West of England Ladies Kennel Society
Championship Show 2022
Judge: Mrs R Rowley
Best of Breed Jaschin First Edition (Mr S & Mr J & Mrs A Rooney & Green & Green)
Dog Challenge Certificate Javalcy The Great Mikado JW (Ms J Thomas)
Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate Cranvarl Roger at Anjuli (Miss L Lindsay)
Bitch Challenge Certificate Jaschin First Edition (Mr S & Mr J & Mrs A Rooney & Green & Green)
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate Ch Harlouville Uptown Girl JW (Mrs T A & Mr A M Quinn)
Best PuppyThreadgold Dan Dare at Javalcy (Ms J Thomas)
Veteran Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st Place Ch Rakuchin Kenji Na (Ms T & Ms S Pearce & Hann)
2nd Place Sleepyhollow Rheingold (Miss Tong)
Minor Puppy Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st Place Threadgold Dan Dare at Javalcy (Ms J Thomas)
2nd Place Bellflows Toffee Crunch (Mrs G Blair)
Puppy Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st Place Sharlarna's Chaos at Bellflows (Mrs G Blair)
2nd Place Rakuchin Rumour Revealed (Ms T & Ms S Pearce & Hann)
Junior Dog Entries: 5 Absentees: 1
1st Place Cranvarl Roger at Anjuli (Miss L Lindsay)
2nd Place Sheardream Eric (Mr D & Mrs S Blow & Allen)
3rd Place Kirdanchi Chisana Senshi (Mrs S Holland-Smith)
Reserve (4th Place)Shardlow Koji (Mrs J E & Mr W H Morgan & Godwin)
Yearling Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 1
1st Place Amantra Eiji (Mrs T M Jackson)
Novice Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Place Bonniroy Yoto (Mrs G Speight)
Post Graduate Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st Place Jaschin Stop and Paws (Mr S & Mr J & Mrs A Rooney & Green & Green)
2nd Place Somergemz Its A Kind of Magic (Mr & Mrs K Calvert)
Limit Dog Entries: 4 Absentees: 2
1st Place Sleepyhollow Love Me Sibbai (Ms L, Miss E & Mr D Hampton, Vine & Strange)
2nd Place Littletigers Innuendo with Jaschin Imp Ita JW (Mr S & Mr J & Mrs A Rooney & Green & Green)
Open Dog Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st Place Javalcy The Great Mikado JW (Ms J Thomas)
2nd Place Ch Anjuli Trevor (Miss L Lindsay)
3rd Place Yama Ghost Rider with Cholas (Mr N & J Farrugia)
Reserve (4th Place) Sheardream Costa (Mr D & Mrs S Blow & Allen)
Veteran Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st Place Shardlow Knickerboka Glory VW (Mrs J L Paradise)
2nd Place Bonniroy Yasafii (Mrs G Speight)
Minor Puppy Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st Place Threadgold Starstruck (Mrs S E Steele)
2nd Place Spiritisle Fairy Magic (Mrs J G Cushing)
3rd Place Bellflows Lotus Flower (Mrs G Blair)
Puppy Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st Place Rakuchin Queen of D’nile (Ms T & Ms S Pearce & Hann)
2nd Place Jaschin Fendi with Somergemz (Mr & Mrs K Calvert)
3rd Place Spiritisle Angel Delight (Mrs J G Cushing)
Junior Bitch Entries: 2 Absentees: 1
1st Place Cranvarl Maude (Miss J & Mrs L Tong & Crane)
Yearling Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st Place Tismechi's Yumi (Ms Clarke)
2nd Place Craimose Touch of Class (Mr C F Young)
3rd Place Cranvarl's Macey Grey (Mrs L Crane)
Reserve (4th Place) Aki Kaori of Spiritisle (Mrs J G Cushing)
Novice Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Place Sleepyhollow Cover Girl for Kirdanchi (Mrs S Holland-Smith)
2nd Place Cranvarl's Macey Grey (Mrs L Crane)
Post Graduate Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st Place Jaschin Paws for Applause (Mr S & Mr J & Mrs A Rooney & Green & Green)
2nd Place Cholas Miki (Mr N & J Farrugia)
3rd Place Holmchin Jelly Bean (Miss H & Mrs A Mountcastle)
Limit Bitch Entries: 9 Absentees: 0
1st Place Jaschin First Edition (Mr S & Mr J & Mrs A Rooney & Green & Green)
2nd Place Rakuchin Skyes Aria (Ms T & Ms S Pearce & Hann)
3rd Place Dabrives Silver Dynasty (Mr D & Mr B Hubble & Summerbell)
Reserve (4th Place) Craimose Diamond Divine (Mr C F Young)
Very Highly Commended (5th Place) Cholas Lucy Locket (Mr N & J Farrugia
Open Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st Place Ch Harlouville Uptown Girl JW (Mrs T A & Mr A M Quinn)
2nd Place Rakuchin Well Hello (Ms T & Ms S Pearce & Hann)
3rd Place Bellflows Lunar Eclipse (Mrs G Blair)
It was a real pleasure to be given the opportunity to judge this wonderful breed again having consulted with the exhibitors before judging the general opinion was that they wanted to be judged outside so I must apologise to those of you who really felt the cold, I include my very efficient stewards in that, I too was frozen. Having judged the dogs outside I didn’t think it was fair on them to take the bitches inside. I would like to thank the exhibitors for accepting my placings with such good grace it was refreshing to hear applause around the ring, dogs will change places on other days that is the nature of the sport. Overall the breed seems to be in a good place although at times I found it difficult to find the size I was looking for so this and movement just needs to be watched when you are planning your breeding programmes.
