Spring Open Show
4th March 2017
Reserve Best in Show
Sleepyhollow Mimi Mr T Allcock

Best Puppy in Show
Sangria Midorchi Motivation Mr G Farmer

Best Red & White
Bonniroy Yumi Aka at Yama
Mrs S & Mrs G. Vincent & Speight

Best Red & White Puppy
Alstella Pure Gold
Mrs C & Mrs S. Reeves-Sargeant & Diment

1, Homerbrent Shirakawa
1, Sharlarna's The Magician Mr C Young
2, Sangria Pamosill Private Eye Mr G Farmer
3, Javalcy Rock on Tommy Ms J Thomas
4, Alstella Pure Gold Mrs C & Mrs S. Reeves-Sargeant & Diment
5, Alstella Firecracker Mrs C & Mrs S. Reeves-Sargeant & Diment
1, Sangria Midorchi Motivation Mr G Farmer
2, Sharlarna's The Magician Mr C Young
3, Corrinwood Funtime Frankie at Javalcy Ms J Thomas
1, Yama Teddy Edward Mrs S Vincent
2, Zhorzh Marshal at Javalcy Ms J Thomas
3,Utsukkushi Snap The Dragon Mr C Young
1, Sleepyhollow Olaf Mr T Allcock
2, Sangria War Lord Mr G Farmer
3, Bonniroy Yumi AKA at Yama Mrs S & Mrs G. Vincent & Speight
4, Arranbrook Eyecatcher Mr J & Mrs L Basing
1, Sharlarna Just The Ticket Mrs P Martin
2, Javalcy Bugsy Malone Ms J Thomas
3, Tillashby Arubato Ms Z & Ms J Godbehere
4, Sharlarna The Tempest At Amronchi Mrs N George
5, Isami At Javalcy Ms J Thomas
1, Sangria Back To The Future Mr G Farmer
2, Charnell Kenji At Tillashby Ms Z & Ms J Godbehere
3, Yama Jimmy Choo Mrs S Vincent
4, Vogues Roiyaru Kotogara Alstella NAF TAF Mrs C & Mrs S. Reeves-Sargeant & Diment
5, Wyndcatch Take it Easy Mr D & Ms S Blow & Allen
1, Sangria Riverdance Mr G Farmer
2, Amantra Shoji Mrs T Jackson
3, Javalcy Bit of Razzle Dazzle Mr R & Mrs M Rhodes & Vincent
4, Yama I'm Kimi At Amronchi Mrs N George
Special Open Red/White Dog or Bitch
1, Bonniroy Yumi Aka At Yama
2, Alstella Pure Gold
Best Dog Sangria River Dance
Reserve Best Dog Sleepyhollow Olaf
Best Puppy Dog Sangria Midorchi Motivation
1, Cranvarl Le Mistrall Mrs L Crane
2, Seafar Diamonds and Pearls Mrs L Ratter
3, Wyndcatch Constance Mrs J Smith
4, Sharlarna Make My Day At Threadgold Mr S & Mrs S Hudson & Steele
1, Sharlarna Miss Fame At Harlouville Mrs T Quinn
2, Tillashby Hidenka Mrs J Allitt
1, Yama Jasmin Sleepyhollow Mr A Allcock
2, Sangria Faberge Mr G Farmer
1, Choya Masashi At Aylnamm Mrs C Lamyman
2, Javalcy Bit Of Va Va Voom Ms J Thomas
3 Seafar Diamonds and Pearls Mrs L Ratter
1, Yama Aurora Mrs S Vincent
2, Shardlow Kiss Me Sugar Sugar Mr A & Mrs J Paradise
1, Sleepyhollow Mary Poppins JW Mrs L Crane
1, Sleepyhollow Mimi Mr A Allcock
2, Tillashby Kimika Mrs J Allitt
3, Ch. Sidlyn Wind Of Change with Cranval JW Mrs L Crane
4, Shardlow Knickerboka Glory Sh.CM Mr A Paradise
Best Bitch Sleepyhollow Mimi
Reserve Best Bitch Tillashby Kimika
Best Puppy Bitch Cranvarl Le Mistrall
I thoroughly enjoyed my judging appointment, which I consider an honour to have been asked, and would like to thank the committee for putting me forward, and club members for giving me the opportunity to judge some beautiful dogs, and for such a quality entry. Also my thanks to my two able stewards Jayne Tong and Rhonda Banks for making my day an easy one. Having not been around the shows for a considerable time, I enjoyed being able to judge the dogs with a fresh eye, and I found some really lovely quality dogs which I think bodes well for the future.
