Club Show March 2018
Judge Ms Rhonda Banks
Best Bitch & Best in Show
Sleepyhollow La La Land
Mr Tony Allcock MBE
Best Veteran & Best Dog
Stepheter Whats It All About
Mr S Cayton
Best Puppy in Show
Little Tigers Damage Case Sleepyhollow (Imp It)
Mr Tony Allcock MBE
Veteran (3.1)
1, Stepheter Whats it all about. Mr S Cayton
2, Sharlarna in a Mist Among Glendyke.Mrs J & Miss L McFarlane
M.P.D (6.1)
1, Little Tigers Damage Case Sleepyhollow (Imp It) Mr T Allcock
2, Linjato Issey Miyake. Mrs L Flynn
3, Linjato Janjirou. Mrs L Flynn
4, Glendyke Wot A Guy.Mrs J & Miss L McFarlane
5, Sangria Standing Ovation. Mr R & E Rushton
P.D (2.0)
1, Sharlarna Valentino At Threadgold. Mr S Hudson & Mrs S Steele
2 Glendyke Wot A Guy. Mrs J & Miss L McFarlane
J.D. (4.0)
1, Sharlarna Elvis At Threadgold JW. Mr S Hudson & Mrs S Steele
2, Dalehouse Golden Jei Jakconas. Ms J Tong
3, Dzhunko Gin De Imperium Auri At Javalcy (Imp Rus). Ms J Thomas
4, Threadgold Harry Potter. Mr A & G Bolton
N.D. (7.1)
1, Sleepyhollow Moulin Rouge. Mrs L Hampton
2, Javalcy Rock On Tommy. Ms J Thomas
3, Threadgold Harry Potter. Mr A & G Boton
4, Glendyke Step Out In Style. Mrs J & Miss L McFarlane
5, Sharlarna Alastor.Mrs J & Miss L McFarlane
6, Bonniroy Yoshiro Aka Mrs G Speight
P.G.D. (6.2)
1, Sangria Pamogill Private Eye. Mr G Farmer
2, Sleepyhollow Olaf. Mr T Allcock
3, Bonniroy Yumi Aka At Yama
4, Zhorzh Marshal. Ms J Thomas
L.D (10.3)
1, Yama Teddy Edward JW. Mrs S Vincent
2, Sangria Midorchi Motivation. Mr G Farmer
3, Sharlarna The Tempest At Amronchi. Mrs N George
4, Sangria War Lord. Mr G Farmer
5, Dalehouse Elements Of Elgar Jakconas. Ms J Tong
O.D. (6.3)
1, Yama I'm Kimi Amronchi. Mrs N George
2, Sangria Riverdancer. Mr G Farmer
3, Sleepyhollow Rheingold. Ms J Tong
Special Red/white Open Dog or Bitch (3.1)
1, Bonniroy Yumi Aka At Yama Mrs S Vincent & Mrs G Speight
2, Bonniroy Yumiko Aka. Mrs G Speight
Best Dog: Stepheter Whats It All About
Reserve Best Dog: Sleepyhollow Moulin Rouge
Best Puppy: Little Tigers Damage Case At Sleepyhollow (Imp It)
M.P.B (6.2)
1, Linjato Mimiko. Mrs L Flynn
2, Aleemai Speechless. Mrs G Curtis
3, Sangria Nevada. Mr G Farmer
4, Alnessaire Cha Cha Chaa. Mrs J Russell
P.B. (5.2)
1, Aleemai Speechless. Mrs G Curtis
2, Arranbrook Enchantress. Mrs B Goldie
3, Sangria Saraboo. Mr G Farmer
J.B (7.2)
1, Sleepyhollow La La Land. Mr T Allcock
2, Yama Here Comes Kitty. Mrs S Vincent
3, Dabrives Field Of Silver. Mr D Hubble
4, Aleemai Walk This Way. Mrs G Curtis
5, Sleepyhollow Doris. Mrs L Crane
N.B. (5.0)
1, Yama Miss Saigon Omegaville Mrs A Forth
2, Arranbrook Enchantress. Mrs B Goldie
3, Sharlarna In A Mist Among Glendyke. Mrs J & Miss L McFarlane
4, Corrinwood Colour My World At Javalcy. Ms J Thomas
5, Bonniroy Yumiko Aka.Mrs G Speight
P.G.B (2.0)
1, Yama Paper Lace. Mrs S Vincent
2, Cranvarl Le Mistrall. Mrs L Crane
L.B. (4.2)
1, Godheim Liberty Belle. Mrs B Goldie
2, Dalehouse Iponema. Mrs C Oatridge
O.B (3.1)
1, Godheim Virginia. Mrs B Goldie
2, Bonniroy Yasaffii. Mrs G Speight
Best Bitch: Sleepyhollow La La Land
Reserve Best Bitch: Yama Miss Saigon Omegaville
Best Puppy Bitch: Linjato Mimiko

