Open Show - Sunday 7th July 2024
Judge: Mrs Norma Inglis
Best in Show
Sharlarna Vivacious`
Owned by Louise Bradley
Bred by Adam Davidson

Photo by Charlotte Edwards
Reserve Best in Show
Sangria Moon Dance
Bred & Owned by George Farmer

Photo by Charlotte Edwards
Best Puppy in Show
Norvanik Kandi Crush
Bred & Owned by
Chris Van de Burgt & Dave Strange

Photo by Charlotte Edwards
Best Veteran in Show
Ch. Swifthocks Paws for Thought JW
Bred & Owned by
Mr Steve Rooney, Mr John & Mrs Amanda Green

Photo by Charlotte Edwards
Best Red & White in Show
Cranvarl Macey Grey
`Best Red & White Puppy in Show
Cranvarl Eliza Doolittle
Bred & Owned by Mrs Lynn Crane

Photo by Charlotte Edwards
Veteran Dog or Bitch.
Ist Mr S Rooney, Mr & Mrs J & A Green Ch. Swifthocks Paws for Thought JW
2nd Mr & Mrs I & Lm Burden, Sangria Warlord
3rd Ms J Godbehere. Charnell Kenji at Tillashby
Minor Puppy Dog.
1st Mrs L A Flynn Sharlarna It's All About Me at Linjato
2nd Mr S Rooney, Mr & Mrs J & A Green. Jaschin Paw Star
Puppy Dog
1st Mr C Van de Burgt, Mr D Strange & Mrs L Hampton Norvanik Kandi Crush
2nd Mr S Cayton Aleemai Mr Brightside
Junior Dog
1st Mrs A J Baranzack. Capevidles Chinook
2nd Mr S Rooney, Mr J & Mrs A Jaschin Working Man I Am
3rd Ms J Thomas & Mrs M Vincent Javalcy Socerers Apprentice
Novice Dog
1st Mr C Van de Burgt, Mr D Strange, & Mrs L Hampton Norvanik Kandi Krush
2. Mrs D Bailey. Bentwood Wagamappa Suni at Aldoricka
Post Graduate Dog
1st Mr G Farmer Sangria Rocket Man
2nd Mr D Hubble & Mr B Summerbell Sharlarna Hit Man for Dabrives
3rd Miss S M Kannangara Sangria PS I Love you
Limit Dog
1st Mr G W Farmer Salvador Dali by Sangria
2nd Miss SM Kannangara Sangria PS I Love You
Open Dog
1st Mr G W Farmer Sangria De Ja Vous
2nd Ms J Thomas Threadgold Dan Dare at Javalcy
Special Open Dog or Bitch (Red & White)
1st Mrs L Crane Cranvarl's Macey Grey JW
2nd Mr R & Mrs J Potts Adreem Highland Chincess
3rd Mrs AJ Baranzack Capevidles Lemon Drizzle
Minor Puppy Bitch
1st Mrs L Bradley Sharlarna All Eyes on Me
2nd Mrs L Crane, Cranvarl Eliza Doolittle
Puppy Bitch
1st Mr C Van de Burgt & D Strange Norvanik Candy Kisses
2nd Mrs V Streek, Sharlarna Harmony at Sherazade
3rd Miss C Edwards. Sharlarna Sugar Plum Flower NAF TAF
Junior Bitch
1st Mrs S & Mr M Leach Ashaka Puss in Boots in Ouzlewell
2nd Ms J Thomas Javalcy Just Isadorabubble
3rd Mr S Roony & Mr J & Mrs A Green Jaschin Curtain Call
Res. Mrs AJ Baranzeck Capevidles Lemon Drizzle
Novice Bitch
1st Mr C Van de Burgt & Mr D Strange Norvanik Candy Kisses
2nd Mrs S & Mr M Leach Sharlarna Ginger Ninja
3rd Mrs A J Baranzeck Cholas Niomi
Post Graduate Bitch
1st Mrs S E Lindley Sharlarna Conchita for Meglind
2nd Mrs J & Mr R Potts Adreem Highland Chincess
3rd Mrs A J Baranzeck Cholas Mei
Limit Bitch
1st Mrs L Bradley Sharlarna Vivacious
2nd Mr D Hubble & Mr B Summerbell Dabrieves Silver Dynasty
3rd Mr & Mrs K Cavlvert Somergemz Balenciaga
Open Bitch
1st Mr G Farmer Sangria Moon Dance
I had a lovely day spent judging the Japanese Chin entry at the Club’s Open show held at the Tomlinson Canine Centre in Leicestershire. The entry of 49, with only a few missing, was very satisfying. My first encounter with the breed in big numbers and up close and personal they were a delight. Happy is in their Standard and the majority displayed a fun loving personality. Thank you for this opportunity and the committee and my steward were very welcoming. I am now a Japanese Chin convert.
