Richmond Results 2017
Judge: Karen Bartlett (Pebblecombe)
BEST OF BREED : 534 ALLCOCK MBE Mr A Ch Sleepyhollow Robson JW Sh.CM
Dog CC : 534 ALLCOCK MBE Mr A Ch Sleepyhollow Robson JW Sh.CM
Res Dog CC : 560 GEORGE Mrs N Yama I'm Kimi Amronchi
Bitch CC : 584 VINCENT Mrs S C Yama Here Comes Kitty
Res Bitch CC : 589 WALLHEAD Mrs J Choya Kinuko At Merida
Best Puppy : 584 VINCENT Mrs S C Yama Here Comes Kitty
Best Veteran : 567 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Ch Stepheter Wanna Shout For Rakuchin
Class 143 PD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 587 WALLHEAD Mrs J Sleepyhollow Lester At Merida
2nd: 562 HUDSON, Mr S & STEELE Mrs S E Sharlarna Elvis At Threadgold
3rd: 557 FARRUGIA, Mr N & FARRUGIA Mr J T Yama Touch Of Class Avec Cholas
Res: 591 WHITE Mr & Mrs J & S J Palteemoor Prince Zazuki
Class 144 JD (6 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 575 SCHEMEL Dr A Sharlarna's Mirage
2nd: 552 DOPSON Mrs L J Godheim Nashville At Jalindri
3rd: 577 TALBOT Mr & Mrs M & S Sangria Pamogill Playboy
Res: 591 WHITE Mr & Mrs J & S J Palteemoor Prince Zazuki
Class 145 PGD (7 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: 559 GEORGE Mrs N Sharlarna The Tempest At Amronchi
2nd: 586 VINCENT, Mrs S & SPEIGHT Mrs G Bonniroy Yumi Aka At Yama
3rd: 543 BURDEN Mr & Mrs I & L Aranel Kenji Of Sheonagh
Class 146 LD (8 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 583 VINCENT Mrs S C Yama Teddy Edward
2nd: 541 BLOW & ALLEN Mr & Mrs Wyndcatch Take It Easy
3rd: 576 SCHEMEL Dr A Chinart Yuunagi
Res: 582 TONG Miss J Sleepyhollow Rheingold
VHC: 578 TALBOT Mr & Mrs M & S Dalehouse Coeur De Lion At Silmacs
Class 147 OD (8 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 534 ALLCOCK MBE Mr A Ch Sleepyhollow Robson JW Sh.CM
2nd: 560 GEORGE Mrs N Yama I'm Kimi Amronchi
3rd: 566 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Holmchin Secret Affair With Rakuchin
Res: 544 BURDEN Mr & Mrs I & L Sangria Amadeus Of Sheonagh
VHC: 579 TALBOT Mr & Mrs M & S Dalehouse Snap Dragon At Silmacs
Class 148 VB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 567 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Ch Stepheter Wanna Shout For Rakuchin
2nd: 545 BURDEN Mr & Mrs I & L Sangria Shakira Of Sheonagh
Class 149 PB (7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 584 VINCENT Mrs S C Yama Here Comes Kitty
2nd: 571 ROONEY, Mr S J & GREEN Mr & Mrs J A Swifthocks Paws For Thought
3rd: 535 ALLCOCK MBE Mr A Sleepyhollow La La Land
Res: 558 FARRUGIA, Mr N & FARRUGIA Mr J T Yama Dolly Daydream With Cholas
VHC: 542 BLOW & ALLEN Mr & Mrs Yama Misty Morning
Class 150 JB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 563 HUDSON, Mr S & STEELE Mrs S E Sharlarna Make My Day At Threadgold
Class 151 PGB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 588 WALLHEAD Mrs J Choya Carolina
2nd: 551 DAY Mrs D A Godheim Oklahoma At Dorcharday
3rd: 549 CUSHING Mrs J Roseheaven's Fire Dancer At Spiritisle (Imp Dnk)
Class 152 LB (8 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: 589 WALLHEAD Mrs J Choya Kinuko At Merida
2nd: 585 VINCENT Mrs S C Yama Paper Lace
3rd: 546 BURDEN Mr & Mrs I & L Sangria Celebration Of Sheonagh
Res: 574 ROWLEY, Mr M H & WALLHEAD Mrs J Sleepyhollow Tikle My Fancy At Merida
Class 153 OB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 590 WALLHEAD Mrs J Ch Kochou's Rita Haywooth Sleepyhollow
2nd: 536 ALLCOCK MBE Mr A Ch Sleepyhollow Mimi
3rd: 568 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Yama Moonlight Over Rakuchin
I would like to thank the committee for their kind invitation & hospitality.
