Welsh Kennel Results 2017
Judge: Mrs R Parry
BEST OF BREED : 744 ALLCOCK MBE Mr A Ch Sleepyhollow Robson JW Sh.CM
Dog CC : 744 ALLCOCK MBE Mr A Ch Sleepyhollow Robson JW Sh.CM
Res Dog CC : 777 MCLEOD Mrs J E Dunline Oh What A Night Sh.CM
Bitch CC : 784 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Stepheter Wanna Shout For Rakuchin
Res Bitch CC : 746 ALLCOCK MBE Mr A Sleepyhollow Mimi
Best Puppy : 809 VINCENT Mrs S C Yama Here Comes Kitty
Best Veteran : 784 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Stepheter Wanna Shout For Rakuchin
Class 179 VD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 776 MCLEOD Mrs J E Sleepyhollow Knight And Day At Dunline JW Sh.CM
Class 180 MPD (5 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 757 FARRUGIA, Mr N & FARRUGIA Mr J T Yama Touch Of Class Avec Cholas
2nd: 805 TONG Miss J Dalehouse Golden Jei Jakconas
Class 181 PD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 768 HUDSON, Mr S & STEELE Mrs S E Sharlarna Elvis At Threadgold
2nd: 816 WHITE Mr & Mrs J & S J Palteemoor Prince Zazuki
Class 182 JD (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 811 VINCENT, Mrs S & SPEIGHT Mrs G Bonniroy Yumi Aka At Yama
2nd: 812 WALLHEAD Mrs J Sleepyhollow Lester At Merida
3rd: 753 FARMER Mr G Sangria Pamojill Private Eye
Res: 799 TALBOT Mr & Mrs M & S Sangria Pamogill Playboy
VHC: 802 THOMAS Ms J Corrinwood Funtime Frankie At Javalcy
Class 183 PGD (6 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 763 GEORGE Mrs N Sharlarna The Tempest At Amronchi
2nd: 754 FARMER Mr G Sangria Midorchi Motivation
3rd: 803 THOMAS Ms J Javalcy Rock On Tommy
Res: 766 HUBBLE Mr D Dabrives Silver Chalice
VHC: 789 ROBINSON Miss D J Suzume Uccellino De Imperium Auri At Midorchi (Imp
Class 184 LD (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 804 TONG Miss J Sleepyhollow Rheingold
2nd: 783 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Rakuchin Kenji Na
3rd: 808 VINCENT Mrs S C Yama Teddy Edward
Res: 800 TALBOT Mr & Mrs M & S Dalehouse Coeur De Lion At Silmacs
Class 185 OD (9 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 744 ALLCOCK MBE Mr A Ch Sleepyhollow Robson JW Sh.CM
2nd: 777 MCLEOD Mrs J E Dunline Oh What A Night Sh.CM
3rd: 756 FARMER Mr G Sangria Riverdancer
Res: 770 JACKSON Mrs T M Amantra Shoji
VHC: 773 LINDSAY, Miss L & PIPE Mrs C L Sleepyhollow Baroque At Anjuli Sh.CM
Class 186 VB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 784 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Stepheter Wanna Shout For Rakuchin
2nd: 749 BURDEN Mr & Mrs I & L Sangria Shakira Of Sheonagh
Class 187 MPB (9 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 809 VINCENT Mrs S C Yama Here Comes Kitty
2nd: 791 ROONEY, Mr S J & GREEN Mr & Mrs J A Swifthocks Paws For Thought
3rd: 745 ALLCOCK MBE Mr A Sleepyhollow La La Land
Res: 751 CRANE Mrs L Sleepyhollow Doris of Cranvarl
VHC: 765 HOSKINS Mrs K & Miss L Dalehouse Jasmin Pearl at Lukach
Class 188 PB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 747 BANKS Ms R Damheadbrigg Kimiko Of Choya
2nd: 769 HUDSON, Mr S & STEELE Mrs S E Sharlarna Make My Day At Threadgold
3rd: 767 HUBBLE, Mr D & SUMMERBELL Mr B Dabrives Fields Of Silver
Class 189 JB (6 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 774 LINDSAY, Miss L & PIPE Mrs C L Anjuli Beryl
2nd: 752 CRANE Mrs L Cranvarl Le Mistrall
3rd: 782 OATRIDGE Mrs C M Dalehouse Iponema