V D/B 3
1. Rooney & Green’s CH SWIFTHOCKS PAWS FOR THOUGHT. Seven year old black/white. I think 7 must be the new 3 as she showed no signs of aging. A glamour girl who sparkled. Loved her size, femininity and dark bright eyes that were full of animation. High set ears framing a lovely face. She was very switched on and swept around the ring in a light, elegant fashion. Good angles front and rear allowed freedom of movement. Tail carried over back at all times. Plenty of silky coat presented in tip top condition. Looked good and she knew it. BEST VETERAN IN SHOW
2. Burden’s SANGRIA WAR LORD Handsome black/white with broad skull, wide blaze and large dark eyes. Good face features. Black nose, open nostrils, good cushioning. Handled well on the table with clean sweep of neck, shoulders and topline. High set tail. Comes into his own on the move and at 8 moved freely in a sound, collected fashion. Eye catching boy with a plush, silky coat.
1. Flynn’s SHARLARNA IT’S ALL ABOUT ME AT LINJATO A black/white only 8 months and had his own agenda allowing me only brief glimpses of his true potential. But I liked what he showed me. A tidy size with short back, good ribs and well-turned stifles. High set tail carried up and over. Lots of glamour in head and furnishings. Big, dark eyes showing astonishment. Ears set high. When he decided to cooperate he moved soundly with a spirit level topline. Today it was on his terms but his qualities took him through to RESERVE BEST DOG. I see his litter sister won Minor Puppy bitch.
2. Rooney & Green’s JASCHIN PAWSTAR Another smart black/white same age who is very easy on the eye. Definitely behaved better than 1. Just lacking a bit of body today and the shorter back of winner clinched it. Rounded skull and pert expression. Moved with a flourish with bags of confidence. Straight, silky coat. I am sure these two will continue to be in the cards.
PD 2
1. Van De Burgt, Strange & Hampton’s NORVANIK KANDI CRUSH A smart moving black/white who put on a polished performance. Nice looking with the components I was looking for in head, body, furnishings and movement. Correct facial features. Broad skull with rounded front, dark eyes showing whites. High set ears. Body parts fitted well together and he moved around the ring with firm topline and tidily carried tail. No nerves here. Icing on the cake was his shiny well marked coat. Despite his youth (10 months) I kept being drawn to his correctness and he eventually satisfied me he was worthy of BEST PUPPY DOG, BEST PUPPY IN SHOW, BEST DOG and BEST OPPOSITE SEX
2. Cayton’s ALLEMAI MR BRIGHTSIDE A good looking black/white with a typical head and super eye and expression. In lovely condition and his quality coat gleamed. Not quite the body as yet and a tad longer than winner but my notes said ‘two nice ones’. Lots of good points. Handy size, moved well with tail held correctly. A sweet natured boy, very switched on …just being precocious.
JD 3
1. Baranzeck’s CAPEVIDLES CHINOOK Black/white youngster who put on a good show. Super make and shape with short back and good ribbing. Attractive head and appealing expression made up from ears sitting high and carried forward. Dark eyes. Well cushioned foreface. Decent mover and happy showman. Cosmetically could be more broken in colour but a dog with lots to like.