Also thanks to my very pleasant & efficient stewards
A cold & wet day , I did attempt to Judge on the shorter outdoor grass but showers forced us back inside where the uneven surface , with long damp grass did affect the chin so therefore I did take that into account in my placings.
In general all were presented in good clean condition. There were a number of light eyes, & creases on the face. Several had turn up to the underjaw, or top lips over covering the bottom & one very obvious wry jaw in an otherwise nice exhibit. There is a disappointing lack of the look of astonishment such an important characteristic of the breed. I found the bitches to be better than the dogs overall.
PD (4)
1st Wallheads Sleepy Hollow Lester at Merida. Pleasing head & expression delightful character. Rangy teenager, who is well put together. He has a good coat coming in & I feel he has the potential to mature into a very nice exhibit.
2nd Hudson/Steeles Sharlana Elvis at Threadgold. Petite little dog , balanced , short coupled , well ribbed, mature in his body & coat for age. He has large round eyes & an appealing expression Showed very well.
3rd Farrugia Yama Touch Of Class Avex Cholas
JD( 6:3)
1st Schemels Sharlanas Mirage. Large head in proportion to size, round between the ears.Well cushioned wide muzzle with a little more crease than I prefer. Nice expression, large round eyes. Balanced dog who has matured into his well constructed frame . Shown in good coat & condition & was able to cope with the uneven ground very well.
2nd Dopsons Godheim Nashville at Jalindri Smaller dog , attractive head lovely dark round eyes with good expression. Fine boned & of good proportions. He just needs to tighten & mature . Has a good silky coat coming in, happy dog , showed well.
3rd Talbots Sangria Pamogill Playboy
PGD (7:3)
1st Georges Sharlana The Tempest at Amronchi. Attractive head , broad cushioned muzzle, dark round eyes. Framed with well feathered ears. Compact , of good proportions , straight front, level topline. Impressive outline. Shown in good coat & condition Liked him a lot .
2nd Vincent & Speight Bonniroy Yuma @ Yama S/W Finer dog with a pretty head & expression. Reasonably well put to together in nice coat & condition. Not enjoying the conditions today.
3rd Burdens Aranel Kenji of Sheonagh
Richmond 2017 P 3
LD (8:3)
1ST Vincents Yama Teddy Edward Very typical with a most pleasing head & expression Well framed ,with dark round eye & open nostrils. Moderatly broard skull, wide, short muzzle, . Straight, fine boned well feathered legs , good lay of shoulder, short, cobby with level topline. Moves very well in good if not full coat,. An overall very attractive package considered in the challenge.
2nd Blow & Allen WYndcatch Take It Easy Slightly larger but nevertheless very handsome dog. Once again a very attractive head of similar type to one. He is also a cobby dog of good proportions very similar remarks will apply. In fabulous full coat & condition, stylish mover. He could have been my winner if only he would have stood straight in the line up which I am pretty sure he is capable of but he persisted in turning his front east/west & losing his top line. Lovely dog who should do very well.
3rd Schemals Chinart Yuunagi
OD (8:3)
1st Allcocks Ch Sleepyhollow Robson. Beautiful , stylish, elegant dog of correct size, conformation & proportion. Oriental head very attractive, expressive eyes, framed by well feathered ear. Shown In full coat & superb condition I can add very little to the accolades he has already deservedly gained. Fortunately he is owned by a seasoned capable well known exhibitor but Robson is a very worthy Champion & would be successful no matter who showed him . It was my great pleasure on his third birthday to award him his 21stCC. BOB
2nd Georges Yama I’m Kimi Amronchi Typical head that is very appealing, dark eyes well cushioned short broad muzzle with wide nostrils , Framed by long fathered ears makes an overall very A attractive picture. He is of good proportions , well made short & cobby. Stands well in the line up. He is a size bigger than I prefer Shown in excellent order with full profuse coat, could not be denied Shame he constantly comes up against the winner, I hope his day will come, deserved RCC
3rd Pearce & Hann Holmchin Secret Affair With Rakuchin
VB (2)
1st Pearce & Hann Ch Stepheter Wanna Shout for Rakuchin 9 year stylish bitch of good breed type & proportions. Moved with stylish action & a real credit to her owners. Sadly she was in her petticoats today.
