Health Matters
Updates on Health Matters
Latest News (26th October 2017)
With the health of our breed in mind, we would recommend that members have their dogs eyes tested under the BVA/KC eye scheme, by one of the panelists (please see list on file for a panelist in your area). We would ask that for information purposes so that we can form a database to find out if there are eye problems within the breed if breeders could send a copy of their certificates clear and affected. All information received is in total confidence and at no time will names of owners/breeders and dogs be disclosed. Please either email them to me at linjato@hotmail.com, private message or post copies of certificates to Linda Flynn, Colonsay House, Davids Lane, Benington, Boston, Lincolnshire. PE220BZ. It is our intention to hold an eye testing session, details of which will be given at a later date. If any members have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Heart Testing
Thank everyone who bought their dogs for heart testing at the Championship show. The Cardiologist reported that testing was way up on last year with 66 dogs being tested, which was approximately half of the dogs entered at the show. He also went on to say, that the results are good for the young dog’s but there are some significant murmurs in the older ones and at the next testing date that we encourage some of the breeders to bring their older ones…i.e. golden oldies with them. Ideally the 7-12 age group".
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Eye Testing
Some members have asked me about having their dogs' eyes tested if they cannot get to designated testing sessions. I have created a file listing all Ophthalmologists under the KC/BVA eye scheme. Cost of examinations
Routine eye examination 1st dog £46.70 Ex VAT £56 Inc VAT
Extra dogs in same ownership £41.25 Ex VAT £49.50 Inc VAT
Group testing (25 or more) £32.50 Ex VAT £39 Inc VAT
Examination of dogs over 8 years £27.50 Ex VAT £33 Inc VAT
Gonioscopy per dog - no discount for more than one £46.70 Ex VAT £56 Inc VAT
Gonioscopy at time of routine examination £41.25 Ex VAT £49.50 Inc VAT
Litter screening (5 to 12 weeks)
1 to 3 puppies £28.33 Ex VAT £34 Inc VAT per litter
Per puppy thereafter £9.17 Ex VAT £11 per puppy Inc
Duplicate copy of certificate £30 Ex VAT £36 Inc VAT
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Breed & Conservation Plan
The Kennel Club has recently informed us that it is their intention to start developing a Breed Health & Conservation Plan in the final quarter of 2017. Below is information provided by the K.C.. As I am the Breed Health Coordinator I am the focal point for this project, so if any members have any questions relating to this please do not hesitate to contact me.
The Japanese Chin Club will keep members up to date as and when we are given information.
What is the aim of the BHCPs?
The purpose of the Breed Health and Conservation Plans project is to ensure that all health concerns are identified through evidence-based criteria and that breeders are provided with useful information and resources to support them in making balanced breeding decisions that make health a priority.
What topics will the BHCPs take into consideration?
The Breed Health and Conservation Plans will take a holistic view of breed health and will include information about the following issues: known inherited conditions, complex conditions (i.e. those involving many genes and environmental effects such as nutrition or exercise levels, for example hip dysplasia), conformational concerns and population genetics.
What information will be used to create BHCPs?
Sources of evidence and data being collated include the scientific literature, the Kennel Club’s 2004 and 2014 Purebred Dog Health Surveys, KC/BVA Canine Health Scheme data, insurance data and breed-specific health surveys conducted by the Breed Clubs themselves. These will be brought together to give clear indications of the most significant health conditions in each breed, in terms of prevalence and impact. For more information on how the BHCP will utilise evidence-based information, please click here to view our infographic on the subject.
The first stage of the Breed Health and Conservation Plan is compiling an evidence base, thus if you have conducted any surveys, or research in your breed we would be grateful if you could forward these onto us at mateselect@thekennelclub.org.uk . We would be grateful if possible if you could send anything into us at this email address by the end of October 2017.
We hope that the evidence base for your breed will be completed by the end of September 2018. Once completed, the evidence base will be brought to the Breed Health Coordinator and Breed Clubs to discuss and collaboratively develop an action plan.
I will be giving presentations relating to the Breed Health and Conservation Plans project at the Assured Breeder Scheme Seminar on Saturday 16th September and at our Breed Health Symposium on Wednesday 4th October; at this second event I will also be available in the afternoon to deal with any specific queries you may have relating to your breed’s BHCP.
Results of Heart Testing
Mr Fisher examined 55 dogs at the Road Show on Saturday 19th July 2014 and found the initial results to be encouraging. But to have an accurate representation of the breed. He would like to screen more dogs particularly older ones in the
6-13 year age groups as he would expect high numbers in the 3yr age group to be clear of acquired disease.
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Although this is still very encouraging we will continue to do the heart testing to enable us all to build up a picture of the health of our fantastic breed. your continued support is appreciated and we would encourage you all to have the testing done on all of your chins regardless of age or if they are in the ring.
As our breed continues to rise numerically The Japanese Chin Club are committed to the health and welfare of the breed and feels that although many breeders have already been carrying out health testing to ensure their own dogs and the breed continues a healthy future. It is important for the club to support members who are experienced breeders, and encourage new breeders and pet owners by offering free heart testing at the Road Show in July. The club intend to collate health test results and build a formal database of tested dogs should enough members wish to send copies of their health certificates to the Health Co-ordinator at Colonsay House, Davids Lane, Benington, Boston, Lincolnshire PE22 0BZ. The club will be asking all members to complete a short survey and will be sending this out later in the year or can be completed online on our website. The survey will be totally anonymous and it is hoped that members will give honest answers to enable the club to organize further health testing sessions. We will collate all information given and publish the results on our website and in Chin Wag. This is only a start to ensure the continuing health and welfare of our breed; there is no quick fix to organize and implement any health testing programme! it takes time; and it is hoped that the club, breeder/exhibitors and pet owners alike can work together, and subject to the support of our members, it is hoped to run them regularly in the future.
In the USA, Dr Leanne Bertani has researched and written a series of papers on the health of the Chin and these can be found on the Japanese Chin Club of America website at http://www.japanesechinonline.org/health/ It must be stressed that although these problems can occur in many toy breeds they are by no means common and the Chin is normally a healthy companion, living 10 to 12 years or beyond.
Health Co-ordinator
Linda Flynn
Contact: Tel: 01205 760374
Mr Fisher examined 57 dogs at the Champ Show on 17th October 2015 and found the following results. But to have an accurate representation of the breed. He would like to screen more dogs particularly older ones in the
6-13 year age groups as he would expect high numbers in the 3yr age group to be clear of acquired disease