Res: 787 PEARSON Ms I Ereste Touch Of Class
Class 190 PGB (7 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 813 WALLHEAD Mrs J Choya Carolina
2nd: 780 MOUNTCASTLE Mrs & Miss A & H Sleepyhollow As Good As Gold
3rd: 788 PEARSON Ms I Ereste Naughty But Nice
Res: 793 ROSE Mrs C H Fluffy Fantasy Eiko At Rossyn
Class 191 LB (7 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 790 ROBINSON Miss D J Midorchi Make Believe
2nd: 786 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Yama Moonlight Over Rakuchin
3rd: 814 WALLHEAD Mrs J Choya Kinuko At Merida
Res: 750 BURDEN Mr & Mrs I & L Sangria Celebration Of Sheonagh
VHC: 795 ROWLEY, Mr M H & WALLHEAD Mrs J Sleepyhollow Tikle My Fancy At Merida
Class 192 OB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 746 ALLCOCK MBE Mr A Sleepyhollow Mimi
2nd: 775 LINDSAY, Miss L & PIPE Mrs C L Sleepyhollow Mavis At Anjuli JW
3rd: 815 WALLHEAD Mrs J Ch Kochou's Rita-haywooth Sleepyhollow
I would like to thank the committee of the welsh kennel club for inviting me to judge this lovely breed and a big thank you to my two professional stewards for all their hard work
Vet D (1) 1 Mcleod Sleepyhollow knight and day at Dunline JW Sh Cm, beautiful head with a charming expression, lovely dark eyes, with just a touch of white showing nice neck and well laid back shoulders level topline and good tailset showed really well today
MPD (5,3) 1 Farrugia's Yama Touch of class Avec Cholas, so well balanced and in splendid coat, lovely head with good finish to foreface, lovely shape with nice cobby body, correct tail carriage, a real showman BPD. 2 Tong's Dalehouse Golden Jei Jakcomas, R/W 7 months, not as mature or as confident as first, but still a promising puppy that needs time.
PD (3,1) 1 Hudson & Steele's Sharlarna Elvis at Threadgold, nice well balanced puppy in lovely coat and condition, nicely marked, lovely head and expression stylish mover, kept his topline on the move. 2 White's Palteemoor Prince Zazuki, not as balanced as first, pleasing head, level topline, good tailset.
JD (5) 1 Vincent & Spreight's Bonniroy Yumi aka at Yama, well balanced male, lovely head and expression, in splendid coat, good layback of shoulder, straight front with nice bone, correct tail carriage, lovely mover. 2 's Sleepyhollow lester at Merida, another nice male, not as cobby as first but has plenty of time on his side as he is still a puppy, lovely head and expression, good topline and clean sound mover. 3 Farmer's Sangria pamojill Private Eye.
PGD (6,1) 1 Sharlarna the Tempest at amronchi, nice eye catching male, well balanced, beautiful head eye and expression, well constructed, good layback of shoulder, nicely marked, moved with style. 2 Farmer Sangria Midorchi Motivation, another lovely male, lovely head, dark eye showing a little white giving him the correct expression, nice straight front, good topline, not as out going as first. 3 Thomas Rock on Tommy.
LD (5,1) 1 Tong's Sleepyhollow Rheingold, very smart boy in super condition, in a quality class. well balanced, lovely head, eye and expression with good finish to muzzle, nice straight front, good topline, lovely mover. 2 pearce & Hann Rakuchin Kenji Na, this is another quality male, loved his head, dark eye showing white giving him that look of astonishment, he is so well constructed and balanced, lovely topline and tailset and he is getting more confident at each show - one to watch. 3 Vincent Yama Teddy Edward.
