In 2025, the criteria for breed judges will change to The Judges Education Programme (Breed Show) Levels 1-4 and replace all Breed Club Judges C-A1 Lists (see the JEP summary). Before aspirant judges can accept their first judging appointment, they will have to meet the minimum requirement of Level 1 (existing CC judges excluded). The exception to this is where a valid contract was in place prior to 24 February 2020. If a judge does not meet Level 1 requirements, they cannot accept a judging appointment at a KC licensed event. The requirement will also apply to Special Awards Classes. This does not apply to judges already passed for CCs in the breed. Click on download to enlarge summary
The new studbook bands are effective from January 2022. Japanese Chin move from band C to band D. Going forward these will be known as Tiers, and Japanese Chin comes under Tier 4. Requirements for hands-on experience to be considered for awarding challenge certificates for the first time are 120 dogs by the traditional route and 60 dogs under the JEP.
The judging tiers came into effect for CC nominations received by The Kennel Club from 1 January 2022.
Once you have completed all the requirements for Level 3, to attain CC status at Level 4 you will need to attend and pass a
breed-specific assessment for the breed, run by The Kennel Club. Once all levels have been completed, you are eligible to award Challenge
Certificates in the respective breed, judge any variety classes, group and best in show at open and limited shows. During this transitional period, Judges may choose if they wish to stay on the traditional route or the JEP, but they cannot cherry-pick bits from each.
I hope this has gone a small way to guide you through the Judges Education Programme, and that it will help our current C list judges’ Level 1) start moving towards level 2 or those who are able to move to level 2 but under the traditional route don’t have the number of dogs judged. Level 2 doesn’t require the number of dogs to be judged under the traditional route. We are mindful that we need to promote and encourage our breed specialist judges, and the club is working toward this aim.
For full information on both the traditional and JEP routes to awarding CCs, visit the
Kennel Club website and search under 'Showing'; select the option for Dog
Showing from the list; then 'Judging', Click on link