2nd Burdens Sangria Shakira of Sheonagh Attractive head well cushioned with dark eye . Going grey now but in great condition for a 10 year old,she has good proportions & moves well. Nice coat
Richmond 2017 P4
PB (7:1) This was the most exceptional class of the day filled with some very promising future stars .
1st Vincents Yama Here Comes Kitty. From the top of her head to the tip of her little hare feet this stunning bitch screams Japanese Chin . Beautiful head , well framed , feminine, broad muzzle well cushioned. The crowning glory was the correct look of Astonishment in her lovely round dark eyes not in any way exaggerated but full of breed type. For one so young she is very mature & dropped into her well constructed frame, level topline covered by long plumed tail. Again for her age she an abundant coat. Very smart & lively , a stylish sound mover once she is in the mood to co operate & she was giving her handler a tough time as the video kindly shared shows. However she oozes breed type which must not be lost , so I was happy to award her the CC & BP
2nd Rooney & Green Swifthocks Paws for Thought Very attractive petite bitch. Most pleasing head & expression although she lacks the more Japanese look. This may well improve as her head develops as she does have a flick of white. She is really well constructed & shown in good coat & condition although not the body of my winner yet. However she is a stylish well schooled mover with reach & elevation & she is very unlucky to keep meeting the winner as I really liked her & did call her back in the challenge. Someone did go down to the chi ring looking.
3rd Allcocks Sleepyhollow La La Land
JB Hudson/Steele Sharlana Make My Day At Threadgold Petite little bitch standing alone but could be an easy winner in company as she is very appealing both in construction & type. It was difficult to see her movement in the long grass but my impression was she was going very steadily & true, She is just right for her age & presented in very good order think she should do well.
1st Wallhead Choya Carolina Admired this one as a puppy & pleased to see she has matured into a really attractive chin. Short coupled & cobby , very level topline good plumed tailset. She has the most appealing head with round dark eyes & broad muzzle . She is handled & presented in top order & I considered her in the challenge.
2nd Days Godheim Oklahoma At Dorcharday A nice bitch of good type who unfortunately was really hating the conditions as was the R/W in third position However She just managed to pull herself to together standing to pip the third to the post.
3rd Cushing Rosehavens Fire Dancer at Spritisle
L/B ( 8 :4)
1st Wallhead Choya Kinuko at Merida Most attractive broad head round dark eyes, wide well cushioned muzzle all nicely framed by long ear leathers. Compactly built,straight front, good turn of stifle level topline. Lively stylish mover who very well presented in good coat she knows her job well & enjoys it. Deserved RCC
2nd Vincent Yama Paper Lace. Good Honest bitch, Attractive head & nicely put together presenting a good outline . Moves & shows well. Unfortunately completely out of coat.
Richmond 2017 P 5
LB 3rd Burdens Sangria Celebration of Sheonagh
OB (3)
1ST Wallheads Ch Kochous Rita Hayworth Sleepyhollow Well known champion r/w She really surprised me today by putting up a really excellent display of showmanship She is of course expertly handled but nevertheless her breed type happy lively disposition &sound movement coupled with a very attractive head, compact cobby body, well balanced & in profuse coat took her to the head of the line
2nd Allcocks Ch Sleepyhollow Mimi Another lovely bitch out of the top drawer . Appealing head showing the correct look of astonishment. Would prefer a more compact outline but she well angulated & has a level topline. Beautiful silky coat coming back in, waiting for her ear feathering to catch up. Really one of the most stylish movers with good reach & drive. I do appreciate her many virtues but FoR me on this occasion I felt she has a whole lot more maturing to do, & she would not settle standing.
3rd Pearce & Hann Yama Moonlight Over Rakuchin
Judge Karen Bartlett