absent
1st Rooney & Green's Jaschin Hold that Thought
2nd Farmer's Sangria Rocket Man
Novice Dog 0 Entries
Post Graduate Dog 4 Entries 1 Absent
1st Blow & Allen's Shearadream Eric
2nd Thomas's Threadgold Dan Dare at Javalcy
3rd Vincent's Cholas Yasu at Yama
Limit Dog 4 Entries 1 Absent
1st Flynn's Sharlarna Evolution at Linjato
2nd Farmer's Sangria Salvador Dali
3rd Blair's Sharlarna's Chaos at Bellflows
Open Dog 6 Entries 3 Absent
1st Farmer's Sangria De Ja Vous
2nd Thoma's Ch. Javalcy The Great Mikado
3rd Cayton's Sharlarna Imperial Comanda
Special Open Dog or Bitch (Red & White) 3 Entries 1 Absent
1st Cayton's Sharlarna Imperial Comanda
2nd Calvert's Somergemz Balenciaga
Minor Puppy Bitch 2 Entries 2 Absent
Puppy Bitch 1 Entry 0 Absentees
1st Blair's Bellflows Passion Flower
Junior Bitch 5 Entries 1 Absent
1st Farmer's Sangria Moon Dance
2nd Bradley's Sharlarna Primadonna
3rd Hoskins Kirdanchi Chinny Bang Bang at Lukach
Novice Bitch 2 Entries 2 Absent
1st Rooney & Green's Jaschin Thoughts that Count
Post Graduate Bitch 3 Entries 1 Absent
1st Martin's Sleepyhollow Cover Girl for Kirdachi (TAF)
2nd Bradley's Sharlarna Vivacious
Limit Bitch 6 Entries 3 Absent
1st Cayton's Sharlarna Temptress
2nd Quinn's Sharlarna Eye Candy
3rd Calverts Jaschin Fendi with Somergemz
Open Bitch 2 Entries 1 Absent
1st Rooney & Green's Jaschin Paws for Applause
My sincere thanks go to the officers and committee for inviting me to judge your open show. And thank you to all who took a chance to show to a foreigner. I appreciate you all for showing and accepting my selections with grace and good sportsmanship.
For me it was exciting to judge dogs I knew nothing about and didn’t know the exhibitors. I was surprised to read the catalogue to find I was drawn to several dogs from the same kennels. I was looking for small, square, compact little dogs and found them. As a judge, you always hope to find a dog you fall in love with. In this case, I did, but I also found a few others that I would have been proud to own and or bred.
I found the overall entry of good sound type. I was pleased to find the sizes and shapes were good and sound movement. I was especially pleased to see you have retained the dark eye with white in the corner. Many of our dogs in the USA have the dark eye, but we are losing the white in the corner, which is a hallmark of the breed. One other point I found was overall, you have broad, well-cushioned muzzles. Again, in the USA, I see a lot of button muzzles; while they are cute, they are not correct.
Well done to the breeders and exhibitors for staying with the standard.
BEST IN SHOW: Sharlarna Evolution at Linjato
BEST OPPOSITE SEX: Sharlarna Temptress
BEST PUPPY IN SHOW: Yama Midwood Master Tailor
BEST VETERAN IN SHOW: Bellflows Honey Bee
BEST RED/WHITE: Sharlarna Imperial Comanda
Class 1. VETERAN DOG OR BITCH (2 entries, 1 absent)
1st. Bellflows Honey Bee (bitch)
Lovely 7+ year old bitch who clearly enjoyed showing the youngsters she can still compete. She is in beautiful condition and carrying a beautiful silky coat. She has a sweet expression full of intelligence behind those eyes. Moved well, coming and going. BVIS.
Class 2. MINOR PUPPY DOG (3 entries, 1 absent)
1st. Yama Midwood Master Tailor
Smartly made 7-month-old. Large head and good broad muzzle for such a young dog. Good topline and moderate neck. Nice reach and drive on the go-around.
2nd. Sangria PS I Love You
Love this little dog’s size and square compact shape. Lovely broad head and muzzle. Lost his confidence inside the ring but will be a strong contender when he decides it’s fun to show.
CLASS 3. PUPPY DOG (0 entries)
CLASS 4. JUNIOR DOG (3 entries, 1 absent)
1st. Jaschin Hold That Thought
Beautiful little dog shown with a full, glamorous silky coat. Large, broad head and cushioned muzzle. Expressive dark eyes. Good coming and going. Carried his topline and high tail on the move. Beautifully presented.
2nd. Sangria Rocket Man
Another quality dog from this talented breeder. He is the correct square, compact shape in a small package. Nice broad head with lovely dark expressive eye and small amount of white in the corner. Edged out to maturity.
CLASS 5. NOVICE DOG (0 entries)
CLASS 6. POST GRADUATE DOG (4 entries, 1 absent)
1st. Sheardream Eric A balanced little dog with broad masculine head and nicely cushioned muzzle with a wide under jaw. Large black nose in line with the eye. Moved well coming and going carrying a good topline on the go-around.
2nd. Threadgold Dan Dare. This is a very nice dog of the size and shape I am looking for. Nice broad head with correct intelligent expressive eye. Moved well coming and going.
