Open Show - 15th July 2023
Special Awards Classes - Judge: Mr C Van de Burgt
SAC JUNIOR DOG OR BITCH 5 Entries 0 Absent
1st Farmer's Sangria Moon Dance.
2nd Calvert's Somergemz Balenciaga
3rd Bradley's Sharlarna Primadonna
Res. Hoskins Kirdanchi Chinny Bang Bang at Lukach NAF
VHC. Kannangara's Sangria PS I Love You.
1st Blow & Allen's Sheardream Eric
2nd Farmer's Sangria De Ja Vous
3rd Calvert's Jaschin Fendi with Somergemz
Res. Bradley's Sharlarna Vivacious
VHC. Vincent's Cholas Yasu at Yama
SAC OPEN DOG OR BITCH 6 Entries 1 Absent
1st Flynn's Sharlarna Evolution at Linjato
2nd Farmer's Sangria Dali
3rd Cayton's Sharlarna Temptress
Res. Sharlarna's Chaos at Bellflows
I would like to thank the officers and committee for the invitation to judge the special awards classes at their open show.
I am grateful to all the exhibitors who brought their lovely dogs along.
SAC . Junior dog or a bitch
1. George Farmer , Sangria Moon Dance
16 mths Black and white, this very pretty bitch stood out in this class, lovely head and correct dark eyes, well placed ears with a good fringing coming, good cushions and nostrils, stood 4 square on good hare feet. Good tail set, shown in excellent condition. Moved very soundly.
2., Mr Kevin and Mrs Gemma Calvert. Somergemz Balenciaga. 13 mths Red and White. Another bitch that was full of breed type, pleasing head and eye, lovely markings, enough cushions, good lay of shoulder, with level top line, high set tail making a lovely picture stood. Moved very well. Just need to gain a little more confidence.
3 . Louise Bradley Sharlarna Primadonna
SAC. Postgraduate Dog or Bitch
1. Mr D Blow and Mrs S Allen Sheardream Eric. 2 years Black and white dog with strong masculine head with broad skull, correct eyes, Good cushions Open nostrils., Nice coby body, straight front and good rear angulation, in excellent coat of correct silky texture, Nice hare feet. Moved sound from all sides.
2. George Farmer, sangria de ja vous.4 years old Black and white dog, very good breed type and size. Attractive head and expression well marked. Good amount of cushions and open nostrils, well balanced body, a good spring of rib, nice front and correct rear angles, not in the coat of 1. Very sound mover.
3 . Mr Kevin and Mrs Gemma Calvert. Jaschin Fendi with Somergemz .
SAC Open Dog or Bitch
1 . Mrs LA Flynn. Sharlarna Evolution at Linjato. I have admired this dog ringside several times. he did not disappoint me on the table. He has an exquisite head with lovely eyes showing just enough white to give that so important look of astonishment. Open nostrils, perfect amount of cushioning, good neck into well laid shoulder and level top line, profuse coat silky in excellent condition. Outstanding breed type, moved around the ring with head held high like he really owned it.
2 George Farmer. sangria Salvador Dalí. 3 years Black and white, another very nice dog, good breed type, pretty head with broad skull dark eyes showing sufficient amount of white, ideal markings, good cushions . Very Square with good spring of rib and a level top line. Ideal size very sound moving not in the coat and finish of one.
3 . Steve Clayton Sharlarna Temptress.