Scottish Kennel Club Results 2017
Judge: Mrs S Steele
BEST OF BREED : 523 MARTIN Ms P Sharlarna Just The Ticket
Dog CC : 523 MARTIN Ms P Sharlarna Just The Ticket
Res Dog CC : 499 BEADLING Mrs C Sharlarna Tailor Made for Dekobras JW Sh.CM
Bitch CC : 509 DAVIDSON Mr A W Hin Satori Evita Karmensita At Sharlarna
Res Bitch CC : 534 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Yama Moonlight Over Rakuchin
Best Puppy : 506 CURTIS Mrs G Aleemai Walk This Way
Best Veteran : 535 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Stepheter Wanna Shout For Rakuchin
Class 137 MPD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 541 YOUNG Mr C Sharlarna's Magician
2nd: 503 BOULCOTT Mr M D Seafar Top Hat and Tails at Ingerdorm
Class 138 PD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 530 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Rakuchin Ring Romeo
2nd: 519 JACKSON Miss E C Tianshih Kiyoshiyoshikko
Class 139 JD (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 528 McFARLANE Mrs J & Miss L Glendyke Step Out In Style
2nd: 531 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Rakuchin Ring Leader Of Pamojill
3rd: 500 BLAIR Mrs G Bonniroy Yoshio Aka At Bellflows Cjw17
Class 140 PGD (9 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 523 MARTIN Ms P Sharlarna Just The Ticket
2nd: 507 DAVIDSON Mr A W Omikudz Don Juan At Sharlarna (Imp)
3rd: 529 McFARLANE Mrs J & Miss L Myojo Morgan At Glendyke
Res: 520 JACKSON Miss E C Amronchi Silver Lining Of Tianshih
VHC: 536 QUINN Mrs T A & Mr A M Mattadam Samurai At Sharlarna
Class 141 LD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 499 BEADLING Mrs C Sharlarna Tailor Made for Dekobras JW Sh.CM
2nd: 524 MARTIN Ms P Lizamela Provocateur At Sharlarna
3rd: 513 FLYNN Mrs L A Linjato Kiyoto
Res: 527 MOSS Miss M J Queenslake Billy Bongo of Delphlands Sh.CM
Class 142 OD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 508 DAVIDSON Mr A W Rus Ch Hin Satori Yoko Zolotoy Sneg At Sharlarna (
2nd: 514 FLYNN Mrs L A Choya Kanayo Of Linjato
3rd: 532 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Holmchin Secret Affair With Rakuchin
Class 143 VD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 516 GRUGAN Mrs J V A & Mr J Jardhu's The Lion In Winter
Class 144 MPB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 506 CURTIS Mrs G Aleemai Walk This Way
2nd: 517 HAZLEHURST Miss G M Ellshimmer This Time
3rd: 504 BURNS Miss T Seafar Tantrums And Tiaras
Class 145 PB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 506 CURTIS Mrs G Aleemai Walk This Way
2nd: 533 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Rakuchin Ring Rumour
3rd: 521 JACKSON Miss E C Tianshih Myokotoshikko
Class 146 JB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 537 QUINN Mrs T A & Mr A M Sharlarna Miss Fame At Harlouville
2nd: 502 BLAIR Mrs G Bellflows Honey Bee
3rd: 497 ALLITT Mrs J Tillashby Hidenka
Res: 538 SCOTT Mrs K Rakuchin Maid For Samaranda
Class 147 PGB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 522 KILCOYNE Mr R & Mrs L A Granasil Love Story
Class 148 LB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 534 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Yama Moonlight Over Rakuchin
2nd: 505 BURNS Miss T Sleepyhollow Calamity Jane
Class 149 OB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 509 DAVIDSON Mr A W Hin Satori Evita Karmensita At Sharlarna
2nd: 498 ALLITT Mrs J Tillashby Kimika
3rd: 515 FLYNN Mrs L A Linjato Amaya
Class 150 VB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 535 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Stepheter Wanna Shout For Rakuchin
Japanese Chins
Had a lovely day at Scotland was beautiful weather, I am very pleased with my principal winners some quality dogs to go over, the hall is a very noisy place which did put some dogs off sadly.
M.P.D 1,Youngs Sharlarna’s Magician 8 month old boy nice easy mover with good head and eyes, and a level top line, easy winner 2,Boulcott’s Seafar Top Hat and Tails at Ingerdorm, has a longer body than winner, moved ok, a big puppy heavy boned too big for me, his front is not his fortune.