2. Rooney & Green’s JASCHIN WORKING MAN I AM At first glance felt this youngster could be my winner but hands on I felt he was less mature in body than 1. A real pin up and very smart with stacks of beautiful silky coat. Head appealed with big, dark eyes, well feathered ears set atop a head correctly rounded in skull. 14 months can be a difficult age leaving puppyhood behind and waiting for a bit of maturity.
ND 3 (1)
2. Bailey’s BENTWOOD WAGAMAPPA SUNI AT ALDORICKA Really liked this black/white youngster who was only a week out of Puppy. Appealing expression with forward facing big eyes dark in colour. Still cooking and needs time to bring the maturity in body that he lacks. Such a happy boy. On the table he impressed and did not disappoint on the floor. Went well in both directions. Neat body shape and stood showing a lovely outline. Fine bone fitting his frame.
PGD 4 (1)
1. Farmer’s SANGRIA ROCKET MAN. This exhibitor not only won the class but the next two and in the final deliberation it unsettled the dogs who were taken into the ring by friends. A case of winning working against you. So much to like and this affix had a good day. Small toy dog full of breed characteristics. His face and expression appealed and features such as dark eyes, startled expression, high set ears, broad rounded skull impressed. Scored for size, head type, movement, furnishings. Compact and balanced outline. Pure aristocrat who gave me enough but I wanted more
2. Hubble & Summerbell’s SHARLARNA HIT MAN FOR DABRIVES 2 year old beautifully presented black and white sporting a well-marked lavish coat. Presented a cobby, balanced outline and had substance. Appealing head and expression. Went well just thought he was a bit portly on the day emphasised by his ample furnishings. Lots of glamour on show and he was eye catching.
3. Kannangara’s SANGRIA PS I LOVE YOU
LD 3 (1)
1. Farmer’s SALVADOR DALI BY SANGRIA Quite the looker and scores for breed points. Ideal size. Appealing face with big dark eyes and typical expression. Well feathered ears carried forward. Sufficient neck to allow proud head carriage. Short backed with well sprung ribs. Ample chest. Firm topline and high set plumed tail carried over the back. Beautifully marked coat of lovely texture. A bit unsettled in the challenge.
2. SANGRIA PS I LOVE YOU Dapper black/white with a very pleasing expression. Size ok and he had good ring manners making him easy to assess. A willing showman who moved steadily just losing his topline somewhat.
OD 2
1. Farmer’s SANGRIA DE JA VOUS A stylish black/white boy with lots of energy that just needs channelling to advantage. Stands lovely showing off an enviable balanced outline but is a bit wilful on the move. Text book head properties. Rounded skull, good eyes correct size, small ears sitting high. Fabulous coat in A1 condition. Pin up boy who will always turn heads for his true blue breed characteristics.
2. Thomas’ THREADGOLD DAN DARE AT JAVALCY Loved the cheeky personality of this black/white. Outgoing and friendly with fetching Chin face features. White of eye. Good ratio of skull to muzzle. Plenty of width. Hare feet. Lovely presentation. His coat was pristine. Just bum high when he circled the ring.
SP O D/B R/W 3
1. Crane’s CRANVARL’S MACEY GREY JW Very pretty girl with sweet face. Good eye colour. Ears set on high. Short muzzle with sufficient cushioning. Scores for size, neat and compact body. Quality coat and plenty of it. Such a sweetheart with an endearing personality. BEST RED/WHITE IN SHOW
2. Potts’ ADREEM HIGHLAND CHINCESS. Another well coated girl in tip top condition. Good natured and felt good on the table. Pleasing head properties just preferred expression of winner. Dainty with hare feet with fine bone. A good mover who stepped out smartly just rising a tad in topline as she circled the ring
MPB 4 (2)
1. Bradley’s SHARLARNA ALL EYES ON ME Such a pretty black/white girl shown in pristine condition. Her coat gleamed. Loved her face and cheeky animated expression. Dark eyes, good cushioned muzzle. High ear set. Cobby body with ample chest, nice ribbing and good angulation front and rear. Lots of self belief and she motored around the ring showing off her level topline and her tail was always carried over the back. Exciting prospect who sparkled. Almost 9 months so moving up to Puppy soon which she will take in her stride. BEST PUPPY BITCH
2. Crane’s CRANVARL ELIZA DOOLITTLE A pretty red/white. Dainty with enough substance just a tad longer backed than 1. Balanced head with soft expression. Ears set on high carried forward. Very bubbly nature and bright eyed. She was a wagger. Rather untidy coming towards me but she is exuberant which doesn’t help. Coat was super conditioned and my hands glided over her body. BEST RED/WHITE PUPPY IN SHOW
PB 3
1. Van De Burgt & Strange’s NORVANIK CANDY KISSES How fortunate to get two lovely puppies in the one litter. Litter sister to Best Puppy in Show. Shared many of the same virtues. Size, shape, and soundness. A sweet outlook combining dark expressive eyes, rounded skull and high set ears. Good short muzzle with width. Soft feel to coat and she covered the ground in a quick, light step showing no weaknesses.
