New Members

Why not become a member of the oldest Japanese Chin Club, and join like-minded people sharing the love of Japanese Chins. We are
the oldest club formed in 1895 with a membership that
covers the whole of the United Kingdom world-wide from
like-minded people who have an interest in the breed, we
support the health & welfare of all Japanese Chins. If you
would like to become a member, please click on the
Membership Application Form below.
To download a membership application form
Or contact the secretary, Mrs Linda Flynn.
Colonsay House, Davids Lane, Benington, Boston, Lincolnshire. PE22 0BZ
Membership includes
Year Book packed with photos of members dogs, interesting articles. Points won during the year and lots more
Chin Wag Magazine
Reduced Show Entries for all members
Seminars and other Events
Trophies held for one year for top pointed chins from Ch.shows. (members only to hold trophies
Members only Face Book Group
U.K. Membership
Single. £16.00
Joint. £17.00
Junior £ 5.00 Full membership will need to be applied for upon reaching 16th Birthday
Membership payments by Bank Transfer
UK Residents
Bank Transfer FPI or Standing Orders: (S O mandate on request).
Account Name: The Japanese Chin Club
Lloyds Bank
Acc. No. 00490382
Sort Code: 30-12-20
Overseas Membership Single £20.00
Joint. £22.00
Associate Membership (non-UK Residents - without voting rights)
Bank Transfers
Account Name: The Japanese Chin Club
BIC (Swift Code): LOYDGB21640
IBAN: GB16LOYD 3012 2000 4903 82