3rd. Cholas Yasu at Yama
CLASS 7. LIMIT DOG (4 entries, 1 absent)
1st. Sharlarna Evolution at Linjato. This dog ticked all the boxes for me. Small, very square and cobby. Beautiful large broad head. Large, dark eye with small amount of white in the corner giving the astonished expression. In full luxurious coat of correct soft silky quality and condition. Moved with confidence around the ring with head held high and tail never wavered from over his back. He simply took my breath away. He was my BIS winner. I would have loved to pop him in my pocket to take home.
2nd. Sangria Salvador Dali. A strong contender in this class. Square, compact little dog with a beautiful broad head. Luminous dark eye with small amount of white in the corner giving the astonished expression. He showed like he owned the ring. Unfortunate he was in same class as first place dog.
3rd. Sharlarna’s Chaos at Bellflows
CLASS 8 OPEN DOG (6 entries, 3 absent)
1st. Sangria De Ja Vous
Super little, compact dog oozing breed type. Moderately large head rounded in front and between the ears. Large dark eye with small amount of white in the corner. Full cushioned muzzle. Large black nose in line with the eye. Moved with confidence. He never put a foot wrong. I was thrilled to award him a very deserved RBIS.
2nd. Javalcy Champion The Great Mikado
Another dog of supreme quality. He was a joy to go over on the table. His coat was in beautiful condition with the proper silky texture. Large broad head with well cushioned muzzle. He is a nice size, compact and carrying a good topline and his tail high over the back on the move.
3rd. Sharlarna Imperial Comanda
1st. Sharlarna Imperial Comanda (d)
Beautiful rich sable dog in full glorious coat. Up to size for me but sound on the move with good topline and tail set. Large broad masculine head rounded in front and between the ears. Large dark eye with white in the corner. Beautifully presented. BRW.
2nd. Somergemz Balenciaga (b)
Just over a year old this girl has a lot of potential. Darkest red color, sweet intelligent expression. Nice quality silky coat. When she fills out, she will be a force in the ring.
CLASS 10. MINOR PUPPY BITCH (2 entries, 2 absent)
CLASS 11. PUPPY BITCH (2 entries, 1 absent)
1st. Bellflows Passion Flower
Very promising puppy. Large dark eye and sweet expression. Head nicely rounded in front and between the ears. She had her own idea on how the ring should be run but moved well when she decided to go in a straight line. BPB.
CLASS 12 JUNIOR BITCH (5 entries, 1 absent)
1st. Sangria Moon Dance Such a pretty girl. So feminine. She pushed hard for Winners Bitch. Nice size and square compact shape. Beautiful dark eye with just enough white in the corner and intelligent expression. She was so playful and lively in the ring but moved well coming and going. RWB.
2nd. Sharlarna Primadonna
Lovely size. Similar type to #1. Beautiful head and expression. Nice broad skull rounded front and between the ears. Dark eye with small amount of white in the corner. Large black nose in line with the eye. Well cushioned muzzle with broad under jaw. Moved true coming and going.
3rd. Kirdanchi Chinny Bang Bang at Lukach NAF
Reserve. Somergemz Balenciaga
CLASS 13. NOVICE BITCH (3 entries, 2 absent)
1st. Jaschin Thoughts That Count
Just 10 months old this bitch has a star-studded future. She is the size and shape I look for. Pleasing head with broad skull and full cushioned muzzle. Dark expressive eye. Shown in beautiful condition. Moved well coming and going. Held her topline and high tail carriage on the go-around.
CLASS 14. POST GRADUATE BITCH (3 entries, 1 absent)
1st. Sleepyhollow Cover Girl for Kirdachi
Well built, balanced with good topline and high tail set carrying tight over the back. Pleasingly broad skull with good fill in foreface and broad cushioned muzzle. Moderately large dark eye. Coat in good condition with silky texture. Good coming and going.
2nd. Sharlarna Vivacious
Another bitch with size and proportions I look for. Moderately broad skull, rounded front and between the ears. Large dark eye with white in the corner. Very pleasing expression. She simply lost to maturity today.
CLASS 15. LIMIT BITCH (6 entries, 2 absent)
1st. Sharlarna Temptress. Beautifully presented and in good condition. Small, compact and cobby. Lovely broad skull with rounded front and between the ears. Large dark eye with small amount of white in the corner. Broad cushioned muzzle with broad underjaw. Moved true coming and going and owned the ring on the go-around. She is a standout. BB, BOS.
2nd. Sharlarna Eye Candy. I see this one is from same talented breeder as first place dog. Similar type. Small, compact with good proportions. Beautiful broad head rounded in front and between the ears. Well cushioned muzzle. Large dark nose in line with the eye. Large dark eye with white in the corner. All the things put together to make a beautiful package. Moved well, carrying her tail tight over her back. Such a pretty bitch.
3rd. Jaschin Fendi with Somergemz
CLASS 16. OPEN BITCH (2 entries, 1 absent)
1st. Jaschin Paws for Applause. Sound, square, compact body with beautiful soft, intelligent expression. Large dark eye and well cushioned muzzle. Lovely broad skull. Showed her heart out and never put a foot out of place.