VD (2,0) 1. Pearce & Hann’s Ch Rakuchin Kenji Na .
Well known Ch who I have previously awarded a CC. Did not disappoint today, ideal size make and shape with a lovely head and correct expression not overdone or exaggerated in any way moved soundly in all directions and shown in excellent coat of quality. I shortlisted him in the final challenge and he was under serious consideration for top honours again.
2. Tong’s Sleepyhollow Rheingold.
A shame for this sable boy to come up against 1 in this class as I previously award him a RCC to todays class winner, he is just starting to show his age a little but is still a very fine chin with all the attributes of a correctly made dog, lovely soft expression and in wonderful coat.
MPD(2,0) 1. Thomas’ Threadgold Dan Dare at Javalcy
6mth B/W baby not at all overawed by the biting wind and totally enjoying his time in the ring, ideal sized for age with fine strong bone. Lovely head and eyes. Level topline with high set tail, hope he continues along these lines as this should give him an exciting future. My eventual Best Puppy.
2. Blair’s Bellflows Toffee Crunch
R/W not as mature in body or coat as 1 and a little overawed by the situation however he is a nice size with good eyes and expression, ears still need to settle as just a little high at the moment . One for the future.
PD(3, 1) 1. Blair’s Sharlana Chaos at Bellflows
B/W carrying a full coat of excellent quality, small and fine with a very pretty head and eye movement was a little erratic but given the weather conditions nothing to worry about , a promising puppy.
2. Pearce & Hann’s Rakuchin Rumour Revealed
Not quite as mature as 1 in body or coat but another promising baby with a lovely head and expression high set tail carried well at all times.
JD( 5,1) 1. Lindsay’s Cranvarl Roger at Anjuli
Striking R/W of lovely type does not need to grow on but on the day was just right, short level back with high set tail carried correctly standing and on the move not troubled at all by the wind, head of correct proportions, plush muzzle with excellent lip line and eyes showing just the right amount of white without exaggeration. Caught my eye from every angle and on the move he was ultra sound one of the few with muscle in his hindquarters. Had no hesitation in awarding him the RCC I hope he goes on to even better days.
2. Blow & Allen’s Sheardream Eric
A shame to meet 1 on such good form as I really liked this well made B/W boy again lovely head and expression with good body and coat. Not quite as tidy in front as 1 but time is on his side.
3. Holland-Smith’s Kirdanchi Chisana Senshi.
YD (2,1) 1. Jackson’s Amantra Eiji
B/W who stood alone but was well worthy of first in his class cobby little dog in excellent condition and coat shown to advantage will hold his own in stronger competition.
ND (1,0) 1. Speight’s Bonniroy Yoto
B/W really not enjoying his day difficult to assess as he was making it very clear he did not want to be in the ring today
PGD (3,1) 1. Rooney & Green’s Jaschin Stop and Paws.
Eye-catching quality dog. Small and compact with large head and large dark eyes, giving correct look of astonishment. Well-balanced dog moving with style. Tip top coat in super condition
2. Calvert’s Somergemz It’s A Kind of Magic
Very close up to 1 and similar remarks apply on the day just not as settled in rear movement as 1st but could well have been feeling the cold.
LD (4,2) 1. Hampton, Vine & Strange’s Sleepyhollow Love me Sibbai although only 2 present this was a quality class. Small ultra-pretty B/W short level back with high set tail the prettiest of heads although still masculine with eyes not exaggerated just showing the correct amount of white in the corner. Moved stylishly and sound in all directions had to shortlist for final honours, I feel he will have his day.