Veteran Dog or Bitch: (2-1)
Steele's Homerbrent Shirakawa. Although standing alone in this class, I have long admired this young man in his heyday. A delightful boy who belies his 9 years with attractive style head, rounded skull, good width of muzzle, with lovely eyes, showing just the right amount of white in the corners. Good width and depth of forechest and moderate neck length. Short compact body with good tailset and carriage. Moved well around the ring and a well deserved BVIS
Minor Puppy Dog: (7-0) A qaulity class where I am sure these three will change places many times.
Young's Sharlana's Magician. Delightful striking young man of just six months, with extrovert outlook and enjoying his day out. Very attractive head, with lovely round eye showing the desired white. Good neck and shoulder placement, with a spirit level topline, high tailset held close over back. Strode out with style.
Farmer's Sangria Pamojill Private Eye. Another lovely boy of almost 9 months. Well marked coat coming in nicely. Good neck & shoulder placement, with excellent topline. Good rear angulation, moving with verve and drive.
Thomas's Javalcy Rock on Tommy.
Puppy Dog: (3-0)
Farmer's Middorchi Motivation of Sangria. Eye catching dog of 10 months. Very glamorous coat. Lovely head, good width of skull, nicely rounded, framed by well set ears. Beautiful eyes showing a small amount of white in the corners, giving the astonished look all in proportion. Good forechest and nice straight front. Excellent neck, flowing into well laid shoulder placement with level topline. Well turned stifle. Moved stylishly around the ring, with a happy disposition. Well deserved BPIS
Young's Sharlana's Magician.
Thomas's Corrinwood Funtime Frankie at Javalcy.
Junior Dog: (4-1)
Vincent's Yama Teddy Edward. Very smart glamorous boy, large dark eyes with small amount of white in the corners, set wide apart. Glamorous head with a well cushioned muzzle, who underneath his wealth of coat, is beautifully made and well balanced, good length of neck and well laid shoulders, good width & depth of forechest. Moved well, but unfortunately in the challenge lost his sparkle. A lovely breed type.
Thomas's Zhorzh Marshal at Javalcy (Imp Rus). Another smart nicely marked boy unfortunate to meet class winner today. Attractive head, short, well cushioned muzzle, eyes nicely spaced apart. Lovely face markings, giving a soft expression. Moderate length of neck, good shoulder placement, good depth and width of forechest and nice tight elbows. Good topline & tailset and good rear angulation. Moved with drive.
Young's Utsukushi Snap The Dragon.
Novice Dog: (5-1)
Allcock's Sleepyhollow Olaf. Small boy that took my eye as soon as he walked into the ring who had that aire of look at me, and a get up and go attitude. Nicely made throughout and carrying a good coat in lovely condition. Moved with plenty of drive. RBD
Farmer's Sangria War Lord. Nicely made small boy. Broad skull, nicely rounded, but not domed. Good eyes well spaced apart. Excellent reach of neck flowing into well laid shoulder placement. Nice all round make and shape. Moved and showed well.
Vincent & Speight's Boniroy Yumi Aka at Yama
Post Graduate Dog: (8-0) Lovely class and all three so unlucky to meet each other here.
Martin's Sharlarna Just the Ticket. Small dainty glamorous coated boy, with an attractive head, and beautiful eyes showing white in the corners, moderate bone,very nicely made throughout, good neck and lay of shoulder with a level topline and moving stylishly
Rhodes & Vincent's Javalcy Bugsy Malone. Another glamorous boy with a beautiful head piece, well cushioned muzzle, and correct eye, good neck flowing into well laid shoulders. Good angulations, moving true.
Godbehere's Tilashby Arubato
Limit Dog: (11-1) Some super dogs in this class and just not enough prize cards.
Farmer's Sangria Back to the Future. Lovely head with large eyes set wide apart, framed by nicely rounded skull, good ear set and fringing giving a soft expression. Excellent neck and shoulder placement with good straight front and good angulations at rear. Moved stylishly.
Godbehere's Charnell Kenji at Tillashby. Another lovely boy so unfortunate to meet class winner. Good head properties, and nice all round make and shape. In good coat and excellent condition. Moved and showed well.
Vincent's Yama Jimmy Choo
Open Dog (6-2)
Farmer's Sangria Riverdancer. Another beautiful boy from this kennel who exudes breed type, with coat in excellent condition, and presented to perfection. Very stylish with a glamorous broad head rounded but not domed, and beautiful correct eyes, well spaced apart all framed by lovely ear fringes giving a soft open expression. Super length of neck flowing into a well laid shoulder placement and spirit level topline. Good width of chest and tight elbows, with a nicely rounded ribcage.Well turned stifles and good strong hind quarters. Moving with style, and delighted to award him BIS.