2. Streek’s SHARLARNA HARMONY AT SHERAZADE Beautifully presented black/white with pretty typey face. Correct roundness to skull and dark eyes with white showing. Spot on for size. Moved ok but winner held all the aces.
JB 4
1. Leach’s ASHAKA PUSS IN BOOTS IN OUZLEWELL This black/white should continue to do well as she has lots going for her. Scores for head with good eyes showing white, rounded skull, good cushioning. Her body shape appeals with short back and complimentary angles front and rear. Moving she did not disappoint. Best in class. Good coat coming in and she shows a treat. All in all, the future looks bright,
2. Thomas’ JAVALCY JUST ISADORABUBBLE Amiable black/white with plenty of appeal in head. At a disadvantage today as her coat was not at its best. A size bigger than 1 but still retained femininity. Steady mover
3. Rooney & Green’s JASCHIN CURTAIN CALL
NB 3
2. Leach’s SHARLARNA GINGER NINJA A tidy sable who appealed for body shape. Short backed and a lovely size. Dainty but cobby with a strong core. One or two felt quite shelly. Coat texture was silky smooth. Pretty girl with lots of charm and moved with style .
3. Baranzeck’s CHOLAS NAOMI
1. Lindley’s SHARLARNA CONCHITA FOR MEGLIND Ultra feminine sable with a sweet face and expression. Large eyes and good pigment. Good rounded skull. Shown in glorious coat that felt soft and silky and was a credit to her owner. Slender bone with typical hare feet. Good substance to match her frame. Well bodied. Out moved the competition. A happy soul
3. Baranzeck’s CHOLAS MEI
LB 3
Confident black/white with lovely balance and ideal proportions. Cosmetically pleasing with lush, well broken coat and she grabs your attention standing presenting a super outline. Dainty with sweet face and expression. Eyes were big and dark and ears sat on a head slightly rounded. Impressed on the move keeping a level topline and going well up down and around. Tail always carried over. She was full of herself. I had the nicest dilemma in choosing between Limit and Open for Best Bitch. Two lovely girls. In a situation like this it’s best asking yourself. ‘Who would I take home?’ It didn’t work as my answer was ‘Both of them!’ This one looked at me and said ‘Pick me’ and I did. BEST BITCH and BEST IN SHOW
2. Hubble & Summerbell’s DABRIVES SILVER DYNASTY An honest Black/white with sunny disposition. Went through her paces willingly and stepped out well. A size up from winner and at almost 6 was very well covered….and why not! I can relate. Dark eyes set far apart with white showing. Hare footed.
OB 2 (1)
1. Farmer’s SANGRIA MOON DANCE Another that filled my eye. An affix that had a good day. This exhibitor’s dogs couldn’t fail to appeal for their excellent breed type. A two year old small, neatly made black/white. Alert showgirl. Very fresh faced and ultra feminine in outlook with lots of appeal in head properties. Large dark eyes, correct roundness in skull, well placed ears. Good construction with complimentary angles front and rear allowing a free and easy action. Super backline and correct tail carriage. Eye catching in a soft silky coat. Splitting hairs for top award. RESERVE BEST BITCH and RESERVE BEST IN SHOW.