Sleepyhollow La La Land Mr T Allcock

Yama Miss Saigon Omegaville Mrs A Forth

Stepheter Whats It All About Mr S Cayton

Sleepyhollow Moulin Rouge Mrs L Hampton

Little Tigers Damage Case Sleepyhollow Mr T Allcock

Linjato Mimiko Mrs L Flynn
What a pleasure and an honour it was to judge the Japanese Chin club open show Congratulations to the Secretary and committee for re-arranging it so quickly following the “Beast from the East causing it previously to be postponed” Thank you to all the exhibitors who managed to make the new date it was a real pleasure to see and handle so many lovely chins. Thanks to my very capable steward Mike Rowley who kept the ring running so professionally. I do hope you all made it home safely as the snow started to fall.
Veteran D/B 3 (1)
Caytons Ch Stepheter Whats it all about
Beautiful B/W of 12 1/2yrs young, every inch a champion, has a typical head with large eyes showing just the right amount of white to give the correct look of astonishment without being extreme. Good head with fully cushioned muzzle, good neck flowing to level topline with excellent tailset, fine boned legs. Shown in full coat of top class condition. When he first set off to move appeared a little hesitant but seemed like it clicked and he remembered where he was and what his job was, he just got better and better. At the end of the male classes I could find nothing to better him and therefore was delighted to award him Best dog and later in the day RBIS & B Veteran. Thank you for bringing him a real pleasure to judge.
2 McFarlane Sharlana In A Mist Among Glendyke
71/2yr Bitch, left her party dress at home, pretty head with nice eyes super topline but a little lazy with her tail carriage, fine boned with good hair feet in this class seemed a little overawed with it all.
Minor Puppy Dog 7 (1)
Allcocks Little Tigers Damage Case at Sleepyhollow (Imp It)
What a class this was, if this is the future of the chin males the breed is in good hands came down to splitting hairs this B/W boy is almost 9mths he is small, compact, square and cobby has a beautiful head with large dark eyes showing just the right amount of white to give the correct look of astonishment nothing is overdone, spirit level topline with excellent tailset and carriage, fine boned and moved so soundly for a youngster. Presented to perfection. 2 gave him a real battle but in the end his maturity tipped the scales. Later in the day I had no hesitation in awarding him Best Puppy in Show, I predict a very bright future for this puppy wish he were mine.
2, Flynns Linjato Issey Miyake
Very Similar remarks to 1, this boy again B/W was gorgeous just a shade bigger than 1 but it was so hard to separate them at the end of the day his movement still had the puppy bounce but I am sure they will change places on other days, again presented to perfection, another with a bright future
3, Flynns Linjato Kanjirou
Puppy Dog 2 (0)
Steele & Hudsons Sharlana Valentino at Threadgold
B/W almost 12mths and just in the teenager leggy stage, has a good head with correct eyes, maturity will bring more cushioning to muzzle, nice neck and topline with good tailset and carriage, stood on fine boned legs, moved positive and soundly in all directions
2. McFarlanes Glendyke Wot a Guy
Smaller B/W, cobby and square with nice head and eye, well cushioned muzzle, could not assess movement today.
Junior Dog 4 (0)
Steele & Hudsons Sharlana Elvis at Threadgold
B/W with good head of correct proportions, eyes forward looking showing small amount of white in corner as required to give correct look, wide open nostrils. Good neck, topline with good tailset and carriage, nice fine bone and moved soundly and true coming and going.
2. Tongs Dalehouse Golden Jei Jakconas
R/W in beautiful coat for his age presented in fabulous condition, lovely shaped dog and very sound on the move, still some maturing to do in head as you would expect at this age.
3. Thomas Dzhunko Gin De Imperium Auri At Javalcy (Imp Rus)
Novice Dog 7 (1)
Hamptons Sleepyhollow Moulin Rouge
R/W standing presented the picture of a copybook Japanese Chin and did not disappoint on the move, beautiful head with large eyes well set and showing enough white to give the astonished look of the breed well cushioned muzzle, good neck leading to excellent topline with good tailset and carriage, legs are straight and fine boned and he moved with style and the correct elevation. Pushed the veteran hard but in the end had to settle for Reserve Best Dog & B R/W a pleasure to judge him hope to see him out more this year.
2. Thomas Javalcy Rock on Tommy
B/W Many of the same remarks apply as to 1, correct head and eye placement with enough cushioning to muzzle this boy had a fabulous neck and shoulder placement and moved with good elevation.
3. Bolton Threadgold Harry Potter
PG Dog 6 (2)
Farmers Sangria Pamojill Private Eye
Another class where I would have liked to give 2 firsts. B/W small, cobby, square with good head and eye, open nostrils, well placed shoulders, excellent topline with good tail set and carriage, moved strongly and positively on fine bones legs giving the correct drive and elevation.
2. Allcocks Sleepyhollow Olaf
Again very much the same remarks apply as to 1, preferred the eyes on this boy but that was only marginally, 1 just put more into his movement on the final show but again two who will change places often.
3 .Vincents Bonniroy Yumi Aka At Yama
Limit Dog 10 (3)
Not the easiest class to judge as all were different types and at different stages of maturity.
Vincent Yama Teddy Edwards JW