Jackson’s Amantra Shoji. Pretty boy, very attentive to his handler. Lovely head, with large dark eyes, nicely made throughout and carrying himself well.
Rhodes & Vincent's Javalcy Bit of Razzle Dazzle
Special Open Red & White Dog or Bitch (4-2)
Vincent & Speight's Bonniroy Yumi Aka at Yama. Attractive headed boy in excellent coat of good condition. with nice dark eyes with small amount of white giving the correct astonished look. Good length of neck flowing into well laid shoulders and good topline. Moved steadily and true. BR/WIS
Reeves-Sargant & Diment's Alstella Pure Gold. Very promising puppy of super rich colour, lovely head, broad skull, lovely dark eyes, showing a small amount of white giving the look of astonishment Good reach of neck, with good topline, tailset and carriage. Moved steadily for a youngster. BR/WPIS
Minor Puppy Bitch (8-2)
Crane's Cranvarl Le Mistrall. Very pretty girl, lovely shape. Good neck & shoulder placement. Level topline, good tailset and carriage. Carrying a lovely coat for a youngster in good condition. Moved well and at one with her handler.
Ratter's Seafar Diamonds and Pearls. Very much the baby and a happy disposition, who was enjoying herself. Sweet head and expression with nice dark eyes. Nicely made and moved well.
Smith's Wyndcatch Constance
Puppy Bitch (2-0)
Quinn's Sharlarna's Miss Fame at Harlouville. Exuberant pretty little girl, lightly marked coat of good condition. Lovely outline, feminine and dainty keeping a good topline standing and on the move, good tailset and carriage. Moved well with plenty of verve.
Allitt's Tilashby Hidenka. Nice type with pretty head with good eyes. Good neck and shoulders and nicely made. Not too sure of herself on the move, just needs to build her confidence more.
Junior Bitch (3-1)
Allcock's Yama Jasmin Sleepyhollow. Striking bitch, nicely marked and ideal for size. Lovely head and eyes with good reach of neck and lay of shoulder. Nice straight front, good topline, and good rear angulations. Moved well with plenty of drive.
Farmer's Sangria Faberge. Nice head with large eyes and good expression. Lovely make and shape, good width of forechest. Well balanced with good turn of stifle. Moved true.
Novice Bitch (4-1w/d)
Lamyman's Choya Masashi at Aylanamm. Nice type bitch, neat and compact. Good width of forechest and nice good straight front, would prefer a little more neck. Good topline and good angulations. Moved well.
Thomas's Javalcy A Bit of Va Va Voom. Very pretty girl, all round nicely made and lovely for size. Disappointingly wasn't making the most of herself standing, but moved well.
Ratter's Seafar Diamonds and Pearls
Post Graduate Bitch (8-6)
George's Yama Aurora. Pretty head and lovely eyes, sweetest expression, all framed by beautiful ear fringes. Good neck and shoulders with level topline and tailset and carriage. Lovely profile outline. And moving well.
Paradise's Shardlow Kiss Me Sugar Sugar. Another pretty girl, with good neck and shoulders, good width and depth of forechest. Good tailset and carriage and moderate angulations. Not quite as positive in movement as class winner.
Limit Bitch (4-3)
1.Crane's Sleepyhollow Mary Poppins. Stood alone in this class, but nevertheless a beautiful quality girl straight from the top draw. Beautifully marked and excels in make and shape and moves well. I am sure she will have a bright future.
Open Bitch (5-1)
Allcock's Sleepyhollow Mimi. Beautiful girl of ideal size & proportions. Prettiest of heads and lovely eyes, good depth of forechest, and a nice straight front. Good neck and shoulders flowing into a level topline with correct high set tail and carried tight over back. Good rear angulation. All framed with a glamorous coat in excellent condition. Moved beautifully around the ring. Delighted to award her a well deserved Best Bitch & BOS
Allitt's Tilashby Kimika. Another beautiful dainty girl in a neat little package. Sweetest head and expression, lovely eyes, showing just the right amount of white in the corners. Moderate length of neck, good shoulders and topline. Good angulations. Although not carrying the coat and finish of 1 had nothing to hide. Carried herself and moved well. RBB
Crane's Ch. Sidlyn Wind of Change with Cranvarl JW
Linda Flynn (Judge)