2. Rooney & Green’s Littletigers Innuendo with Jaschin JW (imp Ita)
Quality B/W boy who seemed rather unsettled and not giving his best that said he is another of lovely type with excellent head and eye, level back with correct tailset and carriage. Im sure these two will change places many times
OD (4,0) 1. Thomas’ Javalcy The Great Mikado JW
B/W my notes says “ wow where did he come from”, just the size and type I was looking for excellent example of the breed from his well-proportioned head to his perfectly carried tail. He has the correct eyes, large open nostrils lovely neck and shoulders, a spirit level back with tail correctly set and carried. He moved around the ring with such a calm unhurried and sound gait doing everything his handler asked of him with no fuss. Everytime I looked back at him he was in the right place with that look of importance about him, he was asking for the CC and I could not refuse him. I have to say I was thrilled to learn it was his 3rd as today he looked every inch a champion.
2. Lindsay’s Anjuli Trevor
B/W built on larger lines than 1 but again of wonderful breed type with glorious head and expression another from this kennel with great muscle tone.
3. Farrugia’s Yama Ghost Rider with Cholas
VB (3,1) 1. Paradise’s Shardlow Knickerbocker Glory JW
B/W almost 10yrs young showing like a teenager, lovely type with very correct head in first class coat and condition the owner is to be congratulated for keeping her so well.
2. Speight’s Bonniroy Yasafii
Completely different type and not at all happy therefore difficult to fully appreciate.
MPB (4,1) 1. Steele’s Threadgold Starstruck
B/W 6mths I see she is litter sister to my BP winner and much the same remarks apply. Lovely size with pretty head and eye and moving so well for her age and the conditions. Breeder must have been thrilled with this litter.
2. Cushing’s Spiritisle Fairy Magic sable bitch little rangier than 1 but still a promising baby who just needs time to settle, shown in sparkling condition.
3. Blair’s Bellflows Lotus Flower
PB (4,1) 1. Pearce & Hann’s Rakuchin Queen of D’Nile B/W almost 10mths, ultra feminine with really pretty head and eye, coat coming in nice with a good silky texture, just needs to body up and will be a puppy to be reckoned with. A little overawed with the weather conditions.
2.Calverts Jaschin Fendi with Somergemz B/W 8mth old, difficult to split the two this girl is built on larger lines but developing nicely good head and eye, level topline movin okay she will swap places with 1 on another day.
3. Cushing’s Spiritisle Angel Delight
JB (2,1) Tong & Crane’s Cranvarl Maude
Although alone this R/W will be a bitch to be reckoned with once she matures, small and dainty with fine but strong bone she has the most dreamy head and eyes showing the correct amount of white but totally unexaggerated she looks to be a difficult girl to handle determined to do her own thing her handler must be congratulated for her patience and perseverance as it is paying off.
YB (4,0) Clarke’s Tismechi’s Yumi this B/W girl really caught my eye, she is the correct size has a lovely head with correct eyes. She was out of coat today and was difficult to fully assess on the move. Some more practice with her and attention to coat and she could trouble the best.
2. Young’s Craimrose Touch of Class I had some real disappointments in this class and this was one of them. A really nice girl who today was having none of it I hope it was just the weather conditions and that she goes on to better things.
3. . Crane’s Cranvarl Macey Grey
NB (3,0) 1. Holland-Smith’s Sleepyhollow Cover Girl for Kirdanchi B/W in excellent coat, pretty head and eye with level back and high set tail, she was late into the challenge which unsettled her, shame.
2. . Crane’s Cranvarl Macey Grey another really nice type who did not want to join the party today not giving anything to her handler.
PGB (4,1) 1. Rooney & Green’s Jaschin Paws for Applause Mature bitch loved her size and substance. Correct headpiece with good eyes giving the required expression. Excelled on the move as I thought she would as she is built so right, another who in my opinion will go on to bigger days.
2. Farrugia’s Cholas Miki built on smaller lines but another very typy girl with good head and eyes and lovely shape, just preferred the movement of 1 but on another day could be different
3. Mountcastle’s Holmchin Jelly Bean
LB (9,0) 1. Rooney & Green’s Jaschin First Edition Ultra feminine mature bitch who was showing her socks off. Wonderful head with excellent eyes well cushioned muzzle with good lipline and open nostrils. Level topline with tail carried high over her back, coat in wonderful condition and plenty of it. Moved with purpose and style. Presented to perfection as were all from this kennel. In the challenge I was pleased to award her the CC and BOB her 3rd I was later told.
2. Pearce & Hann’s Rakuchin Skye’s Aria another very pleasing bitch who was a shade smaller than my winner pretty head and expression , lovely balance shown in good coat and condition, another kennel that know how to present.
3. Hubble & Summerbell’s Dabrives Silver Dynasty
OB (4,1) 1. Quinn’s Ch Harlouville Uptown Girl JW well known champion girl, not a lot to say about her that has not been said she is a glorious type who commands attentions again put down to perfection, preferred the front movement of my CC winner but could not pass this girl for the RCC
2. Pearce &Hann’s Rakuchin Well Hello smaller than 1 another very typy bitch from this kennel very pretty head and so well balanced shown in lovely condition
3. Blair’s Lunar Eclipse
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