Puppy Dog, Pearce & Hann’s Rakuchin Ring Romeo nice compact body nice head and eyes with look of astonishment but he wasn't happy moving but he did get going a little in the end. 2 Jackson’s Tianshih Kiyoshiyoshikko another that wasn't happy in the hall sadly dropped his tail bit nervous on the move so hard to assess.
Junior Dog
1 Macfarlane’s, Glendyke Step Out In Style, liked this boy fine boned square body nice look with white of eye, good little mover I understand with this win he's has now got all his points for JW well Done! 2 Pearce & Hann Rakuchin Ring Leader Of Pamojill lovely head well cushioned muzzle dark eyes, bit all over the place on the move but did settle. 3 Blair’s Bonniroy Yoshio Aka At Bellflows Cjw17
PGD 1, Martin’s Sharlarna Just The Ticket, super boy with a spirit level top line, nice mover, big dark eyes oozing quality through out, great body nice and cobby, fine boned and very confident DCC & BOB 2,Davidson’s Omikudz Don Juan At Sharlarna (Imp) Sable/White boy nice and square body with dark eyes fine boned moved well 3, McFarlane’s Myojo Morgan At Glendyke.
Limit Dog 1, Beadling’s Sharlarna Tailor Made for Dekobras JW Sh.CM lovely headed boy with the astonished look, have always like this boy, nice mover well sprung ribs, nice cushioning RDCC
2, Martin’s Lizamela Provocateur At Sharlarna a sweetheart lovely boy well bodied dark eyes masculine head with good length of neck moved well. 3 Flynn Linjato Kiyoto.
Open Dog 1 Davidson’s Rus Ch Hin Satori Yoko Zolotoy Sneg At Sharlarna Sable/White Great looking dog sound mover well bodied confident darkest of eyes, well conditioned coat he’s maturing nicely. 2 Flynn’s Choya Kanayo Of Linjato nice expression well presented level top line and well sprung ribs moved out well. 3 Pearce & Hann’s Holmchin Secret Affair With Rakuchin.
Veteran Dog 1 Grugan’s Jardhu's The Lion In Winter, 8yr old male in good condition certainly didn't look his age, has masculine head, nice eyes, covered the ground well.
1 Curtis’s Aleemai Walk This Way, such a pretty girl 7 months old with lovely big eyes, nice cobby body loved her attitude and style, she stood out in this class BP 2 Hazelhurst’s Ellshimmer This Time, another lovely puppy a tad longer cast than winner has lovely attributes these 2 could change places over and over just preferred the more cobby body of winner today. 3 Burn’s Seafar Tantrums And Tiaras.
Puppy Bitch 1,Curtis’s Aleemai Walk This Way (see above) 2 Pearce & Hann's Rakuchin Ring Rumour nice looking puppy good reach of neck moved well, high tail set and soft expression.
3 Jackson’s Tianshih Myokotoshikko.
Junior Bitch 1 Quinn’s Sharlarna Miss Fame At Harlouville, nice well made girl does everything she is asked and more, loved her expression and shape moved out well. 2 Blair’s Bellflows Honey Bee pretty head and level top line with high tail set, and nice dark eyes. moved ok. 3 Allitt’s Tillashby Hidenka.
PGB 1 Kilcoyne’s Granasil Love Story, 3 yr old bitch well made, had lovely alert expression attentive to handler, good little mover and well bodied.
Limit Bitch 1 Pearce & Hann’s Yama Moonlight Over Rakuchin, Oriental expressive eyes with white showing, lovely shaped head on well set shoulders, compact body well sprung ribs, RBCC
2 Burn’s Sleepyhollow Calamity Jane nice exhibit level top line well bodied and moved well in good coat.
Open Bitch 1 Davidson’s Hin Satori Evita Karmensita At Sharlarna Sable/White what a lovely quality bitch, very pretty girl who is fine boned dainty and cobby, shown in great condition, lovely dark expressive eyes, she stood out in this class a quality exhibit who moved soundly BCC 2 Allitt’s Tillashby Kimika compact bitch great expressive eyes with that look of astonishment well bodied with level top line. 3 Flynn’s Linjato Amaya.
Veteran Bitch 1 Pearce & Hann’s Stepheter Wanna Shout For Rakuchin 8 1/2 yr old bitch in good coat with big dark eyes, good body and good reach of neck. Loving the budda's thumb print on top of her head, shown in good condition BV