Fully mature B/W shown in good coat and lovely condition. He has a good head with forward facing eyes and wide open nostrils excellent cushioning to muzzle, well placed shoulders and level topline with good tailset. Fine boned legs with beautiful hair feet with the correct feathering, moved soundly in all directions. Noted he is the father of some of the lovely puppies on show today so will be an asset to the breed as a stud dog as well as a show dog.
2. Farmer Sangria Midorchi Motivation
B/W smaller than 1 short and cobby with lovely headpiece, good head and eyes with open and wide nostrils. Was a little lazy with his tail on the move just didn’t seem overall happy with his surroundings
3. George Sharlana The Tempest at Amronchi
Open Dog 6 (3)
Again a class with 3 very different dogs
George Yama I’m Kimi Amronchi
A little bigger than I like but so much to like about him, Square, Coby, Sprit level topline with excellent tailset and carriage. Everything is in the right place and he was shown in tip top condition and handled to perfection.
2. Farmer Sangria Riverdancer
Smaller and finer than 1 with beautiful head and eyes again shown in lovely condition on the day his movement was just letting him down did not seem happy with the venue.
3. Tong Sleepyhollow Rheingold
Special Open Red/White D or B
Vincent Bonniroy Yumi Aka at Yama
Mature boy shown in fabulous coat and condition and an excellent colour, pleasing head and eye moved soundly and true.
2. Speight Bonniroy Yumiko Aka
Loved the colour of this girl really rich red but she just did not want to be in the ring and was therefore very hard to asses I do hope she comes to enjoy it as she is spoiling herself .
Minor Puppy Bitch 6 (2)
Flynn Linjato Mimiko
B/W almost 8mth stunning baby, Litter sister to 2nd in MP Dog, what a coat for one so young, she has an ultra-pretty head with good eyes and wide nostrils plenty of cushioning to muzzle, cobby and square with fabulous tailset and carriage, stood on fine boned legs with plenty of feathering, moved with the exuberance of youth Put up an excellent show to win Best Puppy Bitch at the end of the day she put up a good fight with the Best Dog Puppy but today had to settle for Reserve Best Puppy in show. Another puppy with a very bright future that I wouldn’t object to bringing home.
2. Curtis Aleemai Speechless
B/W taller girl than 1 and heavier marked but again so much to like about her, lovely head, good neck and shoulders, level topline with good tailset moved sound and true with elevation
3. Farmer Sangria Nevada
Puppy Bitch 5 (2)
Curtis Aleemai Speechless See MP Bitch
Goldie Arranbrooke Enchantress
B/W of very good type, was a little hesitant but owner told me later had only just come to her. When fully settled with new owner should be an asset to her kennel.
3. Farmer Sangria Saraboo
Junior Bitch 7 (2)
Allcock Sleepyhollow La La Land
This B/W girl danced into the ring and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, exactly what I was looking for from the tip of her wide open nostrils, huge dark eyes with required amount of white in corners all sitting in the prettiest of heads down her lovely neck to her level topline and square compact cobby body, tail set and carried perfectly, she was fine boned with good hair feet well feathered at the tips, full glamourous coat in wonderful condition, presented and shown to perfection, her movement was a joy to watch. I could not resist her for Best Bitch and later in the day Best in show against the lovely veteran dog. Surely a star in the making.
2. Vincent Yama Here Comes Kitty
Another lovely B/W of similar type not as forward as one but still a super sound bitch and another to watch for the future . With bitches of this calibre around the breed is in a good place.
3. Hubble & Sumerbell Dabrives Fields of Silver
Novice Bitch 5 (0)
Forth Yama Miss Saigon Omegaville
B/W who I was later told at her first show at the top of the size range for me but what a super bitch, lovely head and beautiful eyes, good neck and shoulder placement, compact and cobby with excellent tailset, fine boned and moved so soundly showed like she was a pro, for a bitch at her first show another to watch how she comes on was pleased to award her Reserve Best Bitch
2. Goldie Arranbrooke Enchantress See puppy bitch
3. McFarlane Sharlana In A Mist Among Glendyke
Post Graduate Bitch 2(0)
Vincent Yama Paper Lace
Lovely sized B/W pretty head with good eyes and nostrils square and cobby with nice fine bone, moved really well so sound and true. Left her party dress at home but once back in full coat will be one to notice
2. Crane Cranvarl Le Mistrall
B/W must be the time of year another girl who forgot to get dressed and happily showing off her underwear, nice type of bitch nothing to dislike sound on the move will watch out for her once she gets dressed.
Limit Bitch 4 (2)
Goldie Godheim Liberty Belle
Small feminine B/W nice head, nice eyes would like a little more cushioning to muzzle but still time to come. Good all round girl with no glaring faults
2. Oatridge Dalehouse Iponema
B/W again shown in wonderful condition a little longer than one and topline not as firm today, again at this time of the year some of the girls not in their best clothes but will look different as summer comes
Open Bitch 3 (1)
This was a disappointing class thank goodness for the younger girls
Goldie Godheim Virginia
B/W Typier than 2 she had a nice head with good eyes carried herself round the ring soundly needs coat to complete the picture
2. Speight Bonniroy Yasaffii
R/W girl of fabulous colour who I’m afraid was rather out of her depth today not enjoying herself at all which reflected in her performance.
Rhonda Banks