OD (9,2) 1 Allcock's MBE Ch Sleepyhollow Robson JW SH CM, what a handsome young male, so well balanced with good cobby body, layback of shoulder and turn of stifle, so sound and impressive on the move, he is in full coat which is in immaculate condition, lovely straight front and well muscled hindquarters, level topline standing and on the move, a credit to his owner. DCC and BOB. 2 Mcleod Dunline Oh What A Night SH CM, another lovely young male, beautiful head and expression, lovely eye, good front, well laid shoulders, level topline, good tailset, nice turn of stifle, lovely sound stylish mover in lovely condition RCC. 3 Farmer Sangria Riverdance.
VB (2) 1 Pearce & Hann Stepheter Wanna Shout for Racuchin, what a beautiful bitch with the most beautiful head and expression, she just doesn't stop showing demanding attention, she owns the ring, she is so well constructed, just loved her size and shape, lovely straight front, well laid shoulders, level topline, such a sound mover and in gleaming condition, it was a pleasure to award her the CC and BV. 2 Burden Sangria Shakira of Sheonagh, another lovely veteran, pleasing head and expression, nice eye, good neck and shoulders in lovely condition.
MPB (9,1) 1 Vincent Yama Here Comes Kitty, what a super class of puppies, compact little bitch, well ribbed cobby body, beautiful head and dark eyes, lovely ear placement, good front, well laid shoulders, excellent topline, lovely tail carried over her back, in top condition, coat of correct texture, one to watch for the future, such a sound clean mover BP in Breed. 2 Rooney & Green Swifthocks Paws for Thought, another quality young lady, very pretty head with lovely expression, nice straight front, well laid shoulders, excellent topline and tail carriage. 3 Allcock's MBE Sleepyhollow La La Land.
PB (3) 1 Banks Damheadbrigg Kimiko of Choya, another nice class of bitches, very pretty nicely balanced in head, liked her construction, cobby and compact with correct tail set, neat hare feet and good tail set. 2 Hudson & Steele's Sharlarna Make my Day at Threadgold, another lovely bitch, very feminine head, nice eye with look of astonishment, level topline and correct tail set. 2 Hubble & Summerbell Dabrives Fields of Silver.
JB (6,2) 1 Lindsay & Pipe Anjuli Beryl, lovely head with correct eyes, well set ears, good reach of neck, firm topline, in lovely coat and condition, moved soundly. 2 Crane Cranvarl le Mistrall, another lovely bitch but she was out of coat, but she has nothing to hide, very pretty head, good front, lovely topline, stylish mover. 3 Oatridge Dalehouse Iponema.
PGB (7,3) 1 Wallhead Choya Carolina, nice quality bitch, so much to like about her, such a pretty head, lovely eye, nice ear set, good neck, well laid shoulders, good topline and tail set, in lovely coat, sound mover. 2 Mountcastle Sleepyhollow as Good as Gold, another quality girl in super condition and handled so well, lovely coat texture, gentle head with dark eye, well cushioned muzzle, sound mover. 3 Pearson Ereste Naughty But Nice.
LB (7,2) 1 Robinson Midorchi Make Believe, very sound moving bitch in lovely coat, very pretty head, nice neck, good front, well laid shoulders, nice angulation, never stopped showing. 2 Pearce & Hann Yama Moonlight over Rakuchin, another sound moving bitch, lightly marked, nice head, well cushioned muzzle, good topline and tail set. 3 Wallhead Choya Kinuko at Merida.
OB (4,1) 1 Allcock MBE Sleepyhollow Mimi, another lovely class of quality bitches beautiful head lovely dark eye softly cushioned muzzle, moderate neck, lovely front, excellent topline, coat of silky texture and in top condition as always from this kennel RCC. 2 Lindsay & Pipe Sleepyhollow Mavis at Anjuli JW, another lovely bitch, just love her expression, deep chest and good spring of rib, level topline, correct tail set using happily on the move, sound mover. 3 Wallhead Ch Kochou's Rita Haywooth Sleepyhollow
Raye Parry