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Special Awards Classes
Championship Show - Sunday 24 October 2021
Judge: Miss M Evans
My thanks go to the Committee for giving me the opportunity to judge at their special gala weekend.
Also to the exhibitors for their entry and the privilege of going over their beautiful dogs. I just want to add that all exhibits were excellently handled and the show had a wonderful atmosphere which made the judging a delightful experience. Thanks also to my wonderful steward; Lisa Gamble for making things run smoothly.
Class 29 Special Award Junior Dog or Bitch 11 (Ab 5)
1 st RATTER’S Anjuli Tank Commander At Seafar
B/W male who’s confidence in the ring was outstanding. A handsome lad with all the right
things in all the right places. Mature head with correct ear set and beautiful, dark eyes.
Classic Chin expression and showed himself off well. Great mover; his ‘cobby’ body and
lovely coat were seen in full as he maintained his stride and glided around the ring. When
standing he stood square and showed off his wonderful profile.
2 nd CRANE’S Anjuli Margo For Cranvarl
A stylish B/W girl, who evidently is litter sister to 1 st . No wonder I liked her too and there
was not much between them. She too moved with confidence and showed off her
wonderful attributes. Beautiful dark eyes, correctly set in proportion to her head size.
Slightly smaller in frame to 1 st but everything in the right places. Elegant on the move and
stood square.
3 rd ROONEY & GREEN’S Jaschin Paws For Applause
Res BLAIR’S Bellflows I’m A Survivor
VHC SWAIN’S Dantalies Korkoro Dancer
Class 30 Special Award Post Graduate Dog or Bitch 9 (Ab 1)
1 st CAYTON’S Sharlana Temptress
B/W girl just out of Junior. Nice compact body and although a little out of coat it was easy to
see her fabulous outline. Head of correct proportions and well set ears and eyes. Classic
Chin expression and you could see the delight in her eyes at being shown. Confident mover
who maintained her posture excellently. When standing she stood still. A delightful bitch.
2 nd HAMPTON’S Sleepyhollow Love Me Sibbai
B/W male who alongside 1st was small is stature but with all the correct attributes. Lovely
head with a good reach of neck. Ears and dark eyes well spaced giving rise to the correct
expression. Compact, ‘cobby’ body, moderate chest and strong hindquarters. When on the
move was able to demonstrate drive and consistency in maintaining his stride. Happy little
3 rd ROONEY & GREEN’S Jaschin First Edition
Res CALVERT’S Somergemz It’s A Kind Of Magic
VHC SCHEMEL’S Bentwood Candide
Class 29 Special Award Open Dog or Bitch 9 (Ab 5)
1 st ROONEY & GREEN’S Littletigers Innuendo With Jaschin JW (Imp Ita)
B/W male. A very substantial, mature and handsome boy. Really liked him. Well handled in
the ring which showed off his character. Beautifully kept coat, full of feathering and in
excellent condition. His well-developed head was a delight. Strong dark eye with a good
amount of white; well cushioned lips; ears set well with a lovely amount of feathering all
aiding to see the classic overall Chin expression. He confidently and elegantly moved with
drive; maintaining his posture throughout. Strong front and rear movement and stood
2 nd ROONEY & GREEN’S CH Swifthocks Paws For Thought JW
A very happy B/W show girl! Everything about her showed quality with loads to like.
Smaller in stature than 1 st but with all the right proportions. Her presence in the ring was
delightful as she showed her socks off. She is a fast mover but maintained herself
throughout. Her overall outline is exceptional; head well proportioned with correct ear set,
length of neck and eyes perfectly set and giving the right expression. A cracking girl!
3 rd BLAIR’S Bellflows Lunar Eclipse
Res SWAIN’S Cholas Keiko At Dantalies
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